
I am in the PJ universe now!

Aiden died and was reincarnated into the world of Naruto. After defeating Kaguya and achieving the peak that is possible in that world, he is in dire need of a vacation. Follow Aiden as he hops into the world of Percy Jackson and witnesses everything since the beginning of time.

Raj_Chatterpaji · Book&Literature
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(A/N- The first two chapters were a bit subpar since I hate writing fluffy things. This chapter onwards I am going plus ultra so Happy Reading!)

It has been a few million years since the Big Bang. I and Chaos are really happy with each other and we even have kids. Yup, we are the first parents in this cosmos. Parenting has been really fun because it has all the aspects of raising a cute mortal baby minus all the diaper changing and potty training... I know y'all are crazy jealous but I just can't help it, *Shrug*, cause these are just some quirks that come with raising super-powered children.

Did I mention them being like crazy ass strong? I will tell it again, they are hella strong; I mean their powers just keep running wild and I am like the only one who actually trains them. You might think that bring the creator of all existence of this plane, Chaos will be good at parenting? Nope, she is utter trash at it. This kept going on and on, so she made me handle them.

Now, let me talk about my cosmic being level kids,

My eldest is a son, his name is Chronus. Not Kronos, the baddie that comes later on(A/N- Note that the MC actually read all of Rick sensei's books during his time on Earth.), but Chronus. He is the actual Ruler of Time. He can reverse time, stop it but cannot move it further because I prohibited him to do so.

Chronus is a real chill guy, I mean he is like the kid who loves to play catch with his dad, helps his mom with her chores, that type. All his siblings do look up to him a lot and obviously, do respect him. If I had some beer we would be chilling and watching the universe work. I could create beers, but I will leave it up to the humans. Fun fact, Chronus was born immediately after the big bang. I will leave it up to you.

My second child is Gaia. The second big baddy. And let me tell you, she is nothing like she would be in the future. Being my first daughter, I am really proud to say that I spoiled her rotten. Whatever she wished for, with a snap of my finger, voila. That is actually how I created the Solar System. On her nth millionth birthday, she told me she is going to create a planet with all greenery, mountains, and stuff. She didn't want her neighborhood all barren so I just created the solar system from the memory of my 1st life.

(A/N- The majority of Aiden's power is to destroy but he gets a little creative power. But he can create only planets. That's his limit. Same thing but inverse for Chaos. Kinda like a Yin and Yang)

Let's keep this one a secret, Gaia is a real daddy's girl. LOL

My third kid is Tartarus. He really isn't scary. He is just a real big tsundere. He just can't be upfront with his feelings and puts on that doom and gloom aura. That guy is a real cry baby, I mean it is too cute to see when one of your kids tries to put on a real mature and scary aura but ends up with a chubby pout.

I am really ashamed to admit this, but I squeal. Yup, I squeal. When you have kids as cute as mine, you would want to just glomp them hard. And I do it even now. Even if they are like millions of years old, fully grown adults, I dote on them all the time even if they are fully capable. I am proud of it.

My fourth kid is Nyx. A daughter. And I spoiled her rotten. Who says you have to spoil only your eldest daughter? Once, she didn't talk to me for full 30 mins (courtesy of Chronus), I sat at the corner and started drawing circles on the ground with a depressive aura around me. When her cute voice (aah my angel) asked me what happened, I told her so and so. She was really trying her best not to cry. I couldn't hold it in much longer and I squealed looking at the personification of cuteness. She will grow up to be a stunner and any guy who approaches her will be wiped out of existence.

My youngest kid (and hopefully not the last, Chaos please!!) is Erebus. This kid is stuck in an eternal chuunibyou. I mean seriously, all he talks about is how the shadows of darkness will erupt asunder which had been lying dormant in his left hand if I were to make him play 'date' with his sisters. I am not into cross-dressing but he looks like a real girl in a dress.

An incident took place which got me an upper hand over my wife. It was our first argument ever after our wedding. My momentum kept clashing with hers and all my children were standing beside us trying to gather their bearings.

Seeing that this could no longer go on, Chronus flared his momentum trying to stop us.

"Dad, mom calm down, if you keep doing this you are going to tear this place down," he said with sweat? (what is the primordial equivalent of sweat?). "All my brothers and sisters are not doing good"

Now the one thing Chronus knows about me is that I will start freaking out even if I see a small scratch on my children. I am like a mama bear in this case.

And sure enough, I see my kids sweating? rather profusely. Gaia is trying to flare her momentum too but she isn't making much of a difference. Tartarus is trying to keep up his stoic look which is completely betrayed by his quivering lips and the unshed tears welling up in his eyes. Nyx is stuck to my leg openly bawling and Erebus has passed out already.

Looking at them, I completely erase my momentum. Chaos notices it she too does so. With a swipe of her arm, all our kids are in optimal condition.

Gaia asks us, "What has got both of you so riled up? This is the first time this has happened isn't it?"

Nyx bobs her head, "Yes I was really scared. Daddy and Mommy were really scary then." She replies while whimpering.

Look at her, I picked her up and sat her on my arm, giving her a peck on her cheeks, and rubbed her back soothingly, "I am so sorry my angel" (Yup, I call her an angel. Deal with it... Gaia is princess btw), "Me and mommy had been discussing something rather seriously and it got out of hand for a moment there."

All of them were staring at us with a 'go on' expression.

I cleared my throat and put on my 'no shit' expression.

I called out to them, "Kids," they unconsciously straightened their backs. They have never heard me this serious. They should be, it is that important. "I am going to ask you 1 question, answer truthfully". They audibly gulped.

I narrow my eyes and ask them, "Who do you like the most; Daddy or Mommy"

The kids roll their eyes and groan

"Dad seriously! This is what both of you have been arguing about?!" Gaia asks me in an exasperated tone.

"Of course princess, this is a really important topic. Now tell me, whom do you love the most."



Ok in all seriousness, I will be speeding up the events from the next chapter up till the overthrowing of Kronos, so look forward to it. Happy reading!

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