
10. A great day, can turn into a horrible night.

Pepper: "Why are we down here so early?" - "To have you test out your suit." - "You finished it?" - "Yep. I want to show you how to use it." - "I don't know Tony. You sure I should have one?" - "Yes I do. Jarvis bring me her suit."

Jarvis walked from the back of the room with two silver bracelets, and a small black dot.

Pepper: "Hello Jarvis." - "Morning Ms. Potts."

I took them from him and put it on her wrists. "Made it as easy as I can." I put the dot behind her ear. "It's controlled by mental commands." - "So I just have to think about what I want it to do?" - "Yep.. just think about it forming a suit, and it'll happen."

She looked at her wrists as her bracelets split into two and nanites flowed out of them and up her arms them down her body. "This feels weird." - "If you want the helmet off just think about it." The helmet flowed off to reveal a smiling face.

"See. It's cooler then you think." - "I feel.. powerful." - "That's because you are. I do t have to remind you this isn't a toy. You can easily pick up a car with this and shoot through a person with body armor. That's why I want to teach you how to use it."

Her face changed from a happy face to a scared face. "I'm not going to accidentally kill anyone am I?" - "Like I said. It responds to your thoughts. If you are in danger it will automatically equip itself and if you aren't in the right state of mind Jarvis will take over to get you to safety. I made this to make sure you are always safe, and that's its main purpose.

It's nickname is Rescue." - "Just tell me how to properly use this. I don't want to get mad at someone at work and shoot there head off." - "Very unlikely to happen. There are safety regulations for that, but let's get started. As I've stated this suit is controlled by your thoughts. I did this to make it easy and hopefully quicker to learn. Follow me."

I walked out my shops door and to the bottom of the stairs and knocked on the blank wall 3 times and a door opened up.

Inside is a massive open space that looks like it's a grass field.

Pepper: "What's this?" - "It's my room of requirement. It can turn into whatever I need it to be. I designed it after a room similar to this at a magical space. But that's doesn't matter, we can move freely in here and not have to worry about anything or anyone seeing."

My suit formed over me and I hovered. "How about we start with a simple 1% thrust and get used to hovering around."

She put her hands slightly away from her hips and her feet together, then lifted from the ground a little higher them me.

"A little less. The higher you are the more control you need." - "Give me a second."

She lowered slightly to my level. "Good."

I spun to have my back face her. "Now thrusters can come out in many places but the best place is on the shoulder blades like this." Where I wanted, two pieces grew and started to release thrust. "This is good so you can use your hands while staying airborne. You try."

We continued to do this for a couple hours before we started to fly around the room with our repulsers set to stun so we can fire at each other to test her dodging while aiming.

She hit my shot then made her way down to the watching Jarvis. "Jarvis. How do you think I'm doing?" - "I think your skills are Quickly growing."

I landed next to her and took the suit off. "You're learning quicker then I expected."

Pepper: "Thank you. But I need to get ready." Her suit went back into her bracelets, then she handed them to me.

"What are you getting ready for, and these are supposed to stay with you. You know for your protection." - "Jarvis Said there is some problems detected that you could easily fix and a all silver band won't go with the outfit I'm putting on." - "It's a Prototype soon, sorry, You don't like the housing units. It's For your protection, not for fashion." - "I'll wear them tomorrow after you fix them." Then she walked out of the room.

Okay. Rude. I walked across to my lab and put them on my table. "Tell me. What's the problems she's speaking of?"



I got to work and lost track of time, but the new playing in the background cought my attention.

Tv: "Tonight's red hot red carpet is right here at the Disney concert hall, Tony Stark's third annual benefit for the firefighters family fund has become the place to be for the L.A.'s High Society."


He handed me a water. "You have a invitation, Sir. And that's what Ms. Potts was getting ready for earlier. I tried to tell you. But in your own words, I'm busy J, I almost have this. Tell me later unless it's important."

I downed the water and stood up. "I see. Well I'm going to change. I have a party to get to." - "Of course. I'll put everything up for you." - "Thank you."



As I got out of my Audi I threw my keys at the valet, then waved at the crowded and cameras as I walked to the entrance.

I said hello to Stan Lee as I passed before I got to Stane.

"Can't believe I had to figure out about this on the news." - "Tony! It's good to see you. But I am surprised." - "I'm full of them. I'll see you inside." - "Hey. Listen, take it slow, Al right? I got the board right where we want them." - "Good to know. But there's no need to worry. I'm just going to wander."



"Give me.. something strong. As long as it's quick."

