

Traveling through the world of One Piece, I discovered that I turned out to be a person with the ability of magnetic fruit. Hey, isn’t this Eustass Kid ability? Is it because I am dead? What magnetic fruit’s ability can only control metal and form a robotic arm to fight? Have you misunderstood something in your understanding of magnetism? Primary version: Iron Sand Sword, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Electromagnetic Force, Electromagnetic Giant, Upgraded version: Gravity, Vientiane Sky Attract, Earth Burst Sky Star, Repulsion, Shinra Tensei, Million Repulsion Fist. Awakening version: control the planet’s magnetic field Akainu: Bastard, this guy’s electromagnetic cannon is shooting wanton again Sengoku: Destroyed the navy headquarters in one blow, Shenra Tianzheng was a terrifying move. The Five Old Stars: The Warring States period, Mariejois is being destroyed, and the starburst of Yuri Gadiere has sucked the entire Mariejois into the sky…

Jeffrey_Nin · アニメ·コミックス
110 Chs

In Chapter 17, Sakazuki’s face is getting darker and darker, and the past three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

"Alalara, even if you know you will be punished, you don't need to be like this Sakazuki? Even if it is miserable, the necessary punishment is still inevitable." Polusalino couldn't help smiling when he saw Sakazuki returning to Naval Headquarters. Said.

After leaving the Kingdom of Ross, Sakazuki returned directly to Naval Headquarters.

When they saw Sakazuki, many Marines were shocked.

Sakazuki was covered with gauze on his forehead, and suffered multiple injuries on his body.

Hearing Polusalino's teasing, Sakazuki gave him a fierce look and said nothing.

"Has Gabriel Yuri grown to this point?" Sengoku on the side asked solemnly.

They understand Sakazuki's character and know that he is a person who knows no tricks.

"That guy has grown up very quickly and has taken control of Armament Haki. This time he wrapped Armament Haki around a coin and shot a super-electromagnetic gun from a kilometer away. I didn't pay attention for a while and followed his way." Sakazuki said.

"The electromagnetic gun is fired from a kilometer away, and the attack speed is three times the speed of sound. It comes silently and silently from a kilometer away. It is more powerful than any sniper on the sea. No wonder Sakazuki caught up." Rusalino said.

"Three times the speed of sound is only the basic speed. After Gabriel Yuri's super-electromagnetic gun is fired, not only will it not slow down, but it will accelerate, and the final speed is far beyond the three times the speed of sound." Sakazuki said.

"It's a terrible attack. Gabriel Yuri has become a troublesome existence." Sengoku.

"Raise the bounty for Gabriel Yuri, stop arresting him temporarily, and wait until he enters the great sea route." Kong said.

He knew that such a strong man would come to Great Sailing Road sooner or later.

"So how much is an appropriate upgrade?" Sengoku said.

"Five hundred million Baileys," Kong said.

"Five hundred million Baileys." Upon hearing Kong's words, everyone present exclaimed.

This bounty is rare even in the first half of the Great Navigation Road, let alone the whole world.

Generally, the pirates who enter the New World and have a firm foothold in the New World are likely to achieve this bounty.

"Indeed, Gabriel Yuri can damage Sakazuki Vice Admiral. He can no longer be regarded as an ordinary pirate. The bounty is reasonable."

"To make Sakazuki Vice Admiral into a tough fight, this Gary Emperor Yuri is worth the bounty."


Marines agreed with Kong's bounty to Yuri,

But they didn't see it. Every time they said, Akainu's face went dark.

At the end of the day, Akainu's face became black like an iron pan, and the Marines realized that it was not good.

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye!

In a deserted Yamanaka on Ross Island, a young man kept punching against a huge rock.

Every time he punched, the rock was punched with a deep punch.

"Drink." Suddenly the young man yelled, a thick layer of Armament Haki condensed on his fist, hitting the huge rock with one punch.

A large area of ​​cracks appeared on the huge rock, and then the whole rock broke apart.

"Have you reached the limit? It's a pity that after three years of training, I still haven't controlled the Emission. It seems that strong fighting pressure is needed to break through that state." This young man was exactly Yuri said.

Three years have passed since the last battle with Akainu.

In the past three years, Yuri has focused on practicing Armament Haki.

Three years of practice has improved his Armament Haki a lot, and he has been able to control Armament Haki as he wants.

Solidification, winding, hardening, and strengthening can all be done easily.

The only thing that disappointed Yuri was that an Armament Haki advanced application Emission that wanted to practice had never been able to practice successfully.

Emission is the logo of Haki strong. Failure to control this trick shows that Yuri is not yet Haki strong.

But Yuri didn't care, his main combat power was still in Devil Fruit.

His body is not top-notch in this world. If you want to fight the monsters of New World, you have to start with Devil Fruit.

In addition to Armament Haki in the past three years, he has focused on developing Devil Fruit capabilities.

In the past three years, his Devil Fruit abilities have made new progress, and new abilities have been developed.

Yuri is confident that with his current strength, even if he meets Marine Admiral Sengoku, or Marine hero Garp, he has the strength to fight.

As for Akainu Kuzan Kizaru and the others, Yuri is confident that even if they can't beat them, they will be able to suppress them.

"Captain, Bege said everything is ready and we can go anytime."

Robin on the side saw that Yuri was trained, and handed a towel to Yuri.

Three years later, Robin, who is almost fifteen years old, has grown open.

Although not as mature as later generations, but there is a sense of youth and slimness.

"Hehe, he's willing." Yuri took the towel and wiped the sweat from his face and said with a smile.

"I didn't want to give up either. He just gave the underworld business power to his subordinates. With his reputation and strength in the West Blue underworld, if you want to take it back, it's a matter of one sentence." Robin said with a smile.

In the past three years, with the help of Dazs, Capone Bege has unified the West Blue underworld in advance.

Capone Bege is already a legend in the West Blue underworld.

A few days ago, Yuri informed Bege to prepare to go to sea after a while to challenge the great sailing route.

Bege immediately summoned the cadres from all over the Capone family, divided his territory into sixteen and gave them to the underworld cadres.

Now that everything is ready, just wait for Yuri to announce his departure. *