
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · アニメ·コミックス
304 Chs

Chapter 210 Luffy goes to sea!

Sea Circle Calendar 1518.

In the name of [The Pirates of Spades], as Kaido's pirates, Ace carried out sailing operations. He returned to Wanokuni for a short time, met Kaido and his mother Portcas-D-Rouge, and participated in this year's "Fire Festival".

At the beginning of the annual big carnival flame festival, dancers headed by Kozuki Hiyori stood on the stage and presented Wanokuni's top singing and dancing.

The beautiful and flowery mermaids pour fine wines for the elites of Beasts Pirates.

On this day, the crew of Beasts Pirates, no matter where they are, come from all over the world to participate in this annual festival.

Because of this, Ace gave up his journey briefly and returned to participate in the celebration.

As for the Cavendish, Bartolomio and other crew members who were expropriated by him this time, they participated in the flame festival for the first time.

"You guys, why are you so intimidating? You have to be happy at the party!

Ace patted the back of Cavendish and Bartolomio with his hands behind his head, jumped directly onto the stage, raised his fingers, gestured out a few circles of fire, and shouted to the pat dogs who were performing:

"Come on, puppies, come and jump on this ring of fire! -"

Being exaggerated by the atmosphere, the crew of the Pirates of Spades gradually merged into the atmosphere, one by one hooked up and danced nondescript-nonsense dances.

After the banquet, the crew of the Pirates of Spades Cavendish and Bartolomio offered a reward of over 100 million and were appointed as the six volleys like Ace.

Ace and Jack were originally planned to be promoted to "barbarians" of the same class as Jinbei and the evil wolf.

However, Ace declined the promotion.

Although the barbarian has more rights to control the army, Ace finds it troublesome. He prefers to collect Cavendish and Bartolomio and solicit his companions himself.

Immediately, Ace also said that if he wants to be promoted, he hopes to at least give himself a "big signature" position.

"It's an uncomfortable little devil."

As the leader of the six volleys, Enel was extremely upset.

Enel's strength is long enough to be promoted to a "barbarian", but he is also too lazy to be promoted, because he is used to acting alone, and it doesn't matter if he is given military power.

"With your strength, you are still a little bit behind Hancock and the others.

Kaido laughed.

"That's only temporary."

Ace raised his thumb and said confidently: "It won't be long before I can even surpass you, Uncle Kaido!"

"Heh, brat.

Kaido's horns were slightly raised, and he didn't say much.

"Then I will go first, but I can't stop.

After beckoning, Ace turned and left.

Although he doesn't recognize Roger's other half bloodline, there are still many similarities, such as the fact that he can't be idle.

After saying goodbye to his mother Rouge in the Flower City, Ace led the Pirates of Spades to set off again, but Ace still did not expect it.

This time he went to sea, he encountered another big event that affected Beasts Pirates, no, the whole world.

Sea Circle Calendar 1520.

In a few years, the situation in the sea has gradually stabilized.

Entering the Red Hair Pirates of New World, it has also consolidated its position here.

But it is only in remote waters that it has its own place, and it is not like Beasts Pirates or Whitebeard Pirates, which has an absolute dominance.

Maybe this is also related to Shanks himself not interested in this kind of thing.

In recent years, the Whitebeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates have basically been fighting.

The Beasts Pirates forces rarely start wars between the two.

The whole sea is in a relatively stable state.

Since 1520, this year seems to be the same as usual, and almost everyone thinks that this year can also be passed through more smoothly.

However, in fact, the era of turbulent undercurrents, riots, and even the end, has arrived!

Under Kaido, an elite pirate group with three volleys and six sons, the pirate group of spades cruises in the first half of the Grand Line.

In the second half of the Grand Line, Marshall-D-Teach, the second team member of the Whitebeard Pirates, who had a conflict with the red-haired Shanks in his early childhood.

Killed the captain of the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Saatchi.

After stealing Dark Fruit, defect to the Whitebeard Pirates!

This incident happened after all.

However, what is different from the original story is that after this incident, although the Whitebeard Pirates were all furious, they did not rush to hunt down Teach.

Although Blackbeard has been keeping a low profile and hiding his ambitions for more than 20 years in the Whitebeard Pirates.

But his strength, Whitebeard is in his eyes.

Speaking of heads-up, on the entire ship, except for Whitebeard himself and Marko, I am afraid that few people can win him.

Not to mention that he now has the power of Devil Fruit.

In the end, at the suggestion of Pedro, a member of the current second division, the Whitebeard Pirate Group convened the Pirate Group to start searching for Teach's trail around the world.

Killing companions is not only the Whitebeard pirate group, but also an untouchable ironclad rule that almost all the pirate groups cannot tolerate.

Once someone dares to touch this iron law, he must pay for it with death!

At this time, it was the weakest island in the four seas–East Blue.

A young man wearing a straw hat and nothing unique about his appearance, standing on a wooden boat, cheered towards the endless sea:

"It's finally this day, One Piece–I'm set!!!"

I have to say that the inspiration for this book is good, and the author doesn't like water. All feel that the plot is more jumpy, but this way everyone is happy to read it, and I write smoothly.

I sincerely thank many readers and friends for their support all the way here.

At the end of the pirate roll, I still ask you to subscribe to it!

The author will also give feedback to everyone with the best story. ten thousand,