

Rio finds his destiny in an unexpected way, but this won't stop him from doing what he wants. He will explore the mysteries of the world and gain the strength to do what he wants, while leading an entire race to the peak. He will be much more than what the world is prepared for, all the while being careful so as to not fall into tropes, but to reach greatness, some falls are necessary right?

sholo_bolo · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Page 1: Prologue




"I thought it was only a story, but everything it says up until now seems to be true"

Rio, A 19 year old Occult enthusiast, found a map of a so-called haunted lands when he was in an old library searching for books that tell tales of supernatural origins. The map doesn't contain much information. It only illustrated a route to get to a certain flat piece of land with a few low hills surrounding it, making it look like a basin with low walls.

After a few more minutes of walking, he discovered an open field with stone hills surrounding it, just like the place in the map.

'Looks like this is the place', Rio thought while taking a glance at the old map that had a yellow-ish brown hue to it. The feeling the map gave off made it feel very old.

He had shown it to the librarian, who didn't know anything about the map. Even though it looked old, the paper itself was unharmed by time, looking as if someone just colored a piece of paper to look old. This was also why the librarian didn't think much about letting Rio keep the map, for a small tip of course.

'It's getting quite dark now, do I go back? Nah that'd be a waste of effort'

He wasn't bothered by the darkness. He was an orphan who began to live on his own recently, so there wasn't anyone worried about him back home.

Rio moved forward to where the map was marked, it was pointing at the hill that was the tallest there.

After reaching the place, Rio began to look for any abnormality in the area, with his torchlight and his hometown being just near to this place, he was fearless of the dark. But even after searching the place thoroughly, he didn't find anything that caught his eye.

'Guess I really did get excited over nothing'

Just as he was about to turn around to pick up his backpack, he was pushed by something invisible and fell backwards, but he didn't hit the ground as expected, but kept falling down a hole that suddenly appeared behind him.

"GAAAAAAAA!!" 'Am I going to die?? I don't wanna die yet!'

After a while of falling, Rio felt some wind hit his face. It was different from the wind he was facing by falling through this unnaturally deep hole. This wind felt like it penetrated his self to his deepest core, a core he wasn't aware of himself. Less than one second after the wind hit him, his consciousness faded into darkness.


After an unknown amount of time

Rio's eyelids twitched, before they opened to reveal his dark eyes. He tried to rub his eyes, but all he felt was something soft poking his eyes, like feathers.

"HUH?? Where am I?" Having a look around him, he didn't recognize his surroundings at all. He was in a strange room. The room looked too old fashioned to be in a city, it was made using stone, with nothing decorating it. He then checked on himself, looking at his "hands", he froze.

"Don't scream, I will explain everything to you in a bit" A voice rang out from his side, causing him to break out of his stupor and turn around. A being was walking towards him with a cup on its hand. Calling it a duck or a werewolf wouldn't do its strangeness any justice. It's a horrifying mix of both the characteristics of a Werewolf and a duck. Its "head" consisted of a very noticeable pale yellow duck beak, with dense dark hair on it's face. it had a pair of duck wings, as well as two arms covered in dark hair and a pair of claws, with the same dense dark hair covering its whole body, like a Werewolf.

"WH-WHAT ARE YOU? DON'T COME ANY CLOSER? why am i asking?" Rio jumped to the other side of the bed screaming at the top of his lungs, like he was running for his life, which wasn't that far from the truth.

"I will explain everything to you, but let's calm down a bit first. Drink this".

The werewolf-duck mixture handed Rio a cup of clear liquid, it was still warm. Rio didn't drink it though, and kept staring at the being's "face", unable to say a word due to his shock.

The Being chucked, saying "Go on, it's not poison. I have no reason to kill you. This concoction will help calm your mind and heal you."

Rio, reluctant yet having no other choice, closed his eyes and drank the liquid in one gulp. Immediately he felt his stomach turning cold, which wasn't a comfortable experience. Along with that, his mind also calmed down, reducing his fear, wariness, as well as anxiety.

"Do you feel better now?" The being asked softly, to which Rio nodded, saying nothing else.

"Then let's get on with the info dump shall we?" He chucked at his own joke, then seeing Rio stare silently at his face, his laugh turned awkward. Then he started to speak again.

"First of all, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Levi. We are what everyone calls The Wereducks."