
I am a Villain.

Why do people become "Villains"? For what reason do they become the "demons" of society? Well, it's only to be explained here. Where the main character is a 'Villain'.

k1ngjr · ファンタジー
9 Chs





These were the grunts from Judah, Mari and ruby after being severely beaten. They had come late simply because Judah and Mari were too mesmerized by the school gates. They hadn't even seen the interior yet and they were already in shock.

"So, you three want to explain why you were so late in MY school?" he says with a serious tone.

Looking at the three, Ruby wasn't so bothered. I mean, then again she is a royal and there's not really much the school can do to her. The least they can do is give her light punishments and a warning. As of course, this was her privilege. Many people envied her for her upbringing, but to her, it wasn't as pleasant as it seems.

"I'm sure you're all aware of our school rules." The headmaster says while standing up.

"Y-Yes sir.." Judah says while sweating.

"Well, since it's you two guys, I'll let you off. Afterall, you guys are the sons of that beautiful woman up in mou- I mean you two just got in the school." he says while trying to correct himself.

{Ohhh so this is the pervy man mom was talking about..} Judah and Mari both thought to themselves.

"In any case, I'll excuse you guys just this once. Now, off to your class." he says while sitting back down.

"Yes sir!" They all say in unison.

They begin to walk out of the room to go to their designated classes before Judah hears a call to his name:

"Hey. Red Hair." Judah and Ruby both look behind themselves.

"No, not you mean red hair, the other red hair." he says.

"WHICH ONE?!" Judah and Ruby both say in unison.

"Okay, okay, the red hair guy." he says while sighing.

"The rest of you can go." the headmaster says while folding his arms.

"W-what is it sir?" Judah says while holding his arms behind his back.

The headmaster releases some Ronko. Judah begins to quell his presence as he sees the headmaster's power and even though his aura was extremely powerful, the walls looked as though they were about to crack.

Everywhere throughout the school began to shake. All the students were worried but the teachers were used to this. Some said:

Agriculture Class:

"Ah, the test again huh?" Miss Roko says while adjusting her glasses.

"Test?" one of the students asked.

"Don't worry, that is none of your concern. Anyways, back to what I was saying..."

Back to Judah and Headmaster:

"I've got one question. Boy." The headmaster says.

"Y-Y-Yes?!?!" Judah replies while sweating. His body, soul, mind and even spirit begin to crack. Slowly and slowly he began to remember the dream he had about his family. He begins to yell out in agony then falls to the floor. Struggling to get up he asks:


"You're…. Not the same boy I met a couple of days when I first met your mother..."

"What?" Judah says while holding his head.

Mari feels a strong presence and begins to run back. He fears something bad has happened to Judah. Running back, Ruby calls out to him:

"Mari! Where are you going?!" she yells.


Mari yells while desperately running towards the door. Of course, this is a useless attempt as the school is really big. Meaning, you could easily get lost unless you are well versed with each corridor. Seeing as though this was Mari and Judah's first time in school, they'd get lost easily.

"What do you mean not the same boy?" Judah responds while still holding his head.

"It's quite simple." The headmaster says while getting up. He slowly walks towards Judah with all of his power and might, that even the walls, floor, the ceiling and everything within their proximity begin to crack. The teachers no longer dismiss this and begin to run to the principal's office. If nothing is done, Judah is going to die.

All teachers first warn their students to stay within their seats and to not move:


The teachers met each other in the hallways all running towards the headmaster's office. They begin to desperately run as the only time the headmaster would release such power is if there's a threat or if there is an enemy.

The teachers see Mari in the hallways running towards one of the doors. Luckily that was the headmaster's office. They all leap in and look at the situation. The room was empty.

"Darn it! He used empty box!" The PE teachers grunts.

"Empty box?" Mari questions.

"It's basically a separate dimension. In theory, empty box is meant to represent 'Pandora's box'. The headmaster is the issue that's supposed to be trapped inside that box. So even though we feel all these quakes and can visualize it, that only means he's releasing his full power inside that different dimension." The medical teacher says.


Ruby finally enters the room.

"What's going on-"

"He's the strongest in the world." The enhancement teacher says, cutting off Ruby's input.

Mari falls to his knees. He begins to punch the floor and scream:


What this means is, it's a terrible thing to be an enemy of the headmaster.

