
I'm Gohan!

Ugh, I never expected that my life would end like this. My life was in vain, I didn't get anything important. Damn... Wait a moment! It was not over! With this new opportunity I will become the strongest warrior in Dragon Ball, you will see it! Here my legend begins, I'm Gohan!

LordPhenex026 · アニメ·コミックス
165 Chs

Chapter 57: Yadrat (2)

Pybara had led him to a vast wasteland full of pointed poles. There, several Yadratians seemed to be training vigorously.

"Very well, try to stay on those poles without losing your balance, so your body and spirit will be balanced" the Elder indicated him with a smile.

Gohan looked at the place, at first glance it didn't look like something difficult to do. So he floated up to stand on one of those pointy poles.


Gohan started jumping from pole to pole without losing his balance. However, on the fifth jump he lost it and ended up falling to the ground.

'How?' Gohan wondered not understanding what happened. He had been meditating for half his life; an exercise like this should not be so complex for him.

"Are you okay Gohan?" Hatsuka went to help him and the boy nodded, "You really did well, but you lacked a bit of concentration"

Pybara calmly approached the two of them. "Well, you were really focused, but the problem you had is something else, right kid?"

The little boy nodded. "I recently became a Super Saiyan, and that state fills my heart with a lot of anger. I guess that affected my spirit"

"Super Saiyan?" the Yadratians asked.

Gohan decided that it would be better to show him, so he took a few steps back and concentrated all of his Ki in order to transform into a Super Saiyan.

"HAA!" Gohan yelled and then his once dark eyes turned turquoise blue. He increased his muscles and his hair turned yellow.


A golden aura flashed around him. Pybara watched the transformation in surprise as the little boy exhaled. "This is the Super Saiyan"

"I see, it's a great power" declared Pybara, "But your spirit suddenly darkened, I feel a lot of resentment and anger accumulated in your being, why is that?"

"I attained this power by feeling great pain and helplessness, and that's why I guess my spirit has become unbalanced" Gohan answered seriously.

"I understand, try to stay in that state while you continue the exercise" Pybara advised, "That way you will relieve your heart and cleanse that darkness"

The boy looked at the Elder, thinking about his words. Staying in that state for a long time would mean controlling it entirely.

And if he succeeded, the great waste of energy would disappear as well as the anger in his heart, just as Elder Pybara had mentioned.

"Okay grand Pybara, I'll try" Gohan said jumping up and sitting on one of the poles. So, he started meditating on it.

An hour passed quickly. Gohan's face was drenched in sweat, he was finding it difficult to endure this simple exercise.

'I can't take it anymore' Gohan thought getting off the pole. He fell to his knees breathing heavily, and Elder Pybara approached him.

"What's wrong Gohan? It's barely been an hour since you started" Pybara said looking Gohan, who smiled exhaustedly.

"Being transformed is quite exhausting, besides it's hard to concentrate in that state" Gohan replied getting up little by little.

"Oh, that's easy to fix" Pybara extended his left hand towards Gohan, and then all the tiredness in him disappeared. "Now your energy has been restored"

"This is one of the techniques that the grand Pybara knows best" Hatsuka spoke smiling.

"Unbelievable, it's similar to my technique but it's more instantaneous" Gohan said looking at himself in astonishment.

"Do you have a similar technique?"

"Yes, I gather Genki from nature so I can recover, but that takes a while" Gohan explained smiling, "But this is amazing"

"It seems that your spiritual level is quite good... perhaps you will learn my instant healing technique" the Grand Elder spoke.

"That would be something formidable!" Gohan exclaimed smiling, "Fine, I'll go back to training"

"One moment!" Pybara held out his hand and suddenly the boy's blue gi was replaced by a typical Yadrat suit tailored to his measurements.

"You look great!" Hatsuka exclaimed.

"Thank you Elder" Gohan uttered sitting back on the pole and closed his eyes letting the energy flow in his body calmly.


