
I am a Villain.

Why do people become "Villains"? For what reason do they become the "demons" of society? Well, it's only to be explained here. Where the main character is a 'Villain'.

k1ngjr · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The classes.

"Okay class. First I want to say welcome to TOWR. This school is suitably based for children who will excel and will be able to grow in all sorts of areas. Such as your 'gifts' and as well as your educational and intellectual knowledge. Over the next three years we aim to make sure you study and focus in all areas such..." The history teacher continued. While giving her speech about what the students will be doing in TOWR, she could hear a faint yell in the hallway.

"AHHHHHHHHH" Mari and Ruby yelled.

They aggressively tapped Judah, pleading him to stop dragging them along while running so fast. The sound of yelling was getting louder and louder so the history teacher decided to walk up to the door. After Approaching it, she was faced with:


THUD! That was the noise of a bang through the doors onto the classroom floor. Mari, Judah and Ruby were all on top of the history teacher, suffocating her. She instantly got up and grabbed them.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" she shrieked while salivating.

"Uh… getting to our class?" Judah replied.

Mari pinches Judah and says:


"Huh..? Why-"

"Oh sugar."

"Yes, 'Oh sugar' because ALL three of you are going to stay behind for detention! GET BEHIND YOUR SEATS NOW!!!" she yelled once again, deafening the trio.

The teacher then rearranged her attire as it was rugged and then cleared her throat. On the other hand, Judah slothfully yet sadly treaded up the slopes to get to his seat. He sat down and rested his head on the table and let out a sigh.

Mari approached Judah and sat next to him. Ruby sat next Mari and they all paid attention. On Judah's right, he sat next to a girl with peach colored hair and had very beautiful freckles which seemed to compliment her skin. Her eyelashes were long and dazzling; it made Judah look in awe. Almost as though he met his soul mate.


DING, DING, DING. Suddenly the school bell went off.

"Alright class. It seems as though the school bell is gone off. We must go to assembly and listen to what the headmaster is going to say."

She then motioned the class to get up and there was a mixture of emotions. Some were afraid, while some whispered:

"I wonder if the Headmaster is hot!"

"Nah, he'll just be a slob."

"What do you think he's gonna talk about though?"

"Don't worry sweet-cheeks, I'll protect you ~~"

"Ew. Don't touch me."


In the background Judah and Mari begin laughing at the rejected boy. They both can't seem to contain their laughter as he got miserably rejected. Ruby slaps them both at the back of their heads and says:

"Hey dumbasses, let's go."

"Yes ma'am..." they both say in unison as their heads are swollen.

The class walked in an orderly manner towards the hall.

"Miss?" one student asks.


"I heard there are 'sectors' in this school. What does that mean?"

"Sectors are designated areas where royals or students per se are placed."

"What does that mean miss?" another student asks.

"Well, the school interior is quite complicated so an explanation is most definitely needed. There are 4 main sectors of the school. Each are called by name which are: Rosk (North) Rask (East) Resk (West) Rosk-so (South). Each sector is divided by classes and by ranks. Royals which high authority can choose which sector they want to join in but by nature, Rosk is considered the best class. They are from families which hold a mass amount of power and authority. So, if you are the top of the chain, you are going to be placed in Rosk.

The chain goes like this:

[Rosk - Highest Classed royals.]

[Rask - High Class royals.]

[Resk - Middle Class royals.]

[Rosk-so - Low Class royals, or in other words, nobodies.]

Rosk classes are placed in the north, Rask are placed by the east, Resk are placed by the west and Rosk-so are placed by the south."

She says while fastening her attire and tie before walking forward once more. She then continues to say:

"Rosk colors are red. Their colors are meant to represent dominance and to show they are at the highest of the food chain."

"F-food chain? What does that mean?" Judah asks.

"Oh, the rude boy."

"Ugh." Judah responds.

"What did you just say?!" she says, raising her voice.

"N-nothing madam."

"Madam?! I'm not even that old yet!" she says while smacking the top of Judah's head.

Everyone in the class laughs at his stunt and Mari nudges him saying:

"Good job idiot, you just successfully completed the task of being the class clown. How dare you steal my role from me?" he says while pushing his face against Judah's.

"Shut up idiot it's not like I want to be the class clown! I need to be studious in order to accomplish my mother's wish!" he says while grunting.

"Guys." Ruby whispers.

"Yeah?" Mari and Judah say.

"N-nothing.." she says while holding her arm.

"H-HUH!?" they both say.

The approach the hall and the teacher says:

"Okay class, listen very well. What you are going to hear in this speech will change everything you know about your school."

