
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · ファンタジー
80 Chs

CHAPTER 42.5 A small adventure with a loli.

CHAPTER 42.5 A small adventure with a loli.

(Pov- Kei.)

I knew this moment would come.

I felt it in my gut.

I was ready.

I was looking forward to it.

My poor, humble heart was at its limit.

The clichéd moment.

The protagonist's loli!

"Mmm... I don't think she's in the north. Let's look for your mother in the south of the city."

"Let's go!" said the little girl as she played with my ears.

Right now, I'm carrying an 8-year-old girl on my shoulders.

Why? She got lost.

And this little girl is not just any normal girl that you can find anywhere, this girl is extremely special. A truly unique case!

An hour ago, I decided to go out and buy food. I wanted to keep experimenting with my recipes.

In this city, I have to use my adventurer form. I don't want to attract attention by using my normal form.

Kei Molfer is extremely popular, and I don't want the name of Crisfa to be overshadowed.

I want Crisfa to be one of the most representative adventurers in the country, which is why I have to make sure that Kei Molfer doesn't stand out so much, at least for a year, so Crisfa's popularity will grow like foam.

And when I manage to be as popular as Crisfa, maintaining a double life will be much easier, and now more than ever, I need that. The demons already know about Drin's betrayal, and it's only a matter of time before they have me as one of their main targets, since I was able to convince Drin to betray them. Not worrying about that would be a fatal mistake, and I'm sure they wouldn't make such a mistake.

"Excuse me, miss, I want a bag of blue apples."

Yes, blue ones. There's very rare food in this world. Delicious, but rare. Although the rarest food my mouth has tasted is cotton candy made with human blood... My mother really scares me, and I hate that I liked her recipe, although I have to admit that my blood is quite delicious with sugar. My mother made cotton candy with my blood after I called her "temperamental old lady" and she broke my face. Lesson learned.

After paying, I took the bag and headed to another stall.

"Excuse me, sir, I want to buy seasonings, vegetables, and meat."

After spending more than 550 gold coins, I put the purchases in my magic ring.

"It will be enough for now... What will I cook for dinner?" I said, as I was about to go home.

My original plan was to go back home and cook a delicious apology dinner for the girls, as I still had to tell them about Mia and Treka, but the crying of a little girl changed my plans completely.

I heard the crying of a girl quite close by and immediately set out to help her.

"Someone is in trouble."

I headed towards the source of the crying, which was coming from inside an alley.

An alley in a big city will always be a sign of something very bad, so I became more worried, as I thought someone was trying to kill a little girl. I was already mentally preparing myself to see a dead girl.

The crying sounded closer and I hastened my steps.

When I reached the end of the alley, I saw nothing, but the crying continued. That was impossible, as there was no one in this place.

I looked around for answers, but there was no one.

I thought that maybe so many hits to the head had made me crazy, but a sensation in my left shoe brought me back to my senses.

It was impossible for me to go crazy, that crying was really being caused by someone, but I never expected it to be caused by "that".


Something was touching my shoe. Something elastic and soft, like a water-filled balloon.

I looked down and a mixture of emotion and surprise flooded my being.

A Slime?! A Slime was crying?! I never expected to see that in my life.

"Wh-what? You were crying? So cute!"

The Slime grew in size and began to take human form.

I just stood there watching, full of emotion. I had only known wild Slimes, it was the first time I had ever met a Slime that could cry and change shape.

I knew that Slime could be dangerous, maybe it was a demon or something, but my instinct told me it was not evil, that's why I wasn't scared or worried.

And that Slime turned into a little girl!

"I'm lost! Please, help me!" she said pleadingly, joining both hands and looking me in the eye with those tearful eyes.

"Wait... I recognize this scene! It's the cliche Slime loli! The famous Slime from the isekai." I thought excitedly.

This is one of the many clichés that isekai stories have! I definitely had to take advantage of the opportunity!

"Great, an intelligent Slime! Don't worry, little one, I'll help you."

This was very suspicious, but I had to help her. I didn't dare to reject an adorable little girl.

Also, I didn't feel any malice in her words, she really was telling the truth. She's just a lost little girl, it's my duty to help her get back home!

"Really?! You're not scared of me?!"

Hearing her say that hurt me, because she possibly has lived her whole life hidden, afraid of being killed just because she's considered a "monster".

The fact that she revealed her identity to me, a stranger, only confirms the obvious. She's just an innocent little girl who wants to go home. If she were an adult or a little more mature, she wouldn't have revealed her identity so easily, because she would know that it could cost her her life. You were very lucky that it was me who found you, little one! Don't worry, I'll make sure you get back home safe and sound!

"Fear? You don't scare me, little girl. Fufu. I've seen worse things. To me, you're just a little girl who wants to go back home."

I've seen some really scary things in my life. For example, Drin.

She still hates humans. And when we kill bandits, she takes advantage of the situation to torture them, as a way of keeping her bloodlust under control.

