
11. My demonstration to the general.

As I parked my car in my shop, I got out and formed my suit before taking off…

I really need to add a self driving feature.


I landed in the village as the 10 rings started to raid the houses.

All the soldiers that are currently outside aimed there guns at me. {Flagrante} all there guns glowed hot and they dropped them due to it burning there hands.

A smart Micro-gun came out of my shoulders and put all of them down for good.

A shaking soldier came out with a mother and child in his hands with a gun pointing at there head yelling.

I put the Micro- gun away which made the soldier relax in two more came out of the house with a hostage as well.

I looked right at him and entered his mind. He looked at his companions and shot them in there heads before he shot himself.

I know there's there's one more that's hiding. I switched to infrared to spot the coward behind a wall.

I pulled him out into the open through the wall and that's when I noticed Yinsen tied up in a corner.

With a wave all of his restraints fell off him. "You okay?" - "Thank you for saving us." - "I wouldn't of sent you here if I knew this would happen." - "I wanted to come here. I need to help my people." - "Is your family safe?" - "My families dead." - "I'm sorry. If I came." - "No. they are long dead. They passed before I met you. You've done nothing wrong."

Unfortunately he's wrong.

"Are you okay now? I need to get rid of the rest of there weapons." - "Yes. Go. We wil be fine."

I made a phone out of Nanites and handed it to him. "This phone will reach me anywhere in the world. If you need me, call. I'll be there." - "This doesn't look like any phone I know." - "Welcome to the future."

I took to the sky's and blew another depot and on the way to the last one while I was still in the sky they sent a tank shell at me.

I stopped it, and with it covered in blue energy, I spun and went the extra momentum I sent it back to the sender.

I lowered myself and spotted a few Jerichos so my shoulders opened up and a much of micro missiles flew out, blowing up my missiles and the people surrounding them.

I flew back over to check on Yinsen and when I seen he was fine, then I took to the clouds where I made a portal back to my workshop.

I came through and landed to see Pepper sitting at my desk.

"Why are you sitting at my desk?" - "Because I felt like it. Did everything work out?" - "Without a problem. I even found Yinsen." - "I should really meet him some time." - "You should. You'll love him."

I walked to her as the suit flowed away.

When I got close to my desk Jarvis appeared and handed me a box. "Thanks J." He disappeared as I leaned against my desk.

"This is yours. I fixed the minor issues. And if you give me time, I'll try and make it more stylish. These are just prototypes."

She put them back on her wrists. "Thank you. I do actually feel a bit safer with these on."

I leaned close. "Now should we finish that celebration from earlier?" - "You mean last night?" - "I didn't realize it's been that long. Either way. Should we?"

She got up and walked to the glass doors, then looked back at me. "I'm going to the shower…. And you're coming?" - "Right behind you."



Later when I was working on a new project. A full body Prosthetic suit Pepprr came down to see what I'm doing.

Pepper: "What are you working on now?" - "Something for the military and what not, are you busy by any chance?" - "What do you need?"

I pulled out a flash drive. "I need you to go to my office and get all of the recent shipping manifest. this is a locked chip. This will get you in. It's probably under executive files. If not, he put it under a ghost drive. In which case you need to look for the lowest numeric heading." - "What are you going to do with this information?" - "It's my key to legally get rid of Stane." - "Why don't you get it?" - "I have places to be.. I have a meeting with a General. " - "I thought you were moving your focus."

With a thought 3 holograms appeared around me. "I am. These are what I'm showing them. A Sheild. A exoskeleton that brings its users strength and speed to just below the late Captain, and I don't know if this will really be something the military will be interested in but it's a bullet that instantly puts its target to sleep upon inpact." - "I guess you do have something to do." - "Thank you Pep." - "Did I really have a choice." - "I'm the spirit of not getting on your bad side, yes."

I smiled as I wiped all of the holograms away and shrank the exoskeleton with a flash of magic.

"Do you have your suit?"

She showed her wrist. "Yes, but why would I need it?" - "You can never be to careful."

I grabbed the three items and put them in my pocket and waked to Pepper.

I kissed her. "Be safe." - "I will. Good luck with the General." - "Oh I have a feeling he'll buy everything im selling." - "I don't doubt it."



General: "Mr. Stark." - "General." - "It's a pleasure to see you. I'm glad you're back into action so early." - "I was just eager to get back to work, and I whipped up a few things I think you'll enjoy." - "Let's see what you have."

He waved he's arm to indicate to show him.

I pull out a NDA first. "I know you won't say anything to anyone besides the people who should know, but there's a few things that I just can't have you tell anyone about." - "More secretive then usual Mr. Stark." - "I am on occasions." - "Fine. You've never lead me astray in our talks before."

He signed the paper, the. Slid it back to me.

"Good." I pulled out the Sheild disk and Sleeping Bullet and put it on the table. As I let go they grew to normal size.

I put my hand hand back in my pocket and pulled out the Exoskeleton and threw it to my side and with a flash it also grew to Normal size.

"As you see I have a few things here. Rhodey has informed me that you know of this Shield device right here." - "Yes, the boys upstairs are looking forward to a device like this. It can save a lot of lives." - "That's the idea. I have messed with it and made it better since my kidnapping. It will still throw you back if you get hit unfortunately but, you will not come to harm. It's just more of an annoyance. I also couldn't get it to last longer then 30 mins before it dies and has to be turned off to recharge, I put a heads up display, so you can keep tack and not have to worry about losing the sheild as soon as you get shot." - "You went above and beyond on this. I'm not in active duty anymore, but if I was I wish I had one of these, it'd make me feel a lot safer." - "That's what I'm hoping for. The next things I have here is what I call the goodnight bullet. It does what the name implies. Upon contact it put the target to sleep for 1 hour or until you give the target the serum I made to counter the bullet. I made these initially for the police to have something better then a taser but not as lethal then a bullet. But I figured I'd throw it at you two to see if you wanted a bite." - "I can think of a few situations were something like this could be useful." - "Soumds good to me. That means I didn't waste my time bringing it to you." - "Now, what about that suit like machine." - "That sir, is a Exoskeleton. It will increase the wearers strength and speed to just below Mr. Rogers. With this Escape and all around walking with this will be a lot easier." - "You do not disappoint. I bet these aren't cheap, but I don't think you'll have to worry about us not wanting them. Again, many ideas on where to use them.

When can I expect them to be able to be bought?" - "Well, as you may expect, I haven't started to make them in mass production yet. As I've only been back for a short while, I wanted to make sure it was worth it before I went further." - "I will bring it up the chain, but I think you have another big paycheck coming your way."

I stood up and held out my hand. "It's good to hear. Like always, let Lieutenant colonel Rhodey know and he will inform me, and we'll move forward from there." - "I can't wait."

Lights came out of my finger tips and my Demos shrank then came to my hand.

General: "What was?" I put my finger to my lip. "Let's keep this a secret, it's a show of faith from me. Let's not lose it. Have a nice day General." - "Of course. You have a nice day as well, Mr. Stark."