"Yes ma'am!" they all respond.

Walking through the door, they see a blinding light and are met with the huge audience with all the class aligned in a hall. There are multiple seats so they go and sit to their allocated positions.

"Now, let us begin." the headmaster says while grinning.


"ARGH!! These tests are hard!!" Ren says while running away from explosions behind him.

"WILL WE EVEN SURVIVE?!" Tanki says while he also ran away from the explosives and landmines.

The place was a field. Enclose in glass. It would be similar to a greenhouse. All the students had a mission which needed to be completed. Some struggled in going about while for Judah, Mari and Ruby, they were successfully able to maneuver around the plains. As well as that, Class Rosk and Rask also had no trouble with the landmines. The people who struggled the most were class Resk and the majority in Rosk-so (Judah's class.)

"Stop whining kids. This your training session. Just remember if you fail this first test, you're out of our school." The PE teacher says while smiling and folding his arms.

"Hey, check out the newbies. They can't even compare to us." Strayer says while looking at the class representative in class Rosk.

"Whatever. They're not worth my time anyways." The class representative of class Rosk says emotionlessly. His eyes were a crimson yet perplexing color. Of course, crimson were to be similar to red, but based on his birth, he was born special. Crimson but blue. The almighty mix, violet eyes.

These eyes are said to be given to the one who will rule over people. Complete dominance. Yes, for he is a hero. His name is:

"Come on now, don't be so stuck up.... Ichigo." Strayer says while looking at him.

"Hm." he replies.

"Alright class Rosk. You know our goal. The headmaster explained it in his speech. We are the best class of this school so the expectations for us are extremely high. Failure is not an option." Ichigo says.

"Yes class rep!" they all respond.

"Come on now Ichigo. Don't think you can just disregard us like that now can you?" Hendo says while grinning.

"Humph it's class Rask huh?" Ichigo says while gazing at all of them.

"Don't underestimate us. Just because we are in a lower class doesn't mean we can't give you a good ass whooping." Hendo says while folding his arms.

Both classes are side by side. Both Rosk and Rask. They begin to all walk forward with one goal and only one objective. To defeat either one of the teachers, or to obtain the band within the plain.

"I see. So you kids have chosen to come against me, the PE teacher huh? Not a very smart move for the class considered to be the best." he says while looking at all of them.

"You should choose your words carefully. Who gave you the impression all of us are gonna beat you? I alone am enough." Ichigo says while glaring at him.

"Ohhhh! So you think you can beat me? Let me tell you the most cliché thing right now. You're 100 years too early to beat me." he responds.

"Let's put that to the test then shall we?" Ichigo replies.

"Hm… okay then."

Ichigo begins to run at the teacher. Of course, Hendo (Class representative of class Rask) follows him.

"Why are you following me?" Ichigo asks while running.

"Don't think you can get all the glory to yourself Mr. High horse." he replies while also running.

"Whatever." he replies.

They both jump in the air in unison to attack the teacher.

"Ey, Ey have you kids already forgotten what the headmaster said a week ago?" The teacher of History says while putting up a barrier against their attacks.

"Dammit! You were in my way!" Ichigo yells.



"You little….

"Don't you even remember what he said a week ago?" she asks again.

"Well if I was you, I'd rethink before trying to attack us." he continues.

"W-wait why-" Ichigo says before remembering what he said.

Ichigo turns around and looks towards the forest. He is now aware of the true goal.

"Where are you going?!" Hendo asks.

"Take a guess. If not, remember what the headmaster said a week ago." he says while walking off.

"A week ago..?"


Class Rosk-so are the last to arrive. They enter the hall and sit in their allocated seats and all listen to what he begins to say.

"Welcome to TOWR Academy, school or whatever you'd like to call it." The headmaster says.

"In any case, I'm going to be very direct in the next couple of sentences." he says.

"Over the next few academic years, which is to say three, we will be putting you all to the test. What that means is in order for you all to become successful people in life, we will be testing your skills to assess situations, your knowledge, and your magical abilities." he states.

"Now, if none of you pass these tests, you will be removed from the school. Immediately effectively."

All students, from Rosk to Rosk-so, were in utter shock. That of course includes Judah and Mari as well as even Ruby.

"Also, don't think that your family name can protect you. If it becomes an issue, I can remove you easily. I have the law on my side. Where as you have money. Not even all the money in the world can change the things that should be kept stand still. If so, we may as well all be murderers and just pay off our crimes. Do you see where I'm going with this?" he says.