Four months had passed since then, Gohan's training began to bear fruit much sooner than expected.

It took him a month to balance his body and his spirit. His power increased unbelievably for that reason, now he could unleash his power well.

Being so unbalanced his Ki flowed like a river in a dam, but now the dam was broken and he could project all of his latent potential.

He thus spent the rest of the time controlling the Super Saiyan, and didn't return to his base state for three months. The boy remained meditative.

"Grand Pybara, shouldn't we wake him up?" Hatsuka asked with concern seeing that Gohan still hadn't moved from the pole.

"No, that would be bad for him right now that he has reached the climax of his concentration" Pybara replied before raising his eyes, "Look Hatsuka"

The Yadratian was quite surprised to see Gohan get up with his eyes closed, keeping his balance on that pole.



Gohan jumped over each pole with his eyes closed and took one last jump until he landed in front of Pybara, and the stunned Hatsuka.

'Okay, I think I'm ready now' Gohan stated opening his eyes, and unlike before they no longer looked fierce and angry, but friendly.

The huge tension in his muscles was gone, it's like he's in base state except for the color of his hair and eyes.

It was the controlled form of the Super Saiyan, which was above the second and third grade phases that had more drawbacks.

The second grade Super Saiyan increased the power in the body and therefore the muscles enlarged, but the wear was enormous.

And the third grade increased strength tenfold but decreased speed, defense and stamina by the same percentage, it was useless.

He decided to skip those grades, they were just variations like Super Saiyan 2 and 3, which multiplied the power by two and eight.

Therefore, his goal was to completely master the Super Saiyan. If he succeeded, phases two and three would not be necessary as they were simple variations.

'I'm far from achieving it but there's a reason to start... but I'll achieve that Super Saiyan Full Power' thought Gohan clenching his fists.

"Unbelievable, your spirit has become peaceful... how did you manage it?" Pybara asked.

"I got used to the transformation and drained my Ki to make it easier, the energy consumption is zero now" Gohan spoke with a big smile.

Pybara heard smiling. "I guess now we can start with the techniques. The most basic of all is the Instant Transmission"

"Then there's multi-form, healing, gigantification, forced spirit fission, and lastly there's also a secret technique."

"Secret technique?" Gohan asked curiously.

"If you learn those I mentioned before, I'll teach you" Pybara replied, "But promise me you'll only use it in emergencies"

"Why?" the boy's curiosity increased.

"Because you could lose a good part of your powers, and in the worst case... you would die"

Gohan was stunned at such words, he had never heard of such a technique. He could only think of the Mafuba that was used in the anime.

'But that technique stopped being dangerous a long time ago, I wonder what technique it's about' asked Gohan without finding any answer.

"Grand Pybara, why would you teach him something so dangerous?" Hatsuka asked very distressed.

"Despite how young he is, Gohan has already faced terrible beings, many of them surpassed his power"

"This technique could help him in very desperate cases, but I hope he won't use it. He has a great potential" Pybara explained.

"Oh... I understand" Hatsuka nodded slowly.

"Don't worry Elder, I'll become strong enough not to rely on that technique" Gohan stated smiling.

"Oh, that's good to hear" Pybara smiled, "Now let's start with the Instant Transmission, try to fix your spirit in Hatsuka's Ki"

Gohan nodded. He closed his eyes, putting two fingers to his forehead, trying to sense Hatsuka's spirit and the Ki expelling from him.

"Well, as soon as you feel that your spirit has connected with Hatsuka's Ki, move to where that Ki is" explained Pybara.

After a few minutes of concentration, Gohan made it. He felt that connection that Pybara said, and thus he teleported towards Hatsuka's Ki.


Gohan appeared next to Hatsuka and realizing this, he smiled. "Great, I was able to do the Instant Transmission!"

After connecting his spirit and Hatsuka's Ki, a kind of wormhole opened between them and he traveled through that wormhole, in an area called "teleportation zone" according to the canon ... That was his theory about the technique.

