
I Just Called To Say I Love You 

"Sir, we have an appointment with Mr Jones within fifteen minutes," Amy Miller said "Cancel it, I don't want to be late for my own marriage," Andy Francis said "Wait? What? Are you getting married? With whom? Why we are not informed?" Amy asked anxiously "I think I'm the boss," Andy said "Sorry sir," Amy said and lowered her head "Okay fine, let's go," Andy said before holding her wrist "where?" "How can I marry without a bride?" Andy said while moving out of the office with Amy ..... Well, Do you ever have a crush on anyone? If YES, then to what extent you went for him? Amy Miller who was smart, intelligent, hardworking women has a hard crush on arrogant, overbearing, cold and aloof CEO Andy Francis since childhood but has no guts to express to him. Will Amy proposes him? What if they both got married? Will Andy loves her? Ps:- This cover doesn't belongs to me.

Shining · 都市
357 Chs


"Am I mad to say No to you? Never ever in my life I would refuse you, hubby." Amy wiped her tears and said before hugging him tightly

Just then fireworks started lighting in the sky with the clapping sound of their family members who are walking towards them.

"Sild the ring hubby. " Amy excitedly said before extending her hand 

"Yeah," Andy said before sliding the ring 

"Ahhh, I am so happy for both of you." Mother Francis exclaimed 

"Oh my god, this ring is so beautiful." Lisa smiled and said 

"Matt, you have to propose Mia just like what your Uncle Andy did." Erik excitedly said 

"As if my Mia accepts your son." Andy scoffed

"Will you both fighting?" Amy and Nina frowned before snapping at their husbands 

"Fine." Andy pouted his lips and said before taking Mia into his hands 

"Did you like the proposal?" Andy tapped her nose and asked