
Hypnosis System

Come and follow the story of a boy named Mike and his adventures with the hypnosis system and see for yourself the stupid things he would do with such power.

Kwalsky · 都市
18 Chs

Chapter 1: The Book

It's monday night and Mike was outside with his best friend drinking and talking about various things, subjects like cars,girls and the future of his life, what he wanted to do.

From topic to topic they discussed about everything untill the topic change to stupid fantasy things, about zombies, cultivation and super powers they talked a lot about things like that. Mike wondered what would happen if he has powers how his life would change and how much he would influence those around him.

Time passes, Mike and his friend break up on the way home and he's still thinking about the last topic he talked with his friend, about "hypnosis" real hypnosis not what you see in T.V. and other sites, thinking that he can make others to listen and do what he wants and after that they won't remember a thing gets him excited.

After 10-15 minutes Mike arrives home, he opens the door and pass the hallway to his room but he's stopped by his mother who shouts at him from the kitchen "Mike!, do you know what time it is? it's way past your bedtime." Mike who heard her scream grimace and don't want to talk with her at all but he knows that he can't ignore her so he turns right and make his way to the kitchen thinking about the scolding he would get.

Mike enters the kitchen and sees his mother sitting on a chair at the table with an angry face, waiting for him to come in and sit in the chair in front of her, he waits for her to start talking about the rule they set but she says nothing.It's been 2 minutes and no one is making a sound, so Mike takes a deep breath and apologizes for coming home late knowing it's quite over the time set by her when she made the rules, "Sorry mom I know that I made a mistake coming this late, please forgive me".

The time he waits for his mother to say something, he thinks about himself "I have lived in this house for more than 19 years old and I finished high school, I didn't pass the college exam, so I started looking for work, but I didn't find anything I liked, I don't consider myself stupid, but I'm not so smart either. Raising my head i looked at my mother cold face thinking how beautiful she would look if she smiles more often, she was a stunning beauty for her age, red long hair, beautiful face a little pointing nose, red small lips, big breasts sitting high and firm, nice ass, curved and bubbly, she looked great, but she had a cold personality and because of that she did not remarry".

Before Mike can continue thinking more he was interrupted by his mother saying that "it's not the first time you're late, you know that and you still did it, you think you can live like this in my house on my money without having a job and responsibilities, life doesn't work like that, that's why I set some rules until you find a job and you show that you can contribute to this house, you will follow the rules I made, if you find it difficult to live by the rules that i set, you can leave any time you want and find another place to stay...this is the last time i allow you to brake my rules, do I make myself clear?"

Mike answer loud and clear just like how she likes when he speaks with her "yes mom I understand and won't happen again I promise this is the last time when i break the rules, can I go now?"

His mother looks at him and sighs after a few seconds, tells him he can leave and reminds him again that this is the last time she will forgive him.

Mike leaves the kitchen and goes to his room thinking about how to straighten the relationship between him and his mother, enters the room, goes to the table where his computer is set,he turns it on and goes on youtube to search for music, sets the volume lower so as not to bother his mother at this time,he starts thinking about many things.

Time passes and Mike remembers the conversation with his friend, about hypnosis, at first he is still not sure if it is true or at least if it works as well as he saw on the internet, he is still debating whether he uses hypnosis or not, 20 minutes pass, he starts becoming more confident about it and start looking for information and tricks about hypnosis, he finds out many things that introduce him to hypnosis, but he doesn't believe how true the things said on these sites are.

He continues to search for 1 hour and during this time he understands a little better about the subject, before closing the site, an ad appears on the screen about a book that contains tricks and how to use hypnosis without being discovered and what kind of people can be mesmerized and how to approach them, he clicks on the ad and puts him on a new site with the name of the book and its price.

He looks carefully and reads the simple name of the book "Hypnosis", he is intrigued by it, then he clicks on the buttom "order now" after looking at the price, thinking it's not expensive, and he still has some money from his mother, moments after clicking on "order now" he waits for the process to complete, after a few seconds the words" your order has been completed" appear, after which Mike turns off the computer and goes to bed.

Mike wakes up in the morning because his phone is ringing with a notification that his package has arrived at the door, Mike stops the sound and then stands up from the bed, he goes to toilet to wash his face and teeths, after 10 minutes of personal hygiene he goes to the door to pick up the package, opens the door looks down at the package, then picks it up and starts walking back to his room, he sits down in his desk chair and starts to open the package, Mike opens a drawer to take a cutter, then start cutting the box, after a few seconds of cutting, he takes out the book that's inside the package. Mike waste a few seconds looking at the book in his hands, then he takes a deep breath, and open the first page of the book, the moment the first page is opened, a severe headache begins to happen to Mike and before fainting the last thing he hears is -Connection Established-... -Welcome host-.

Mike wakes up from the floor looking at the time that passed after the blackout he had, he is surprised, because 3 hours past without him knowing. Mike stands up from the floor and sits down on his chair with his hands on his head thinking what happened and after a few minutes he recalls the last words he heard before fainting, at first Mike was a little spooked remembering that sound in his head.

Mike starts thinking about what happened and after some time passes he remembers the book and start looking for it, but he can't find it at all in his room, he searches under his bed and after that under his desktop but nothing.

After he calms down, Mike is thinking at the last words he heard something like "welcome host, and connection established", and then it hits him that maybe he got some kind of power or maybe a system, at how much he loved to read novels about thoes kind of things and play games with that kind of genre he starts to believe that he has something along that thoughts.

Mike takes a deep breaths and after a few seconds he says in his mind "System Panel" and waits to see if he is right, a few moments after saying that, something happens a blue screen appears in front of him with his name and something else that looks like his stats, Mike almost screamed out loud of happiness, because he was right he has acquired a power, no a system that would change his life forever.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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This is my first chapter i hope you like it!

Kwalskycreators' thoughts