That would explain several things.

In the canon Goku was unable to use it if he didn't feel the Ki of a person. Since there was no connection between his spirit and the other person's Ki, then there would not be a wormhole to travel through. For this reason he couldn't do the Instant Transmission.

'That of the Kaio shin doesn't require that spiritual connection, I'll find a way to learn it' thought Gohan smiling and Pybara looked at him smiling.

"And on the first try, amazing!" Pybara couldn't hide his astonishment, "But it's harder to do it when the other person's Ki is far away"

"I understand Elder, what will be the next technique you will teach me?" Gohan asked very eager to learn more skills.

"This was the easiest. The rest will be more difficult to learn" said Pybara raising his hand and the boy smiled with great emotion.


The Earth enjoyed a period of peace in the last four months. A short time later, the Namekians summoned the dragon god Porunga.

They used the first wish to rebuild the planet. Now that Moori was the new Guru of Namek Porunga was able to grant that wish.

The second wish was to be transported back home. And they received a multitude of Senzu Beans from Bulma as thanks.

Vegeta for his part stayed in Capsule Corp, where the Namekians had been living. And Nappa was following him.

Vegeta found out that Bulma's father was the one who had made the gravity machines so he demanded that he make one for him to train with.

And as soon as he had that machine he started training with a gravity of 300, Nappa wanted to accompany him but his body couldn't resist such gravity.

So Vegeta angrily lowered the gravity to a level the older Saiyan could handle, so that Nappa could adjust to him sooner.

They were both off Earth now. They were in outer space training hard to be the most powerful.

The Z Fighters left to train with King Kai. Dende took them to the Otherworld to walk the Snake way.

Dende had been adjusting to his new job and enlisted the help of Mr Popo. Piccolo was with him during these last few months.

Meanwhile, Goku didn't stop training since he returned from Namek, and his brother Raditz was his training partner at all times.


Raditz was thrown backwards as a blow from Goku crashed into his cheek, his younger brother using the Kaio-ken.

"Haha not bad Kakarot, but this is just getting started!" Raditz yelled. Suddenly his eyes and his aura turned gold, "Saturday Crash!"

A blast of energy came out of Raditz's hands flying towards Goku, but the saiyan used Kaio-ken times ten and deflected his brother's attack.


Raditz appeared in front of him with incredible speed and landed a punch to Goku's abdomen, causing him to recoil in pain.

But he quickly recovered and slammed a knee into Raditz's belly hitting him back from earlier. The two ended up on their knees.

"Looks like you're already able to use that power, right Raditz?" Goku asked with a calm smile as he lay down on the grass.

"It's exhausting, but it's worth it for increasing my power tenfold" Raditz answered looking at his hand, "But I want to have the Super Saiyan!"

"You mean Gohan's transformation... I want to achieve that power too, but I have to keep training" Goku declared smiling.

Although his base power increased from the battle against Frieza, he was still much weaker than Gohan. I had to keep training!

"By the way, I've noticed that you leave home at the same time every day" Goku commented with his hand on his chin and Raditz had a start.

"W-what the hell do you say asshole?! What are you doing watching over your older brother?" Raditz rebuked him, leaving Goku with a curious smile.

"Hello Raditz!"

Goku turned his head in astonishment and the aforementioned got up upset. "What are you doing here Launch?! You shouldn't be in this place!"

"Why? I came to bring you a cherry cake" Launch said showing the basket he was carrying, "Hello Goku, we haven't seen each other for many years"

"Yes, since the 23rd martial arts tournament!" Goku exclaimed with a smile, "How come you know my brother Raditz?" he asked her.

"Well, you see, I…" Launch was going to say but suddenly Raditz dragged her away from his brother, "But Raditz… what's wrong with you today? You're weird!"

Launch looked at him with her hands on her waist, and Raditz was grateful that she had blue hair. "The only weird in this place... is him!"

