
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 42 - Daniel

CHAPTER 42 - Daniel

While Drin and Eris were sound asleep, Kei was preparing a sandwich while singing.

He doesn't have time to relax and rest every day, so he tries to make the most of his free time.

Sex doesn't really interest him, which is why he ended things quickly with the girls. Kei only thinks of sex as a thrusting that only gives pleasure to women, so he's not really interested in having sex, as he almost never enjoys it. The only thing he enjoys is seeing his girlfriends satisfied, which is why he has sex with them at least once a day, even though he doesn't enjoy it.

"🎶Oh yeah. After people are born, they just live without more. And... I don't know, I forgot the lyrics... And happiness. The line is a boundary to cross... And your mom is a duck... I forgot the lyrics again... Come on, one more step now.🎶"

Kei licked the mayonnaise off his finger and smiled.

"Something simple, but it fills the stomach."

He finished his sandwich and sat down at the table.

"So many songs I've forgotten... Ah, I miss my world... Well, remembering the past won't help me in anything."

He took a bite of his sandwich, and when he did, a message appeared in Kei's mind.

[Crisfa, Reikme, Daniel, Kei, Daniel.]


Everything around him began to spin and disappeared completely, leaving only darkness. Everything turned completely black and Kei swallowed the piece of sandwich he was chewing.

He didn't seem worried, because he didn't feel any bad feelings or anything really wrong. Kei trusts his instinct quite a bit, so he doesn't worry about this, as he thinks it's not anything bad and that it's just an illusion.

"Again, Fravi? No... This is different... Wow. At least I still have my sandwich."

He took a bite and closed his eyes, savoring the taste in his mouth.

"That magic dust is great! Should I sell it? I'd become a millionaire... Better not, I'm too lazy. Production uses too much magic power, I can't waste it... By the way, who's doing this? I have things to do. Are you trying to scare me or something?"

And without warning, he appeared out of nowhere in a classroom... It was a very... normal... classroom... A classroom from his world... Or at least, similar to his world.

Realizing what had happened, Kei couldn't help but feel surprised, as it had been a long time since he had seen a classroom identical to the classrooms in his world, even some students were using their cell phones.

"Did I come back?! Wow... I admit, Fravi, I got excited for a second. Congratulations, I hate you a little more now. What now?"

A student walked towards him and passed through him, as if Kei were a ghost without a physical body.

"Eh?! Shit, that caught me off guard. Isn't this illusion too weak? I'm starting to doubt how powerful you are, Fravi."

Kei tried to touch him, but his hand went through him... They couldn't touch him and he couldn't touch them.

"What's going on? Wait... Can't they see me? Fufu. I'm like a ghost. Such a weak illusion. What's going on, Fravi? What do you plan to gain from this?"

Kei walked among the students, observing their actions.

Some were studying, while others were talking to their friends and using their phones. Kei really felt like he was in his world again, except for one thing.

"Wow, everyone has black hair. How strange," said Kei.

In Kei's original world, there were a variety of hair colors. It was not uncommon to see people with naturally pink or orange hair.

Kei found it curious that all the students in this place had black hair, as he was used to seeing a variety of hair colors in both his original world and the current world he lived in.

"Nice atmosphere and all, but can I go now, Fravi? I want to make another sandwich," said Kei as he finished his sandwich.

"Fravi isn't doing that."

The Supreme God appeared in front of him and Kei turned to look at him, not knowing who he really was since it was his first time seeing him.

"Hello, Kei," said the Supreme God.

Kei did not feel any hostility or fear, but the appearance of the Supreme God was quite strange to him, especially considering the environment where he was seeing him for the first time.

Kei did not feel that he was a danger, but he kept his distance from him as a precaution because he did not know the Supreme God's intentions.

"Hello? Who are you? Are you a demon?! Let me tell you that I don't care if you have the appearance of a small child, I will kill you without hesitation if you attack me! I have experience killing children... Unfortunately... Oh, I'm a monster... But they attacked me first, I had to defend myself! How was I supposed to know they were small children?! Ahhhhhhh! I will go to hell!"

"Relax. I am your favorite God. I am the Supreme God," said the Supreme God.


