
I’m Harry Potter

A guy gets the chance to become Harry Potter and change the storyline to his liking.

Oscar_Rangel_2766 · 映画
19 Chs

I’m a what

Harry seeing the door pop open from its hinges was waiting for hagrid to come in. He has always wanted to see how big the actual man was, he wasn't disappointed as a huge man had to bend down a bit to enter.

(A/N: I am not going to be typing in his accent, I already have tons of trouble grammatically for English as it is)

"Sorry about that" hagrid says as he picks up the door and puts it back on the door frame.

"You are breaking and entering" his uncle said while pointing his shotgun at hagrids head.

"Oh dry up Dursley you old prune" hagrid said bending the gun barrel as his uncle shot the gun in surprise making a hole appear in the roof

Harry not wanting to go through all the pig tail drama step up to hagrid and asked

"Who might you be sir?"

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid game keeper of keys at hogwarts, and seeing those green Eyes of yours Well you must be Harry?" Hagrid replied

Harry just nodded to confirm Hagrid was correct, but inside he was wondering if he should change the whole story or just roll with it and do as he pleases.

'I think it's best for me to change everything I don't like how they manipulate Harry to coming back to this excuse of a family like literally what the hell gives the right for a headmaster of a school to decide where you must go live in the holidays'

Just as he finished thinking of his new approach to this life hagrid was handing out the hogwarts letter with his name on it.

Opening the letter it had the oh so famous acceptance to the school

"So I'm a wizard?" Harry asked

"He would not be going to that blasted school, once we took him in we decided not to have anything to do with your kind"

"Yes and i would guess you'd be a bloody good one, if we trained you up a bit" hagrid replied opening up his coat and presenting a box while saying "happy birthday Harry"

Harry grabbing the box and opened it to reveal the cake personally made by hagrid not wanting his cousin to eat he just held on to it.

Then a few minutes later Harry and hagrid headed out to diagonal alley. Harry knowing where they were heading stayed quite and did not ask any questions.

As they entered the leaky cauldron Harry was expecting the same reaction from the movie but it didn't happen due to him looking completely different from the original also not having the scar was a factor of the non recognition.

Passing the people in the bar heading straight out the back Harry waited to for hagrid to tap on the bricks

Just as he expected he was still mesmerized by the new world in front of him.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley" hagrid said as he began to walk towards gringotts.

As they entered Harry saw the goblins and yes he thought to himself they are still ugly but something was different as they approached the goblin teller hagrid began with

"Mr Potter would like to make a withdrawal."

The goblin replied asking if he had the key and hagrid looked for and gave it to the goblin. And this is where the difference in from the book and movies happened just before hagrid reached for the envelope from dumbledore the goblin said.

"Mr Potter your account manager would like to see you privately would you follow me"

Harry before walking after the goblin he reassured hagrid it's okay and he will be okay for him not to worry since it's just a bank.