"Hey!" Goku complained from afar.

"Well, it seems the opposite to me, if you get like that, I'd better take my cake" Launch said about to turn around but Raditz stopped her.

"Argh! Okay, I'll eat the damn cake"

"That sounds better. Come on, let's go eat it under that tree" Launch grabbed Raditz's arm and led him to that tree where Goku was.

"How weird, finally are you going to tell me how you met?" Goku asked with a smile.

"In a bar before the fight against Vegeta and Nappa, now are you happy Kakarot?" Raditz commented attacking the Son and Launch smiled.

It was a great surprise for him to see that after a sneeze the aggressive blonde woman turned into a sweet and friendly girl with blue hair.

After that battle he only saw her twice before going to Namek, and now that peace had returned she saw each other again in that bar every day.

Why? Raditz was used to talking with Gohan, and since he wasn't there he was left with his younger brother, who was a complete idiot!

He felt that Goku was rubbing off on him with his stupidity, so he needed someone else to talk with... and well, there was Launch.

"No, tell me more!" Goku trumpeted before a tug on the ears encouraged him, "That hurt!"

"Don't be so mean Goku! Give them some privacy" Chi-Chi dragged her husband away leaving Launch and Raditz alone, who mocked Goku.

"But Chi-Chi…" Goku was going to say.

"There's no but, and besides... y-you and I haven't been alone since you came back from Namek" the beautiful woman murmured blushing.

"What are you talking about?" Goku asked confused.

"Because we should spend more time together" Chi-Chi lovingly hugged Goku's arm, who scratched the back of his neck smiling nervously.

Goku felt that he had to please her in some way, because when he found out that Gohan was on another distant planet he got a little angry with him.

"Well hehe" Goku was going to say something but suddenly he frowned and his body tensed, "Chi-Chi go home with Launch, quickly"

The woman looked at him confused but when she noticed the serious face of her husband she knew that she was not joking. "Okay, but be careful!"

Goku nodded as Raditz approached, having given the same direction to Launch. Both women therefore hid at home.

"There are several evil energies, and the weakest one surpasses even Captain Ginyu" Raditz declared smiling, "It will be a good warm-up haha!"

And suddenly, three armored beings appeared in the sky. One with blue skin, one with green skin and one with brown skin. Then they landed.

"These are Saiyans... which of you two is Son Gohan?" the blue-skinned man asked.

"I'm his father Son Goku, why are you looking for him?" Goku demanded seriously looking at them.

"Our great lord has unfinished business with that Saiyan" replied the brown-skinned being, "Son Gohan must be destroyed no matter what!"

"Great Lord?" Raditz asked.

"We are Lord Cooler's armored squadron" Salza, the blue-skinned being, exclaimed making a ridiculous pose and the others followed him in turn.

"It seems that apart from talking, this trash knows how to dance" Raditz mocked with his arms crossed.

"Damned!" Dore, the green-skinned one, flew towards him at high speed. Raditz just had to turn around, he wouldn't bother with someone that weak.



His tail slammed into Dore's face, burying him in the ground. Salza saw this in surprise and Neiz clenched his fists.

"You are not suitable opponents for us, much less for my son" declared Goku seriously, "You better get out of here!"

"That never!" Neiz yelled flying towards him.


Power levels!

Goku: 2,750,000

Raditz: 2,750,000

Dore: 185,000

Neiz: 163,000

Salza: 170,000

Sorry for the delay... I was resting and planning future arcs. Right now I'm in chapter 125 that corresponds to the Buu saga...

Well, Gohan is learning a lot of techniques and he already controls the Super Saiyan...

On the other hand, Cooler is on Earth and wants revenge! Will Goku, Raditz and Piccolo be able to defeat this monster?

If we get to 150 power stones, I'll update soon!

By the way, Raditz x Launch sounds good haha. Now it's clear who Gohan will be with... team 18 has won!!

LordPhenex026creators' thoughts