
I'm a Snake?

"The hell? Where am I?" [I am your land survival system, you are the new owner of this snakezoid body] [Obey me, and I shall teach you the secrets of survival with the aid of body upgrades] "What the... are you on shrooms?" ... The world that William reincarnated to, was weird. It wasn't necessarily littered with 'merlins' who could taunt actual dragons with their powers, but those who did have powers, could not be underestimated either. Once he reincarnated in this world full of snakes and lizards, William had expected to deal with a couple of fireballs at best, but no, it was dangerous to walk around without getting his head blown up. There were plenty of magicians who wielded intelligence-based powers, for example, which to some extent made them invincible too! Those weren't even the most powerful magicians, no! People were so attuned to the environment around them, along with their own bodies, that plenty of powers originated from such sources! Follow William's journey as he skims through the system's sarcasm, to grasp his rightful rise to power. Follow his journey on shifting a whole country's politics to his will, to achieve some ulterior motives, regarding his ascension to another realm! Notes; - I have no clue to whom the original cover belongs to, feel free to contact me for this matter. - Regarding the update rate ~ often times this novel will seem like it's barely updating, or not at all, but note that it's not dropped, I will finish it. You can start reading it now, or add it for later and wait for it to complete, but either way, feel comfortable that your time and money won't be lost with this novel. If not more, it promises a plot and world worth waiting for. - The novel will be 4-5 volumes long, or approximately 360-480 chapters ~ 600k words max. It seems short in comparison to some other novels in the app, but it's only because the MC is destined to become overpowered at the later portions of the novel. Other tags; Shapeshifers, shapeshifter MC, shapeshifter love interest, snake-people, lizard people, demons, demon MC, harem, light smut, realm, realm splitting, time dilation - light physics included, city building, ruling from the shadows, power lust, sects, religious sects, magic, IQ, intelligence upgrades (with brain lobes described), intelligence based powers, body tampering, expansive ancient history/mystery, pyramids, pyramid building, multi dimensional characters (ex. eight dimensional).

Enkamos · ファンタジー
199 Chs

Purple uncertainty

"What's wrong Willy!" The lady shouted.

Olivia had suffered a tremendous shock, that was for sure. The eruption of this problem was perhaps the worst of all, it was too sudden. These couple of friends were happy just a moment ago, but now they dwelled in fear!

Such fate had a strong impact on her conscience, she didn't know how to process these feelings! A moment later, the only idea she had was to shake the boy, but that didn't yield any proper results.

William could hear the other's desperate panic, but he couldn't respond whatsoever. The pain which enslaved his brain was overwhelming, it even embraced a degree of paralyzation!

"Why? Why always me?" He thought.

This entire issue was strong enough alone, but there was another detail which made things rougher. More specifically, a purple shade somehow enslaved every portion of his vision!

Thanks to this fate, one would think that complete blindness was swift to follow, it wasn't a dandy experience.

Just seconds later, a few white dots submerged in this purple canvas! Thanks to that, this odd view seemed like a tiny portion of outer space now, surely unique.

"Ha, that looks familiar." He grunted.

Yet regardless of what the boy could have concluded, he wasn't given a proper moment to think stuff through. Discomfort struck rougher, and at this scale it could rupture his brain for good!

The problem grew worse once the system announced something unusual, [Warning! Warning! Foreign forces are implanting themselves in your nervous system!]

"And what the hell am I supposed to do about that?" The boy complained through a thought.

That was all he could do right now, this vicious pain didn't allow any other action. Once such immobility was considered, it was no surprise how this dilemma only grew worse!

Specifically, the lady in his head further pressured. [Foreign forces have successfully implanted themselves in your nervous system, and sunk deep within your inner brain as well.]

Although that statement struck fear in his heart, one good thing actually tagged along. In some odd way, all that pain disappeared once that recent announcement was made!

"Huh?" The snakezoid mumbled, as he could barely process the sudden halt.

"What happened? Are you okay!" Olivia hurriedly shouted in the other's ear.

After a while her friend answered, "I'm uh, alive at least. But dunno what's wrong."

Thankfully he could see again, and he used those same eyes to spot something unusual. The boy noticed that his knuckles were covered with familiar, purple and sparkly patches!

Odd for sure but at least this color slowly disappeared. Regardless of that he was still utterly stunned, and needed more than a moment to process everything that happened. Yet from the looks of it, once more he couldn't gain the space to think.

The system lady distracted him with a visual tab, as she punctually described. [It was tricky to analyze this foreign invader, but I finally calculated an accurate result for you. In short, a new ability has been implemented in your body.]

"Huh, how does that work? You're supposed to be the only one that can give me powers and stuff." William thought.

That sounded reasonable, but yet the lady bluntly stated. [Not exactly... Anything can give you powers, so to say. I have the ability to properly link these foreign powers with you, and myself.]

