
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 76: The Crusher Force's Greatest Challenge!

Across the other side of the planet, above the destroyed and smoking remains of Turles's capital, four figures could be seen disappearing and reappearing around a singular figure as a sixth figure calmly watched in the distance. Turles was actually very impressed to see that his Crusher Force hadn't been wiped out already. Thirty seconds had passed, and they were still alive. Quite the accomplishment, he must say.

It must be noted that Frieza still had yet to transform into his new form. They were going against a stronger final form, Frieza. A form of Frieza that a certain version of adult Gohan couldn't even force to transform. He nearly died against this Frieza in his first form. Plus, he was probably stronger since he had better training partners than just Tagoma like in the original.

Right now, Frieza was far, far stronger than his original self at this point and time. Too strong. Above the likes of Bojack, Perfect Cell, Dabura, Majin Buu, Original Broly, and Blue Goku. This was the time when the Z-Fighters should be preparing to fight the androids. And Frieza has already broken his way to godhood. Truly, it was amusing to Turles to see just how much of a difference he's made in only a decade and some years.

While he wasn't worried for himself, he's accomplished too much to let Frieza get his way. Letting Frieza play around too much could negatively impact a lot of his efforts so far. His empire, his offspring, and more. Once he's thoroughly shown Frieza the futility of his efforts and hastiness, he'll make sure he understands the pecking order this time around.

But, overall, Turles wasn't surprised by this outcome. After all the fruits he shared with them and his training, they damn well better be capable of this much. Otherwise, he'd contemplate eradicating them himself. Turles may hate wasting resources, but resources that prove themselves not capable of reaching the potential he laid out for them? That's an insult to the effort and time he's used on those resources, which was completely unacceptable.

The Crusher Force may have survived for this long, but it wasn't like they were putting up a decent fight against Frieza, either. If Frieza wasn't more interested in sadistically torturing his personally trained comrades, they'd probably already be dead by now. However, the fool continually left himself open and allowed his Crusher Force to utilize his teachings on fighting a superior foe. But while Turles could understand why Frieza was doing this. Sadly, it was going to be the reason for his downfall.


Appule, empowered by converting his ki into electricity, barely dodged Frieza's attacks, leaving trails of lightning after images in the wake of his movements. His tactics involved hit-and-run maneuvers, attempting to chip away at Frieza's defenses without engaging in prolonged confrontations. His speed was increased to an incredible degree while lightning surged through his body, but this technique didn't bring only benefits. At the cost of the enhanced speed, his energy drained far quicker, and when defending himself with his energy, it was thinner and easier to bypass. Although he could use it to electrocute and paralyze most foes, Frieza was not just any foe…

Even when he landed attacks on Lord Frieza, it was nothing more than a passing blow or a brief respite in their clash. "You're quite fast. Not as fast as Burter after our training, but close enough. It's like trying to catch a pesky bee." Frieza mockingly laughed. "Thank you, Lord Frieza!" Appule's lightning fist punched out and grazed the side of Frieza's cheek, drawing a thin line of bluish-colored blood.

"It will not save you from your impending death, however." Frieza's fist buried itself in Appule's gut as he wrapped his tail around his throat.

Punch after punch after punch, Frieza treated him like a punching bag until another member of the Crusher Force flew in. Surprisingly enough, Frieza could sense something quite dangerous in what was headed his way. Instead of attempting to block it directly or outright ignore it, he actually dodged. Whoever this was, they were far from simple.

Sai opted for a more direct approach. As the member who's been with Turles the second longest, he knew just outclassed they were against Lord Frieza. However, despite that knowledge, he still had a savage smile on his face while fighting this superior foe. Utilizing his greatsword, which was taller and thicker than most beings in the universe, He expertly swung, slashed, and showed off his mastery of this giant hunk of metal.

Out of all of the Crusher Force members, Sai was the one doted on by Turles the most. Not even the woman who bore him four children got this amount of attention. Whether this was a good thing or not was debatable for others. Sai learned about fighting from the man who seemingly knew all there was to do involving fighting. He couldn't count how many times he was standing in King Yemma's line of souls before being brought back to life and forced to continue to train. Then, he would be told to learn from his mistakes that led to his death right after Turles brought him back from the other side. Sai knew how much Lord Turles expected of him. A lowly Saibaman. It confused him but also meant everything to him. He would gladly give his life to Lord Turles for everything he's done for him.

