

Rio finds his destiny in an unexpected way, but this won't stop him from doing what he wants. He will explore the mysteries of the world and gain the strength to do what he wants, while leading an entire race to the peak. He will be much more than what the world is prepared for, all the while being careful so as to not fall into tropes, but to reach greatness, some falls are necessary right?

sholo_bolo · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Page 2: Children, Listen to Your Elders

"It is a very original name I can see" Rio whispered under his breath, however Levi heard it clearly and chuckled, "heh heh heh the name does need to explain what we are doesn't it? We are a branch race of the Ducks created by the wether energy."

"Don't you mean weather?" asked Rio strangely. It's the first time he heard of such a word.

"No, it is pronounced we-the-er. it's the energy responsible for the birth of races such as us, or you might be more familiar with the race of the werewolves." explained Levi patiently, with an expression that said he will be willing to answer questions without calling the one asking the questions a moron.

"Werewolves? So they are real?" Rio mumbled to himself, but seeing his current state, with a duck beak on his face, a Werewolf being real is the least strange thing today.

Levi gave him some time to digest the information. When Rio seemed to be out of his questioning life stage, Levi continued, "Wether energy will transform any race of animals into the "were" version of their race, giving them supernatural powers and a higher level of consciousness. You have gained consciousness at a much higher level than before the moment you were exposed to Wether energy, thus transforming into a Wereduck like me."

"But I was a human a moment ago!" exclaimed Rio, not believing Levi about him being a duck for a second. How could he have been a ducking duck!?! He was a normal walking, breathing human a moment ago, before he got pushed into the deepest hole he's been in his entire life! All this strange sequence of events left Rio's mental state incredibly messy.

"What's a human? Were you just dreaming now? Probably the side effect of encountering Wether so suddenly." dismissed Levi, waving his hand.

"Get some more rest for now, I'll show you around in the morning." saying that, Levi got up from his seat and walked towards the window, it was a railing-less window that let in a sliver of silver moonlight. Only then did Rio notice that the outside was pitch dark, with dim moonlight shimmering in the sky. It was undoubtedly nighttime, but the real question was whether it was the same night as the one he remembered or he was out cold for days.

Levi closed the window shield made out of wood and walked out of the room through the door. He turned back towards Rio with a serious face and said, "Remember, don't be impulsive and try to run away. The outside world at night is much more terrifying than you could imagine."

Saying that, Rio hears the door making a creaking sound before closing shut, cutting off the only source of light into the stone room, leaving him and only him in the room illuminated by nothing.

Looking at the darkness around him, Rio felt an inexplicable fear. The fear of not knowing where he was, how he got here, how his loved ones were, what he had become, WHO he was.

Rio looked at the direction of where the window was supposed to be, although he couldn't see the window, he was sure he could reach it if he felt his way over there. He noticed before that there wasn't any furniture in between him and the window that was probably his only way of escape from this strange place, from that strange being that called himself a "Wereduck".

He got up from the bed, raised his hands in front of him, and slowly moved them in different directions, hoping to touch the wall that might lead him to the window.

Rio slowly walked forward. He kept searching for anything in front of him with his hands. At last, he felt his hands touch something hard. It felt like wooden frames made out of hard wood. Rio immediately knew that he had reached the window he saw a moment ago. His hands made their way towards the handle of the window but at that exact time, indescribable sounds began coming from the outside world, almost driving Rio crazy with the sounds alone.

He wanted this sound to stop, anything to make this sound stop. He wanted to dig his ear out, just to stop himself from hearing it. His body convulsed and fell to the ground with a thud. Rio lost all control over his body, every command he gave to his body was overwhelmed by the strange sound coming from the outside. His hands slide off the wall, no longer touching it.

The moment his hand left the wall, the sound stopped. However even without the sound, the effect of the sound he heard was still there, making Rio not be able to control his body at all.

While he lay on the cold floor in the pitch black room, he remembered the words of Levi from before he left, "The outside at night is much more terrifying than you can imagine".

'So this is what he meant' were the last thoughts of Rio, before he felt his consciousness slip out and peace took over him.