Kei immediately kneeled upon hearing this.

"It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty! Can I have your autograph?! What can I do for you?! But first, please give me your autograph, three of them, one for me and the other two for my girlfriends!"

The Supreme God was silent for a couple of seconds, as he thought it would take longer to convince Kei that he was the Supreme God. He did not expect Kei to believe him so easily.

Kei is not an idiot, which is why it seems strange to him that he actually believed him.

"Do you believe me to be that easy? Why don't you at least have some doubt?"

"For some reason, I feel like I can trust you a lot. Also, I doubt that anyone who knows the Supreme God would dare to use his identity. What can I do for you?"

"Good intuition, Kei. Listen carefully. We're in world 15, in the future. You're only here to create a bond with someone very close to you."

"Close? In the future?"

"It's a secret, I can't say anything more."

"I see... the future... I suppose we're not in my original world."

"No, this is another world with technology."

"No wonder everyone here has black hair. It looks so strange."

The door opened and Kei turned to his left to see who had entered, as he realized that everyone had turned to look at the person who had entered and that seemed strange to him, because even those who were studying and those who were distracted using their phones were staring at the person who had entered too much.

When he turned, he saw the reason why everyone had stared at that person.

"Well, well. How handsome... Ahhhhhh! Life is unfair!" said Kei, feeling jealous of that boy.

A very handsome boy entered the classroom and all the girls blushed.

The boy was different from the others. He had a serious expression on his face and his hair was white, unlike his classmates, who had black hair.

And, for some reason, Kei felt sorry for him. He felt that a deep sadness invaded the heart of that boy.

"What's wrong with that boy? For some reason, I feel sadness when I see him. And it's strange that I feel bad for someone as handsome as him. Give me some of your beauty, boy, I need it more!"

"His name is Daniel. (Protagonist of "Humans Against Demons".)"

"Daniel? I see... What envy, he's very handsome. If I were a woman, I would fall in love at first sight. I have to prevent my girlfriends from meeting him, I don't want them to compare me to him."

"You shouldn't feel envy for him. Daniel has suffered several rape attempts since he was a child... And his girlfriend cheated on him with another guy for a long time."

"Ugh. NTR?"

"Yes... for a long time. She had sex with another guy while he was studying. Imagine this. Daniel lived in poverty for almost his entire life. His grandmother was his only relative. He had to study hard to get good grades because he wanted his grandmother to be proud of him... 'My grandmother works so hard for me. I must not disappoint her.' He thought that when he felt tired of studying... And what happened? His girlfriend took advantage of that and cheated on him... After the death of his grandmother, Daniel discovered his girlfriend's infidelity and tried to commit suicide."


Kei couldn't help but cry when he heard that, as the empathetic boy he is, he put himself in Daniel's place and imagined all the pain Daniel must have felt when all of that happened to him.

"Damn it! I feel so powerless! I want to hit that girl!"

"She's already dead... And her lover too."

"Eh? Did Daniel kill her?! I think he overreacted. Y-yes, cheating is unforgivable, but it wasn't necessary to kill her! Why did he do it?! And why isn't he rotting in jail?!"

"Well, you see. He also went to another world... I can't give you details, but a God gave him magic to save a world."

"Oh! Awesome! He's just like me! And I suppose he succeeded."

"It could be said that yes... In that world, a demon violated him... That demon kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and turned her into a demon... The demon discovered the deception and told Daniel. Daniel didn't know that his girlfriend had cheated on him for so long. Obviously, Daniel was furious and..."

"Did he awaken a new power and kill the demon?!"

"No... His companions rescued him and he managed to escape. But before escaping, he kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and killed her. But he didn't kill her because he hated her, he killed her because she was a demon, and that couldn't be changed anymore.

"Oh... I see... And what happened next?"

"He used his magic to return to this world and kill the lover... Well, he didn't kill him. He kidnapped him and returned with his companions."

"And what happened to him?"

"He used his magic to swap the lover's body for a girl's body... And gave him to a group of orcs... I suppose you know what happened next."

Kei smiled as he imagined the lover's fate and began to laugh, as he enjoyed it very much when someone received punishment for their actions.

"A cliché revenge, but I loved it!"

