
I am a what? Gamer?

I am failing, how can I become the Hokage if I can't even clone myself? I have been trying so hard, why doesn't no one like me? What did I ever do to make them hate me? . . . Excuse what did I just become?

DaoistKQnDFL · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Chapter 7

Complete silence filled the room, a pressuring aura had made everyone present stay on their heels, their instincts telling them to run, but their mind knowing it was better not to, made them unmoving, because you can't run from the Hokage, even more, when he is angry.

" I want you to tell me in every minute detail what happened today."

" The day had started like any other, but then the first two differences happened, Naruto arrived on time and answered a question correctly," Iruka said while holding back his fear.

" Go on." This time the Hoakage said with a little less pressuring aura, feeling proud of Naruto for being a good kid.

" Then it happened, what I came here for are these," Iruka said while taking out the old sets there were given to Naruto during the tests.


An Anbu appeared first in front of Iruka and then next to the Hokage, carrying in his hands the evidence.

The Hoakage grabbed them and started examining their status, not taking long to notice the actual status of the items.

" These should have been thrown a long time ago, do you have an explanation why these items were 'casually' given to Naruto during an examination?" The Hoakage said, his tone returning back to the scary one.

" I think that some teachers are deliberately trying to make him fail, reducing points during written tests, giving bad pieces of equipment, and other less noticeable but important details."

After a long silence, a sigh came out from Sarutobi's mouth, the aura filling the room now completely gone, his appearance returning back to the old man everyone saw him as, and not the war veteran he actually is.

" I will investigate the matter, and regarding the joke they pulled on Naruto today, I am sure you will do your best to handle it."

" I am already searching for the kids who pulled it and the parents behind it."

" Good, you are free to go now."

Iruka bowed and then left the room, leaving behind only the Sarutobi and Dog.

" I want the names of those who tested Naruto in the last 6 years, those whose grades seem too unfair must be brought to interrogation, gather as much evidence as you can from them."

Dog nodded and then disappeared from the room, leaving the Hoakge now "alone".

'Naruto, I saw you growing from a distance, and as much as I loved you, I always thought you simply weren't cut for being a ninja, looks like I have always been in the wrong, will you ever excuse me?'




'Shit, Fuck, Oh God.' I thought while running from the horde of rabbits following me.


Running Level Up 2=>3


'NOT NOW.' I thought while evading the nth rabbit trying to pierce my back.

'Just another few meters.'

After reaching an open area of the forest, instead of continuing my run I jumped forward and waited for the arrival of the rabbits, a few meters away from the centre of the open area.

They continued following but when the first one fell, they all started falling like flies.

"AHAHAHA IT WORKED." I thought while seeing my trap work out.


You have killed Lv. 4 Horned Rabbit

You have killed Lv.7 Horned Rabbit




You have gained: 560 XP, 5000 Ryo, Rabbit's Horn Kunai

Trap Making has been used above its supposed level

Trap Making Lv.1 => 27

+1 Wis



Apparently, yes they can, and I also gained a new Kunai, let's take a look.


Rabbit's Horn Kunai

Damage: 50( this is the base damage, it will then be boosted by Str, and the effect of Kunai Jutsu)


Effects: Piercing ( Has a chance to ignore 20% of the enemy armour)

A Kunai carved by the horn of the Horned Rabbits, even though very simple, will be the perfect weapon for a newbie.


'Jackpot baby.' I thought while taking out the kunai.

It looked like a normal Kunai, the same shape, but instead of black, its colour was the same colour as the Rabbit's Horn, white, and on its blade, a rabbit is carved.

'Perfect, this way I won't have to fight barehanded.'

I wanted to go search for another group of rabbits to repeat the process, but THE rabbit found me.

An enormous rabbit, as big as a dog, with a horn as long as the body, with red eyes was directly looking towards me.

Without wasting a second I used Observe on it.


Giant Horned Rabbit Lv.10 ( Boss)








Perks: Fast Feet, Horn

Observe Level up Lv.3 => 4


We stayed immobile, looking at each other, I knew I had no chance to lose him just by Agi alone, if we also count the perk called Fast Feet, I am no match in the speed department.

' But you know what I can do?'


From my previous look, I immediately change shape, now looking like a wolf as big as a small shack.

The rabbit is stupid, more than I am, so I hoped the trick works.


Giant Horned Rabbit is affected by Fear status, all stats -20%

New Skill: Intimidation Lv.1

Represents your ability to scare beings, every level boosts your chance of affecting others with Fear status.


The rabbit started running away its previous glorious state was now reduced to a... rabbit.

Not wasting the chance I displed the transformation and started following the Rabbit.

With its Normal stats it would be impossible to follow it, but thanks to the reduction in its stats, the thick forest blocking most of its path, and its inability to think straight, made it possible for me to reach him.

I got on top of it and used its fur to stay, then using my new Kunai I began piercing its body.


Piercing has taken effect

-137 HP


I continued piercing the back of the rabbit, making it move more and more, but I didn't let go and stayed solid on its back, notification continued appearing telling me how much damage I had dealt, and then it happened.

Out of pure desperation, the Rabbit slammed its body against trees, dealing some damage, but only making my hold firmer and my Physical Endurance skill level up twice.

I was about to deal another hit but a red warning appeared, and I was thrown away from the back of the rabbit with a quick twist of its body.


Giant Horned Rabbit has 5% HP left, Berserk state has been triggered.

Fear status has been removed

All stats have been amplified by 50%, and all damage received is boosted by 100%


I couldn't react, I made it just in time to place the Kunai in front of my face before everything became black.

'Did I die?'