I remember once she cooked a bandit's foot and made her eat it... I wanted to stop her, but I knew it was necessary. Demons hate humans too much... If I want Drin to not accidentally kill someone, she has to use all her accumulated hatred towards bad people. That's why she's allowed to torture the most evil bandits.

Something extremely cruel, but also very necessary.

"Yes, and even worse... I'm interested in why you're a Slime, but I suppose you have your reasons. Let's go find your parents."

"Thank you, big brother!"

...That phrase...

"Big brother? I'm not your brother, but you can call me Crisfa. That's my name."

"Thank you, Crisfa!"

That phrase... Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Little girls in this world don't call people who aren't truly their big brothers "big brother." Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I don't want to risk the possibility that someone sent her to confirm that I'm the hero Kei.

Someone in my world would instantly recognize that phrase, but I pretended to find it strange that she said that.

I won't fall easily into traps like this, but I really feel kindness in this girl, so I won't be too suspicious, just a little bit.

The girl is very funny. She taught me Slime tricks. She could change shape, stretch, and divide. She was really an intelligent and amazing Slime.

I wanted her as a companion, but she and her family are normal. She said her magical power is weak and her dream is to be a teacher. I don't want to ruin a little girl's dream. I must find my loli somewhere else... Does Nem count as a loli? I think so.

This girl is only strange in that she's a Slime, but that's all. I won't put her in danger just for my selfish desires.

After 2 hours of searching, we found her mother. She was a very young girl, I thought she was her older sister, but the girl called her mom. The girl was 8 years old and her mother looked like she was 15... Genetics are amazing in this world.

Something disturbing and disgusting if you think too much about it, but amazing.


The girl hugged her mother. How cute.

I would like to talk more with them and ask more about intelligent Slimes, but I don't want to put them in danger. I'm dangerous, it's best to stay away from innocent and weak people.

"You should take better care of your daughter. By the way, are you a Slime too? Why are you intelligent?"

A quick little question and I'm gone, that's it, I swear.

"Slimes are intelligent. I evolved and adopted a human form. My daughter inherited that."

"I see. Interesting."

So the theory of monsters with feelings turned out to be true, huh? Monsters are also capable of feeling and thinking like a human being. The reason why they always attack humans is because humans have always killed them, which caused monsters to feel the instinct to kill any human they see. Interesting. That could be useful for me in the future.

[Darling! Where are you?! Did they kidnap you?! Don't worry, I'll look for you everywhere! I'll destroy the city if I have to!]

Shit, I know her perfectly well! She's capable of doing that! Uwaaaah! I'm an idiot! I didn't tell them I was helping a little girl!

[Eh?! Don't do anything stupid! I'm fine, don't worry! I'm a bit busy. See you in 5 minutes.]

I cut off the communication and sigh. City, I saved you. You're welcome.

"I have to go. Goodbye."

"Thank you for finding my daughter. Can I know your name?"

"It was nothing. My name is Crisfa, the future Class S adventurer!"

I ran away. Shit, I have a feeling Drin's going to do something stupid!

Hmm... But... That Slime woman... Something about her seemed extremely familiar and... nostalgic? That's weird.

The girl and her alleged mother entered an alleyway and left their performance behind.

"And?" said the "mother."

"I sensed traces of demonic magic in him, Cris. He's not a demon, but I suspect he knows demons well enough to have traces of demonic magic within him. It's very possible that he had sex with a demon today."

"And what do you think of him?"

"He's... kind... I didn't sense any evil in him. He's a fun and good guy... Or so I think. Kei Molfer and Crisfa are so different that I don't know if he's really kind or just excellent at pretending. I think he's really kind, but not 100%."

"Demons know how to hide their feelings... There's a possibility he's a demon... And I was hoping it was Kei... Shit."

"I highly doubt that Kei Molfer is the hero Kei. The heroes already investigated him. Besides, why would hero Kei use such an obvious secret identity? It doesn't make sense... What do we do now?"

"That demon is using Kei's appearance to distract the heroes or something like that... Those traces of demonic magic mean that he was in contact with a demon for a long time. He's definitely connected to a demon... We have to kill him... But we have to investigate him a little more."


Cris, Kei's former best friend, closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Tsk. Damned demon. Why are you using his appearance? I won't forgive you."

And while Cris and her little Slime argue about Kei, he's hanging upside down like a piñata.

"P-please, darling, don't make me do this."

"I don't want to either, nya!"

"I deserve this punishment. I cheated on you. I am a cheater... Please, start. I beg you. If you don't, I'll swim in boiling oil!"

Drin and Eris, realizing that it was impossible to make him change his mind about the punishment, swallowed and raised their fists.

"Sorry!" They both said before starting to beat him like a punching bag.

"I deserve it," Kei thought, remembering the reason for his punishment. Mia and Treka, his new companions.