"He has suffered a lot. You shouldn't envy him... He lost friends, family, he was violated... He suffered too much."

"I already realized that... Yeah..."

Kei approached Daniel, who was sitting in his place, reading a book, and pretended to pat his head.

"I hope your life improves, kid."

A girl entered the classroom and approached Daniel (Diana, a character from "Humans Against Demons"). She had two lunches in her hands... Kei recognized those lunches and smiled. Homemade food. He knew by the way she smiled at Daniel and vice versa.

Romantic love.

"Oh, oh... Is he happy now?"

"It could be said that yes."

The girl sat next to him and they started eating together.

Daniel was smiling... He looked happy.

"That girl is his girlfriend, right?"

"Yes, she is... He's similar to you. He had the opportunity to have a harem, but he rejected them all."

"I envy him... He stayed with one... I love Drin and Eris with all my heart, but having a harem is wrong and unfair to them. I wonder if there will be any ability or spell that will allow me to divide my body and soul into several parts, so that each of my girlfriends has a Kei for themselves. It sounds fair."

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes, that each one has a Kei for themselves and they don't have to share."

"I see. Well, I wish you luck in finding a way to achieve it."

Kei sighed disappointedly as he realized he didn't achieve what he wanted to achieve.

"I was hoping you'd take pity on me and teach me how to do that."

"I can't help you."

"Yeah, I figured as much. At least I tried."

"By the way, Daniel... you won't really accept it, will you?" said Diana, Daniel's girlfriend.

This caught Kei's attention and he approached to listen better, as they were speaking quietly to avoid being overheard.

"Accept what?" Kei thought.

"I don't want to go back... I'm useless... They'll find someone better... And I don't want to lose my new life... I have you and the others... I don't want to go back."

"But, Nirfa and the others are in danger."

"The demons have become weaker. They can defeat them... I'm sorry, but let's change the subject... I won't go back..."

Daniel lowered his gaze and Diana stroked his cheek.

"You really suffered a lot in world 1... It's okay, I accept your decision... I'll always be by your side."

"I really needed to hear that."

They brought their lips together and started kissing, and Kei started laughing while patting Daniel on the back.

"Well done, champ! I'm proud of you! Down with the harem!"

A chill ran through his body and he turned around.

The girls were looking at Diana with envy and jealousy, and that scared Kei, as he felt too much hostility from them.

"Wow, the girls are scary."

He turned back to look at Daniel.

He was caressing Diana's hand, while smiling at her, and tears fell from Kei's eyes, as it seemed too moving to him that someone who had suffered so much was finally happy.

Kei couldn't stop crying and the Supreme God offered him a handkerchief.

"Thank you."

Kei took the handkerchief and wiped his tears.

"It's very nice... They tricked him, but he got someone better... I love this ending! Most of the NTR stories that Cris forced me to read always had endings where the man being cheated on never finds out about the cheating, or finds out and decides to masturbate while watching his wife have sex with another man. Yuck. What kind of man would get aroused watching his wife have sex with another man? It doesn't make sense! And the worst part is the men in those stories who decide to accept their wives having sex with other men, because they still love them no matter what... Ahhhhhh!! NTR makes no sense!! Death to NTR!!"

"Ending? This is not the end of the story, at least I hope not... But you can't know more. Your bond with him has been strengthened, let's go back."

Everything disappeared. Everything turned black again.

"Wake up."

And Kei returned to his reality.

Kei slowly opened his eyes. He was sleeping on the table and had the sandwich in his mouth, he hadn't even taken a bite yet.

"Did I fall asleep?" he wondered.

He took the sandwich out of his mouth and yawned.

"I feel like I dreamt something... What was it...? I forgot."

Kei forgot everything that had happened to him.

In Godfer, the Supreme God stood in front of another Supreme God. They were both identical. Why? They're not clones. They are the same person, but from different times.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, thank you for the help."

"But, is it really necessary? I thought Kei was doing a good job."

"Yes... Daniel needs the help of his past lives. He doesn't accept returning."

"I see... Alright... Good luck."

One of them disappeared and the Supreme God looked at his index finger.

"Daniel... Seems like an interesting person."