Frieza was intelligent enough to avoid his blade, which was reinforced with his energy directly. His greatsword was already made out of an incredibly recently developed alloy. Even without his energy empowering the metal, it was durable enough to survive being submerged in lava and sharp enough to cut through any current metallic weapon. But when strengthened by his energy, he could cut through planets and potentially stars. Although he hadn't managed to test that last one, Sai was confident he could destroy a star.

"Truly, a unique specimen of Saibamen. I never thought your kind could reach this level of power. I must admit, I'm very impressed." Frieza complimented while easily avoiding his lethal slashes.

"Thank you." Sai knew he was the only Saibaman ever to reach this position and level of power. He took pride in that and was eternally grateful to Lord Turles for helping him reach this height.

"What do you say about joining me after I dispose of that monkey? If you want, I can even allow you to command your own force of Saibamen and settle on a planet of your choosing." Frieza gave a small smile.

To think that the disposable pawns he used as nothing more than canon fodder had such immense potential. It both grated on his nerves and made him somewhat appreciate the weaker beings in the universe. Because Turles was the one to develop this Saibaman, it infuriated him. However, if one of the weakest and easily growable fodder could grow to this level of strength. There was nothing that could stop him after he took care of Turles and raised them himself.

"I thank you for your kind words, but I must refuse. My life belongs to Lord Turles and Lord Turles only. He turned someone like me, who was nothing, into something." Sai raised his greatsword, intending to cleave Frieza in half from the top down.

"A pity." Frieza's finger glowed purple before a thin beam pierced the creature's chest.

Bonyu appeared behind Frieza by using Instant Transmission. Her hand, coated in razor-sharp energy, swiped toward the back of the tyrant's neck. Frieza bowed forward as if giving a bow after a brilliant performance. His tail crashed into Bonyu's waist, cracking the side of her armor and sending her flying away. However, this allowed the fourth member of the Crusher Force to aid the critically injured Sai.

"I didn't train hard enough. I didn't train hard enough. Why didn't I train hard enough?!" Mepple panicked as she healed Sai. "Captain! Why didn't you just tell us the reason why we should have trained!? This is totally not funny!" Mepple yelled as she glanced at Turles's faintly smirking lips.

"He told you to train?" Frieza suddenly appeared in front of Mepple and Sai.

"Eep!" Mepple teleported herself and Sai away.

Only for Frieza to reappear once more despite her teleporting to the opposite side of the planet. "You know, my brother has a technique similar to that one. I wonder if he learned it from the Yardratians as well or picked it up elsewhere. Ah, that reminds me… Planet Yardrat is quite close to Namek, isn't it? It makes me wonder if you all learned it from them before or after my time on Namek," Frieza noted. "Huh?" Mepple was confused as to why he was just talking to her. Was he planning to spare her? "But anyway, back to those words you uttered a moment ago. From what you said, it seems like that monkey knew that I was intending to do something like this. Is this true?" He asked her.

"I-I-I don't know! I just know I was told to keep up my training!" Mepple answered.

"I see." Frieza's foot tightly clutched her face and smashed her to the ground. It upset him to have his intentions predicted by that simian.

Mepple screamed as she felt her skull being squeezed inward. Slight cracks in her skull started to spread. "Mepple!" Appule's voice sounded out in her ears as she was using all of her power to rapidly punch Frieza's foot off of her face. Just before Frieza could splatter her brain matter all over the ground and his foot, Appule appeared just in time with a sharp kick aimed at the center of Frieza's neck from behind.

Frieza turned and blocked Appule's sudden attack. Appule pressed two fingers to his forehead and teleported both of them back to their original fighting area. Giving Bonyu enough time to heal Mepple and get her back on her feet.

"I don't think we can win this, Mama Bonyu…" Mepple admitted.

"Spirit fission," Bonyu stared into her eyes.

"But he's stronger and faster!" Mepple retorted.

"We attack as one. Take advantage of his arrogance. It will be… painful. But we have methods to revive and heal each other. Eventually, our turn to reverse things will come." Bonyu explained.

"This is gonna suck…" Mepple whined as the three of them teleported to Appule's rapidly plummeting life force.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, James Roberts

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