"Which means?" The boy tried to catch up, but he sunk further into confusion.

[I can help you figure this ability out, so you can upgrade it in the future.] Well that option certainly seemed useful.

Yet the information he attained so far, didn't quite answer all questions. The only thing that was known about this new power, was that it technically didn't belong in the young snakezoid's body.

As for any bit of detail that reached away from that matter, he was clueless. What spiked even more stress, was how he didn't even know what this new attribute could do!

A bunch of conclusions fiddled in his brain until now, and perhaps this was the best time to ask questions about the matter. So William nudged his friend away, and got ready to seek knowledge.

Yet in that very second, oddities grew stronger in volume! So in exchange, his word was halted before it could slip out. Thankfully he wasn't showered by pain this time around, but the situation wasn't any less complex.

A weird scene made him speak almost gibberish, "What's this now? Don't tell me I've gone insane..."

Although that expression seemed dramatic, he was right to spit out such an outburst. For a good second, the boy felt that his eyes played some weird tricks!

His stress-coated pace of thought was excusable, as the scene was just too weird. More specifically, that black rhino had somehow disappeared in thin air!

Every bit of this experience felt random, so of course it was even harder to figure things out. In a weird way, it felt like mount triangulum wanted to leave its final, brutal mark.

However, William was still baffled so he had to ask, "Did you just see that, Olivia? Can't be just me right? I'm not crazy!"

"We probably lost it for good this time. I'm pretty sure that cute little rhino became invisible or something, that's not supposed to happen." She followed along.

After that point, the younger one was enveloped with a sense of relief, mostly because he didn't suffer this illusion-like issue alone. 

Now since a portion of stress was pushed aside, it was no surprise how his urge to figure things out grew above everything! But he was beaten to it, as the system finally explained a few odds and ends.

Slowly and punctually she cited, [That's your new power, you can send animals or items to some unknown place now. Only you can access that area for some reason I don't understand. Odd, but feel free to explore.]

"Oh... wait, all of that actually sounds pretty cool." He thought.

Since fear and worry was slowly replaced with excitement, he became more efficient in terms of reaping information. Likewise he focused on a tab which the system had spread out, and specifically asked Olivia not to interrupt him.

"Interesting," He mumbled.

He figured that this new power was put under the intelligence category, which helped understand half of this issue. It didn't answer all questions, but at least now he knew which branch of power to explore!

After a bit of forced meditation, the boy calmed down enough to figure out something useful. This foreign power embraced growth in a literal sense, as in, his most vital organ was forced to upgrade!

William had conclusions about this matter for a little while now, but he needed a second reference just to be absolutely certain. So he didn't shy away from experimenting on the theory.

Which was why he requested, "System, please show me what my brain looks like."

In an instant the system flashed the required imagery, and rotated its contents. A bit of effort was made, just to focus on the specific portion which the snakezoid thought about!

"Aha! I was right!" He shouted.

The very thing he referred to, could be considered an actual addition to the brain, it was beyond an upgrade! In simple words, he had somehow grown a second small brain, the same kind that laid at the back of the head!

This foreign addition was smaller in comparison, and weirdly had a deep, purple color as well! It was attached to the opposite side of the smaller brain, so it was hidden admittedly deeper.

"Hmm, fascinating." He muttered.

Now although it felt weird to basically grow out another brain, William clung on to the fact that his conclusions were actually right! With that considered, he was ready to try out another theory.

Since this great addition was acknowledged now, it became far easier to figure out its related powers. In other words, it was imperative to experiment on this matter further.

"Now let's see," He muttered, and finally stood up.

Olivia followed her friend of course, and waited in anticipation from behind. She was beyond curious, yet she barely understood anything that happened so far.

The situation became more perplexing, once the boy drew out that rusty sword of his and swung against the air a few times. This effort seemed crazed and random for a second, but it actually yielded a result!

In some odd way, three purple lines were suddenly drawn in mid air! They cooperated to form a two-foot wide triangle!

"What... is that magic?" The brunette had to ask.

"No," William answered.

Just a blink of an eye later, a familiar horn poked out of that newly formed triangle. With that sight caught, it was no surprise how an entire black rhino popped out from those same purple lines!

This was the same creature which disappeared before. The boy had accidentally banished it to some unknown place, and now he thankfully managed to bring it back!

"What's going on here!?" Olivia slightly shouted.

The young man didn't mind how both the little creature, and his friend had confused faces. That aside, he couldn't properly explain what remained tricky to understand.

So all he could say was a short and simple phrase, "I think mount triangulum wants to thank us now, it just gave me new powers... new brain powers."

Wanna introduce a new concept, so stay with me through these uncertainties!

- Enkamos

Enkamoscreators' thoughts