Coulson: "Mr. Stark?" - "That's me." - "Agent Coulson." - "Yeah from the Strategic Homland Intervention." - "Enforcement and logistics Division. Yes." - "Have you guys thought about shortening it to like shield." - "I'll put a word in." - "You should. That's a mouth full." - "Listen, I know this must be a trying time for you, But we need to debrief you. There's still a lot of unanswered questions and time can be a factor with these things. Also a situation with a little girl I think you should be aware of."

As he was talking I spotted Pepper and she looked perfect.

Coulson: "How about we put Something in the books how about the 24th at 7 PM at Stark Industries?" - "Sure. I just spotted my assistant. So I'll go, um. Tell her right now and make it a date."


"You look fantastic. Why don't you dress like this more often?" - "What are you doing here?" - "Apparently chasing after my girlfriend and Avoiding government agents." - "I didn't think you'd want to come." - "Well. Here I am." - "All by yourself?" - "Had no choice. You left me. Let's go dance." - "I was talking." - "Come on."


"It's been a while since we've been dancing." - "You've been. A bit, busy." - "Understatement of the Century. So how's this party?" - "Good so far." - "By the way, I think I made appointment to meet that agent guy on the 24th." - "Really? Let's go outside really quick, so I can write this down. I know you'll forget otherwise." - "I will not.. okay I will. Let's go."



I stared out onto the city. "It's a great view from here." - "It's not a bad one." - "Your the best view I'll ever see though." - "That is so corny." I chuckled. "It is isn't it. But it is true." - "What did you do?" - "I did nothing." She gave me a look.

"What? I can't complement my girlfriend on how beautiful and gorgeous she is, And how she, she perfect for me." - "You seriously are making me question you Tony." - "Fine. You caught me I do have a alternative motive." - "I knew it. What is it?"

I pulled something out of my pocket and began to speak as I went to one knee. "This isn't exactly how I wanted this to happen but the next years of our like will be hectic and I can't wait anyway. Virgina "Pepper" Potts you are the best, most wonderful woman I've ever meet and I can't live without you, and I want to make this bond we have stronger, and something eternal. Will you due me the honor of marrying me?"

She put her hands up to her face. "You're not playing with me Tony, right?" - "I would never play with you with something this important. The last 6 years have been the best years of my life and I want to make you my wife."

She held out her hand. "Then yes. Yes I'll marry you."

I slipped the ring on and dragged her into a long steamy kiss.

Pepper: "I definitely didn't expect you to do this?" - "I didn't either." - "But you had the ring?" - "I've been carrying that around for years now." She laughed as she pulled away.

Pepper: "We need a drink to celebrate." - "You know drinking does nothing for us right?" - "I know. But I want a drink." - "So it starts already. I'll be right back." - "Vodka martini. Very dry with olives, a lot of olives like at least three olives."



"A scotch and a vodka martini, extra olives, extra dry, extra fast."

Christine: "Wow. Tony Stark. Fancy seeing you here." - "And the random Blonde who speaking is?" - "Christine Everheart. I'm front Vanity Fair." - "Good for you. Is there a reason for you to come up to me or?" - "I wanted to get a reaction from you?" - "Curently, I'd say confusion." - " I was talking about your companies involvement in this latest atrocity." - "If you don't like the Party, you're free to leave." - "I was talking about this." She handed me some pictures. "You're big speach about saving the world must of just been a big publicity stunt, huh? Because this doesn't look like your saving the world." - "Where were these taken?" - "In a town called Gulmira. Heard of it?"

I haven't but it looks like Yinsen's town. The place I sent him. "I have to go. I guess it's nice to see you."

I grabbed the drinks and made my way to Pepper.


I handed her her drink. "I'm sorry Pep. This really isn't how I wanted this to go." - "What's wrong?"

I handed her the pictures. "This. Our weapons in the enemy's hands." - "We knew about this. You've been stopping it." - "Yes. But I let one slip by to let this play out and I fucked up." - "How?" - "Remember the Yinsen guy I saved?" - "Yes." I tapped the photos. "I sent him here." - "I understand. Be safe." I kissed her. "You're the best. I'll make it up to you."

I downed the drink on the way out to quickly confront Stane which I originally planned on not doing since I proposed to Pepper, but well destiny decided otherwise.

Obadiah: "Tony. How's the party?"

I shoved the photos in his chest. "Are we double dealing?"

He got the reporters away. "Come on Tony. You can't be this naive." - "No. I was naive when I thought there was a line that we didn't cross. A line that we followed because that's how we do business. But if we're double dealing under the table. That's." - "Let's take a picture." - "Let's not. That's my answer. You better watch out Stane. You know what I do to Traitors."

I held my hand up. "Sorry guys i can't take a picture, I have a place to be. Thank you for all coming. I hope you have a wonderful night."

I walked down the Carpet and to my car.