
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · アニメ·コミックス
96 Chs

Chapter 45: Commander Sai and Commander Mepple!

Commander Sai stood as the lone sentinel of the Crusher Force on Planet Yardrat. His responsibility was overseeing the development of the Planet Trade Organization's Training Center, which was rapidly taking shape on this tranquil world. The twins, Sei and Sia, were engrossed in their training under the Yardratians. Having to recommence their training from scratch due to their previous incomplete attempt seemed to be a necessary challenge for them. Sai, having long ago mastered the intricacies of Spirit Control, dedicated himself to aiding in the construction.

Sei and Sia, the twin heirs to Commander Sai's legacy, did their utmost to complete their training on Planet Yardrat. Guided solely by the friendly and patient Yardratian mentors, they delved deep into the heart of their bizarre techniques. They wanted to leave this planet and go hang out with their friends already.

Nestled in a secluded part of the planet, the twins engaged in a test of discipline and mindfulness. The Yardratian elders introduced them to the art of spirit control, guiding them to synchronize their inner essence with the ebb and flow of their spirit.

Their training commenced every day at the cusp of dawn, as the first rays of Yardrat's gentle sun kissed the horizon. Seated in meditative poise, they embraced introspection, delving into the wellspring of their ki. Under the watchful gaze of Yardrat's celestial bodies and their mentors, Sei and Sia channeled their energies inward in hopes of mastering Spirit Control.

The twins' dedication was surprising, considering their heritage. Sei's demeanor was one of struggle, his focus akin to a child doing their utmost to control themselves from going wild out of boredom. Sia, a sprite of boundless energy, had trouble focusing due to all that energy, she just wanted to run around, blow things up, or fight. However, one stern look from Sai was all it took to smother than energy.

Days stretched into weeks, and the Yardratian mentors gradually introduced them to the interplay of mind and body. Balanced atop precarious spires of rock, the twins learned to tread paths that defied conventional physics. Guided by the principles of ki control, Sei and Sia focused with unbelievable concentration, their bodies, and spirits harmonizing in ways that few other Saibamen could emulate.

An ocean of Sai's cloned forms, several hundred strong, echoed across the planet's surface, assisting the Construction Force in erecting the Training Center. While this might have diminished his individual strength, on a planet as peaceful as Yardrat, maintaining a high battle power was of little concern. Sai managed his time efficiently, channeling his energies into meditation, honing his ki manipulation, engaging in image training, and cherishing moments with his twin offspring. Turles had assigned him the task of ensuring the academy's completion, recognizing Sai's capabilities and his presence on Yardrat due to his children's training.

"Commander Sai, the Crusher Academy is nearing its final stages! We anticipate finishing within the next few days and subsequently departing," the Construction Force's leader saluted crisply, reporting the progress.

"Krek." Sai nodded at this update, taking out some pol from his armor and giving it to the man for his hard work.

Yardrat's serenity was in stark contrast to the other members of the Crusher Force who were overseeing academies elsewhere. Sai's surroundings offered tranquility, where the Yardratians were allies and threats were non-existent. Here, he could savor moments of calm amidst his duties.


"Hear me, Earthlings! I am Commander Mepple, and I'm here to tell ya something amazing!" With hands firmly planted on her hips, Mepple introduced herself to the denizens of Earth via their television screens.

Earthlings from all over the world witnessed the child-like alien girl on their television screens with the King of Earth being held in her grip. He was on his knees as she gripped his collar with an innocent smile on her face. Behind her, denizens could see the corpses of King Furry's personal soldiers in all sorts of horrific shapes. It didn't take long before the Earthlings understood that this was a threat on the level of Demon King Piccolo.

"You have a new King of Earth, now! Me! Commander Mepple! And for my first decree as King, I hereby decree that you all now belong to me and the Turles Force!" She cackled before brutally killing King Furry in front of billions of Earthlings across the world.

Mepple didn't mind settling down on this planet. While on the recon mission, she got to learn plenty of fun stuff about this place. The food was great, the entertainment was great, and the weak little inhabitants were great, too. This place would be awesome to rule over.

Of course, she didn't forget her mission. There was going to be one great giant academy to fit all the useful Earthlings to join the Planet Trade Organization in the future. Mepple was shocked to learn there were so many of them. There's plenty to play pranks on and games with without it getting old! There'll always be someone else to play with! They're like cute little bugs.

The academy was currently under construction by the Construction Force. Mepple took a relaxing seat on her new throne as she snapped her fingers. Several survivors of her takeover of Earth appeared in front of her. These were the ones hiding away when she was breaking into the palace. 

Through a new technique thought up by herself, utilizing the principles of the Instant Transmission technique, Mepple could teleport people to herself as long as she could sense their energy signature. "Get back to work. If you try to escape, I'll kill ya and have you replaced. There's a lot of Earthlings on this planet to replace you. You won't be missed." She reminded them with the laugh of a little girl.

The non-combatants shivered in fear as corpses surrounded them. When Mepple casually waved them off, they immediately rushed to their stations. Of course, some tried to escape, even with the gracious warning she gave. Those brave little fellers were made an example of on live television. She had the camera crew recording down below as the people who tried to escape were captured all at once by Mepple.

Glowing gooey pink strings shot out from her fingers that stuck to the escapees. They screamed, cried for help, and dug their fingers into the dirt until their fingers bled to get away, but it was all useless. The gum-like string pulled them all back into the castle no matter what material they held on to. 

Mepple made a little show as she controlled their bodies like a puppeteer. While laughing all the while, she had them fight each other to the death, controlling their every movement. She forced them into performing impossible acrobatics and contortions as they pleaded for mercy and begged for death. For the last remaining survivor, broken in both body and mind, she gave him something far more merciful than what the rest received—a painless death.

Terror filled the hearts of billions of Earthlings across the planet. At the same time, humanity's innate nature of violence and survival erupted. After the sick, sadistic, brutal execution of their fellow Earthlings, a massive group of Earthlings rose up in rebellion to take their planet back from the invader. But there was also Earth's Last Remaining Guardian. Piccolo Jr.

At the end of Mepple's broadcast, she was confronted by a green invader. It was a Namekian. A very strong Namekian at that… Mepple's scouter clocked in his power level at 99,999+. He could be stronger than Lord Frieza! How exciting!

"You look like you're going to be a lot of fun to play with." Mepple grinned.

"You look like you're going to die a painful death." Piccolo clenched his fist as he narrowed his eyes.

He didn't spare any more words as he rushed toward the child-like invader. All of the rage of losing everything he cared about surged through him.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Zaki

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