"In this school you enrolled in, you came merely because of the fact that you wanted to become heroes. Respectable people in not only society, but for yourselves and families as well." he says while looking at the audience.

"There are four sectors as to which I'm sure you know. Well, each teacher hasn't properly elaborated on it as I've instructed them to so I will explain it here. Now, Rosk is the best class. Suited for the extreme royals and will receive the best of the best courtesy within this school. Rask too shall also receive the small privilege's but with very few restrictions." he says.

"Rosk is the richest. Rosk-so is the poorest. As the 'so' at the end implies, it means you in class Rosk-so are nobodies. There is one fellow which did join Rosk-so for reasons I do not know but that's their decision." he continues.

Many people in the audience begin to look at ruby. Some mutters:

"Look at her so full of herself! She could have been in the best class but instead she decided to join the lowlifes."

As for Judah and Mari they were touched and said:

"Did you join Rosk-so because of us?" Judah says while a puppy-eyed face.

"Yeah! Did you? Did you?" Mari asks.

"S-shut up you idiots!" she says in embarrassment.

"Now's not the time to get comfy. The people in Rosk so are like I said nobodies. Meaning, they will not receive any privileges at all. They must work for their own gain such as food, and money. As for shelter, we will provide. The lower class you are, the lower you are in the food chain. The lion has been released. Better make sure to buckle up children." the headmaster states.

People in the audience immediately confirmed their class and some were relieved to be in Rask or even Resk. Nobody wanted to be in Rosk-so. They laughed at people who were lower than them. This was an opportunity for bullying and corruption to begin. It's quite ironic isn't it? For a school who should train heroes, it doesn't show fairness or equality.

I wonder how our main character will react to this.

"This is getting exciting!" Judah says with his eyes glistening.

"I know right!" Mari replies.

"Aren't you guys concerned!? He literally said no food for us and no money!" Ruby yells.

"It doesn't matter! We can survive in the wild anyways." Judah responds while smiling.

"Hmph! Do what you want then!" she says.

"It's not like you have a choice though? I mean, then again you did join this class because of us-" Judah attempts to say but his mouth is covered by Ruby.


"W-what's so funny now Mari?!" Ruby says in worry.

"Like Judah says, it's getting fun! Aren't you excited?!" he says back.

"You guys are hopeless." she says while facepalming.

"Rosk will have access to use the training facilities which are filled with incredibly high-technology and easy software for studies. They will also receive well cooked meals and food of their choice. Same applies to Rask but the exception is they are only allowed to use the facilities three times a week. As for food, they are allowed any meal they want 4 times a week. For Friday they must eat the regular deluxe school meal." he says.

"As for Resk, they are allowed to use the training facilities once a week on the occasion that the Rosk or Rask class has occupied it yet." he states.

"As for food, that's also once a week also."

"Now that I've finished most of what I want to say, here's the serious bit. You all will have your first official test next week."

"NEXT WEEK!?" Many students mummer in worry and shock.

"There isn't enough time to prepare!" Ruby says.

"Think about it logically. He only wants the best of the best in this school. Nobody bad is gonna stay here so he wants to do the cleaning now." Judah says.

"He's right. Let's all make sure we don't get cleaned up ourselves." Mari responds.

"This test is a simple one. 'The mission is called rescuing the mouse'. All you have to do is find a mouse in the location you all will be in and rescue it. There will be a cat which will continuously come and try to harm it. We have placed a move so it is so."

"But how's that gonna test our abilities-"

"And before anyone asks 'How's that going to test our abilities' We also said we'd test your magical abilities, physical strength and ability to assess situations. If you want to show the school how strong you are, there are teachers who will be regarded as prey helpers. Their job is to successfully allow the mouse to be eaten by the cat by all means possible. So, you will eventually have to fight them." the headmaster says, cutting off students from asking a questions.

"F-fight our teachers?!" a student says.

"Oh, and not to worry. They will all be using only 10% of their powers." he continues.

"But, even though you fight these teachers, and miraculously delay them from getting to the cat, it doesn't show us your true worth. We are looking for heroes. Only heroes. Your actual object is to protect the mouse from the cat and rescue it. Anything else is just a waste of time." he finishes while fastening his shirt.

"Now, I wish you all the best of luck. Each one of you." He says while looking at Judah, Ichigo and many other students.

"Hey guys, about that mission I have a plan." Judah says.

"What is it?" Mari responds.

"I'll tell you when we get into our dorms." he replies back.

"Okay, let's meet up at 7 then okay?" Ruby says.

"Yeah!" they all reply.