
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
304 Chs

Chapter 231 Zephyr abandoning justice

Not long ago, Zephyr, the admiral of the pirate guerrilla unit of the Marine special force, received an order from the highest officer of CP0, his former disciple Peggy Wan.

Ask him to lead the pirate guerrillas to reinforce the action of CP0.

The content of the mission is to hunt down a powerful pirate.

Although Zephyr was quite unhappy at being called by a former disciple, but since it was to hunt the pirates, Zephyr had no opinion and chose to go.

But when he knew the real purpose of this mission, the furious Zephyr almost fought Peggy Wan.

At this moment, on an isolated island in New World.

The howling sword aura broke out, with a terrifying destructive power that even Admiral would not dare to underestimate, it cut away a mountain in the center of the island!

What draws this sword spirit is precisely the goal of the CP agency department's the great pirate Weibull!

Around, the people who struggled with it were Lucy, Kaku, Jabra and others of CP9.

In a few nautical miles from the isolated island, on one of the dozens of submarines belonging to the Pirate Guerrilla team, Zephyr, who had just arrived soon, had a blue vein on his forehead, and he was in a white suit next to Peggy, who was already the supreme officer of CP0. Wan angrily shouted:

"What the hell is going on? Explain to me! Peggy Wan!"

"Why are you so excited? Teacher Zephyr.

Peggy Wan puts his hands in Kabuto, indifferent Kaidō: "Didn't I hate to tell you? Five Elders ordered Weibull to be levied as a member of CP0. This mad dog can become the strongest shield of Celestial Dragons."

At this time, Zephyr completely resisted not making a punch, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, and shouted:

"How many people did he kill in your class? You forgot! World government recruited him as CP0!?"

The guys in the CP department are not good things. Zephyr, who has been in Marine for half a century, knows this completely.

But he did not expect that the government would be so frantic.

Not to mention that the other party was a big pirate who offered a reward of up to 400 million, and he cruelly killed thousands of Marine freshmen and cut off one of his predecessor Admiral's arms.

The government recruited him as a senior agent of CP0, which is tantamount to completely exonerating all the crimes previously committed by Weibull.

Whether it was the thousands of lives that Weibull killed before, or his broken arm.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Zephyr!

Peggy Wan's gaze was still focused on the lonely island, and he kept his gaze at it, saying: "The mad dog that can be controlled and chained is very much desired by Five Elders.

"Can you forgive the sins he committed before?!'

Zephyr's face flushed with anger, as if he was about to explode in the next second.

For Zephyr, this is more serious than Weibull becoming Shichibukai in the original book.

Because Shichibukai is also equivalent to pardoning crimes, but in the eyes of a third party, it is just a running dog of the World government.

And the meaning of CPO is deeper, that is the confidant of the World government!

The people around Ain, Binz and others saw Zephyr's expression for the first time.

"You are old, teacher Zephyr.

After a short silence, Peggy Wan gave an extremely indifferent but factual answer:

"Let's take a good look, whether for the current Marine or the World government, you or Weibull, who is more useful.

As soon as Peggy Wan finished saying this, a beautiful woman in the distance, wearing a pure white dress and obviously dressed as a CP0 agency agent, came with Moonwalk.

Queen of the Pleasure District, the real identity is Stussy, a senior agent of CP0!

"Lucci and they succeeded.

Stussy landed next to Peggy Wan on the Moonwalk and reported.

"You? It seems I underestimated them!"

Peggy Wan was a little surprised.

"After all, it is known as [Enies Lobby's strongest person in 800 years]. Although it is not Weibull's opponent, it is not impossible to kill Miss Bajin under the siege."

Stussy explained.

"Thank you for a trip for nothing, Teacher Zephyr, now you can go back.

Peggy Wan left his last sentence, leading the other two CP0 agents Pudding and Stussy, rushing towards the island with Moonwalk.

And Zephyr, like a piece of granite, stood quietly in place, motionless, Ain and Binz didn't dare to come forward to comfort…

After half a minute, Zephyr gritted his teeth and pulled down the Marine Greatcloak on his shoulders, bit his finger, and drew a big "X" on the word "justice" with blood!

The justice he had insisted on for many years in his heart completely collapsed.

On the other side, on the isolated island, the howling Conqueror's shook the entire island. Lu Qi and others raised their hands in front of them and resisted bitterly, but they felt that they were about to rest at any time.

Miss. Barkin's body fell beside Weibull, and a finger-sized blood hole broke out in the center of his forehead, which was obviously killed by Finger Pistol, one of Marine Six Styles.

"Woohoo! Mom! Mom! What should I do from now on?!"

Weibull was howling and crying, while constantly releasing the exaggerated Conqueror's.

A few seconds later, Weibull sucked his nose and roared tearfully, "I want to avenge you! Mom, you look at me in the sky!"


Suddenly, a big foot fell from the sky, and the scaly foot of the beast, at a moment when no one could react, trampled Kumadori, one of the CP9 members, to death on the ground!

The person who came is Peggy Wan in the form of Spinosaurus!

"Ahhh~~ It's so pitiful, such a good mother was actually killed by this group of wicked men. It's too much, isn't it? Weibull."

Peggy Wanqiang in the form of a spiny dragon endured the smile in his heart, and said to Weibull strangely.

Although he didn't know this strange dinosaur, Weibull, who had just experienced the pain of losing his mother, was continuing to comfort him. After hearing Peggy Wan's words, he instantly developed a great affection for him, and he nodded and choked. :

"Hmm! That's right! You are a good dinosaur! These bad guys suddenly ran out and killed my mother!"

"Ahhh~ It's really pitiful, so let's be good friends and kill these bad guys together?"

Peggy Wanbang read it.

However, it was really useful for Weibull, an idiot.

"Yeah! You are the best person to me except my mother! Let's kill these bad guys together to avenge my mother!"