Back to Judah and the Headmaster:

He is finally in front of Judah.

"Yes, I see. You were entrusted with this role. I see your fate. Your destiny." The headmaster says while looking at his eyes.

The headmaster eyes were scarlet red combined with emerald green. He had the eyes of ALL. 'All' is a clan that can see the fate of people who they look inside of their eyes. A special clan.

"What is your name?" The headmaster asks.

"J-Judah.." he responds while quivering in fear.

"Well, you are not the same. In fact, you already died. This you is a completely different you to the one that first existed. Infact, so far you've cycled twice."

"What?! What are you talking about?! I'm the SAME me!" Judah yells back.

"No, No. You aren't you. Infact, you are the embodiment of other people." He says.


"Listen Judah. Only you can choose to listen to these voices inside you. Whether you become someone good with credibility or not, is up to you. Only you can choose. But let one thing be known. If you become evil, I will most certainly kill you."

"H..huuh?" he replies.

"Your mother may never forgive me but what I'm doing is for the good of humanity," he says.

"W..what?" he replies.

"Judah, essentially what I'm telling you here and now is: The ones we shouldn't be scared of aren't the villains of society or people of evil, no. The biggest threat to this world…. is you." he says while holding him.

"You may not understand but, It will be clear soon."

"W..what..? Threat...?" he replies.

"You shall forget everything in this scenario within the next 15 seconds." he says.

Back to where Mari and the others are, they see a black hole open up within the middle of the room.


Mari leaps at Judah and sees his face. He's in utter terror. Judah has the face of not wanting to live. Who knows? That face may not have even been his own.


"J..Judah..?" Mari asks.


"WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?" while grasping his shoulders.


Judah looks up, dazed as though nothing even happened in the first place..

"What's wrong Mari? Why are you holding me?" Judah says perplexed.

"Hea.. Head master! What seems to be the issue? Why did you release all your Ronko on this boy?" Miss Roko says.

"The children can't hear us any longer. Don't worry, I've slowed time." The headmaster responds.

"Listen very carefully. That boy may very well be the-"


"WHAT?! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Come on, he's just a kid." The PE teacher replies.

"Listen, I don't know this kid Hori but when I saw him at the gate, he was so happy to be here." he continues.

"I told you not to call me by name in school mason." The headmaster responds.

"Listen Hori, actions speak louder than words. I believe this Kid will be for the good of humanity."

"Sure, actions speak louder than words. But who in this world of ours has genuinely acted out their intentions? So to say, even if actions speak louder than words, that just means they talk a lot louder. Words say MORE than actions, and actions speak louder than words. Do you see where I'm going?" The headmaster says.

"So, what should we do with him?" Miss Roko asks.

"Let's monitor him for a while." Rista says. (Enhancement teacher.)

"Looks like the other teachers haven't come yet." The headmaster says while looking at his door.

"Well, we honestly thought a enemy was here so we told them to protect the students." Mason replies.

"Well, I'm sorry for the false alarm. Let's enjoy today! It's the beginning of it all!" The headmaster smiles.

In the distance, a ways off school there sits a man on a chair smiling. He looks in the direction of the school from the mountains and says:

"Our rage. We have found you, Oh rage."

Back inside Headmaster's office:

"Alright Kids! Back to your classrooms!" he says while smiling.

It seemed as though nothing happened. Mari was confused and didn't even know what to say. He glared at the Headmaster with anger as he has no idea what happened in that scenario.

"Hey~~ don't glare at me like that~~it reminds me of your mom!" he says while blushing.

"Ew." Ruby says.

"Well, we're finally in school guys, let's go and STUDY!" Judah says while grabbing Mari and Ruby then flying off to their classes. It seems as though Judah already knew where he was going but that's only because he took a free map from the headmaster office before leaving.

While going to their class, Mari asks:

"What happened in there Judah?" Mari asks worryingly.

"You.. wanna know huh?" Judah says.

"Yeah!" They both say in unison.


"Nothing?! What do you mean you don't remember anything?!" Mari asks while clenching his fists.

"I seriously don't remember anything!" Judah responds while in worry.

"Anyways, enough of the chit chat and let's go!" Judah says while holding them then flying off once again.

They both scream:


More shall be explained next chapter!

k1ngjrcreators' thoughts