

Traveling through the world of One Piece, I discovered that I turned out to be a person with the ability of magnetic fruit. Hey, isn’t this Eustass Kid ability? Is it because I am dead? What magnetic fruit’s ability can only control metal and form a robotic arm to fight? Have you misunderstood something in your understanding of magnetism? Primary version: Iron Sand Sword, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Electromagnetic Force, Electromagnetic Giant, Upgraded version: Gravity, Vientiane Sky Attract, Earth Burst Sky Star, Repulsion, Shinra Tensei, Million Repulsion Fist. Awakening version: control the planet’s magnetic field Akainu: Bastard, this guy’s electromagnetic cannon is shooting wanton again Sengoku: Destroyed the navy headquarters in one blow, Shenra Tianzheng was a terrifying move. The Five Old Stars: The Warring States period, Mariejois is being destroyed, and the starburst of Yuri Gadiere has sucked the entire Mariejois into the sky…

Jeffrey_Nin · アニメ·コミックス
110 Chs

Chapter 81, Unknown Strength

"Do I regret it? If you have the ability, you can try it." Kaido sneered when he heard Yuri's words.

"Huh~ Since you don't want to leave, then I will knock you out of here." Yuri took a deep breath, and his expression became extremely serious.

The next moment Yuri disappeared in place,

"Millions of repulsive punches." Yuri appeared beside Kaido instantly, hitting Kaido's dragon face with a punch.

A wave of terrifying repulsion hit this- Kaido.

"Ah!" Kaido's huge dragon body was immediately knocked down-flying out hundreds of meters.

"Broken." Kaido hadn't stabilized his figure, Yuri had already caught up with him again and punched him.

It was also a one-million repulsive punch, which hit Kaido's face again and again.

Kaido was knocked down again and flew out.

"Boom boom!" Yuri kept chasing Kaido with his superb speed, hitting Kaido with a million repulsive punches one after another.

Every time Kaido was shot and flew hundreds of meters, it didn't take long for Yuri and Kaido to disappear from the sight of everyone on Solomon Island.

Seeing the two disappeared, everyone on Solomon Island breathed a sigh of relief.

It is finally safe now.

In fact, Yuri wanted to use the expulsion directly to expel Kaido out of here,

However, Kaido's body is too large to become a dragon, and it is almost impossible to drive Kaido out of the state of a dragon.

So Yuri can only punch him with a million repulsive force,

Now Solomon Island is not the old Solomon Island. Even if the old Solomon Island was broken, Yuri would not feel a pity.

But now is different. Now on Solomon Island, there is Gabriel City that Yuri spent a lot of resources and money to build.

Although it is only half built, it will be very distressed if Yuri is broken.

In order to build this Gabriel city, Yuri, they took their money.

Even if there are 100,000 Homitz soldiers as free labor, even if most of the materials used for construction are made on-site, the cost of building a city is astronomical.

Yuri not only took out all the treasures they had obtained during the first half of the Great Sailing Road during this period, but also borrowed many Baileys from Bege,

If Gabriel City is destroyed now, Yuri is really bankrupt,

At least to re-establish it again, it will take a long time to wait.

Yuri, who didn't want to lose all his efforts, naturally didn't want to fight here.

"Don't be too arrogant kid." Kaido was completely angry when he was beaten out again.

The power of Yuri's million repulsion punches is also not to be underestimated.

If it weren't for his strong defensive power, if it weren't for his strong resilience, he would have been scumbed long ago.

And who is he, he is the three emperors of New World,

He was beaten out again and again like sandbags.

Doesn't he want face anymore?

After so long, Kaido has begun to adapt to Yuri's speed.

After being beaten up again, Kaido roared, "Thunder!"

A large number of thunder and lightning roared from Kaido's mouth and shot towards Yuri who was chasing him.

"No camera moving." Yuri quickly avoided.

Yuri just avoided the thunder and lightning from Kaido's roar, steadying his body, and seeing a dragon and a tiger attacking him, Yuri was hit hard by the dragon's tail before he could escape.

But fortunately, Yuri's body covered this layer of positive and negative relative force field, so it was just that his body was blown out severely without any injuries.

"Breath." Kaido caught up with Yuri, who was flying upside down, and the dragon's mouth sprayed huge breaths of dragon flames toward Yuri.

"Gap movement." Yuri suddenly disappeared silently while flying backwards.

Seeing Yuri disappearing instantly, Kaido's eyes narrowed.

Originally, he felt that he had adapted to Yuri's speed.

But now Yuri's speed has once again greatly exceeded his estimation.

Even this is no longer the speed of movement at all, is it space shuttle?

The disappeared Yuri appeared beside Kaido instantly, Yuri lifted a palm and patted Kaido dragon lightly.

…0 Seeking flowers 0-

This palm is so light that Kaido can't feel Yuri's slap.

After a palm, Yuri immediately disappeared again innocently.

"Planetary Devastation, black hole." At the moment Yuri disappeared, a terrifying gravitational force appeared,

This gravitational force seems to be like a black hole, swallowing and twisting everything around it.

"Proud!" Kaido let out a painful cry again.

The one-meter position of Kaido's body was constantly distorted, like a terrifying black hole, constantly devouring Kaido.

Kaido Shenlong's body was constantly twisting, trying to break away from the twisted black hole attraction, but he couldn't break away anyway.

After half a minute, the gravity slowly weakened, and Kaido broke free.

Looking at Kaido's location attracted by the black hole's gravitational force again, he looked extremely miserable. The scales on the dragon's body were broken, and there were scars one after another. I don't know where Fanji was, and blood was covered there.

Even with Kaido's resilience, there is no way to recover for a while.

Kaido looked at Yuri coldly. This time he was hit hard by Yuri's hands for the second time. Especially this time, Kaido still has lingering fears.

Kaido looked again at Yuri and said, "Gabriel Yuri, I want you to die.

The words made Kaido dragon's body tumble in the air, spit out a lot of clouds, and the surrounding clouds also gathered, and in a blink of an eye, the surrounding clouds were densely covering Yuri.

Yuri looked around suspiciously, not understanding what Kaido meant by doing this.

Although Yuri has also seen Kaido and the protagonist Luffy fight in the anime,

But because of Luffy's lack of strength, and Kaido was still drunk at the time, I couldn't see how strong Kaido was. I only knew that Kaido's trick was called Thunder Eight Trigrams, which knocked the protagonist into a faint with one blow.

The plot behind Yuri has not come out yet,

So to him, Kaido's strength is actually unknown…