
I am a what? Gamer?

I am failing, how can I become the Hokage if I can't even clone myself? I have been trying so hard, why doesn't no one like me? What did I ever do to make them hate me? . . . Excuse what did I just become?

DaoistKQnDFL · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 6


Quest: Show Off

Goal 1: 2/3✓

Bonus Goal 1:X

Goal 2: 3/10, 2/5 ✓

Bonus Goal 2: X

Bonus Goal 3: X

Goal 3: ✓

Bonus Goal: X

Reward: 170 XP, 1700 Ryo (Goal 1: 20 XP 200 Ryo + Goal 2: 30+20 XP 500 Ryo, Goal 3: 100XP 1000 Ryo)

Bonus Reward: None


' Damn, I suck, well, it could have gone worse... or better.'

When no one was looking, I stored some leaves inside my inventory, mimicking putting them inside my pocket, and only then started moving to my class.




' That was so boring, I didn't even gain a point in Int or Wis for learning their explanations, not even a skill, the only thing keeping me sane was the skill level-up.'


+2 Leaf Sticking Chk Cntr

+1 Chk


' Now I have a free afternoon, what should I do? Go hunting in a nearby forest? If fighting can get me some XP then maybe hurting animals would too, but that would gather too much attention, then what am I supposed to do.'

When that thought formed inside my head a notification appeared but I got distracted by a voice calling me.

" Naruto." A feminine voice called from behind me.

I turn, knowing 100% who the voice was of.

Sakura Haruno, my crush from the first time I was here, what did she want from me? Had I finally made her fall for me? As if.

" Yeah, can I help you?"

" Would you like to go to a place with me?" She asked with a tone mixed with embarrassment and anger.

" Sure."


(Before anyone says anything, remember he is 12 and has still a Wis of 6)

Without much more discussion I started following her, trying but failing to strike discussion, she answered all of my questions either with yes or no.

" So where are going?"

" You will see."

Finally a full answer, but just as I was about to ask another, I felt it.

'I am so happy, I finally get to spend some time with-.'

The cold sensation covering all of my clothes and face then came the feathers, and lastly the laugh, oh the laughs, those were the things that hurt the most.

" HAHAHAH THAT IDIOT ACTUALLY BELIEVED IT." A kid said from behind his hiding spot, holding in his hand a basket previously filled with eggs.

" OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO EASY, AHAHHAH." Said another kid who had an empty pillow.

I am calm, too calm, the laughs started dying out, they weren't expecting calmness, anger, crying, running away, but not this silence.

With almost a robotic movement I turn towards Sakura, my eyes now emotionless, with no sadness, anger, or grief, just calm sky-blue eyes staring at Sakura.

" Were you aware of this?"

" I- I am sorry Naruto." She said while taking a step back, apparently scared by my calmness.

Am I angry? I am, Am I hurt? Even more so, Will let my emotions control my actions from now on? No, never again.

Without any other words spoken I began walking away, attracting stares from both parents and kids, the kids simply laughed, and the parents called me a wolf in sheep's clothing.

" Are you ok?" A voice I recognized quite easily asked from behind me.

" Do you like the new look? The feathers are the last trend." I said while turning towards Shikamaru.

" I am sorry, I should have known they would have pulled something like this after seeing the bring eggs at school."

" It's not your fault, how could have known, I have to go now, the eggs are going in places I didn't know I had."

Before he could say anything else I started running, where? I don't know, why? I don't know, I just want to get away from the academy and not meet anyone I know.

More laughs and stares came from running inside the village, so I changed my destination and headed towards my fishing spot, where I had first met Gramps, maybe I could have met him.

While running I didn't notice a sudden shift in the area, the forest somewhat changed its biome, longer trees, bigger bushes, but most importantly.

A rabbit with a horn.

When we met eyes I remained stunned at seeing a chakra beast inside the village, but the rabbit wasn't as stunned as I was.

It leapt towards me, trying to use its horn to pierce my stomach.

Rolling away I evaded the hit, not sure of where I was or I had gotten here, but I am sure of one thing, this rabbit has met me at a very bad moment.

Before it could dash again I was already on top of him with a rock I had found on the ground, I started bashing its head, once, twice, thrice, four times, five, six...


You have killed an Lv.3 Horned Rabbit

+30 XP


I finally calmed down, the possibility to hit something made me relieve some stress, and now that I could think I was able to do something about my clothes.

Following the logic behind my inventory, I was able to store all the eggs and feathers touching, my body, leaving behind only soaked and smelling clothes, but at least they looked normal unlike before.

With a free moment, I took a look at all the notifications I had received.


New Quest: Find a Dungeon

Goal: Find a Dungeon

Bonus Goal: End it on the first try.

Reward: 100 XP

Bonus Reward: 1000 XP, Skill book

+1 Running

+1 Str

You have encountered the Dungeon: Rabbit Hole Lv.1-10

Enter? YES/NO

By rushing inside the Dungeon you answered the question with YES.


' OK, one question, what the hell is a Dungeon?'