
Hybrid journey in Marvel

In the beginning, the vast universe was bare and without form. Yet it was not so lifeless, The Celestials, the oldest race in the universe were present long before the dawn of creation, and were responsible for the Big Bang and for bringing planets and lifeforms into existence throughout the cosmos. Still as all living beings, they must reproduce but unlike something as simple as continuing their race, they had a much grander purpose for being born. To stop the universe from becoming endless black once more, or so the stories go, the prime celestial, Arishem the Judge. Arishem the Judge is the Prime Celestial, who is credited for creating the first Sun and bringing light to the universe. Millions of years ago, Arishem created the Deviants in order to aid in Celestial births, a celestial seed was placed deep within planets, and nurtured by the sentient life giving birth by the celestial. The Deviants were meant to help rid the world's they inhabited of predators, helping the sentient life grow without fear of becoming prey. Yet the deviants soon outgrew their programing, and turned, killing the very beings they were meant to protect. Arishem seeing the mistake in his plan, made another life form, synthetically made up of cosmic energy. The eternals, nigh-immortal beings with great power that shepherded beings in the right direction. They could not evolve like the Deviants, that's how it was supposed to be, but Arishem in all his power looked over many things. Still in order to understand all this, we have to go back, back before the eternals, before the Deviants, back to when the universe had sat for billions of years, the celestials were born far and few between. Each one gave life to galaxies, when Arishem had found a world unlike the others, unlike the world's slow in progress. A world that held beings of great power and great technology, a world black with thick fire. Arishem would watch them grow, picking not to plant a seed, but to wait as these beings made more advancements, they did not work off emotions and killed their kind with purpose to and end. Thousands of years went by in a blink for Arishem, watching them wage war, until only one remained. The planet was still, but for one being, who traveled world's, conquering, and transforming life into something else. Arishem had seen enough, with how the world's fell, and how the being did not care for the creatures left behind, celestials were born without problems in this cold conquering of world's. This would mark the being, his world changed as he was brought to Arishem, and tasked with a job to convert planets in the cycle of destruction and rebirth. Yet not all things last forever, and one day when another way was found. To allow world's to grow beon mindless beings, becoming mindless monsters, Arishem had watched the conquest of 450,000 world's but Arishem stopped his call, sending the being and his planet to the far reaches of the universe, but he could never find the technology used to change planets. Thus the age of great darkness ended, and the Harold of Arishem had been lost to time, or so Arishem thought, until a planet ripe with a seed would see it's fate changed -----------------------‐----------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing. #3loveinterest #Drama #growth #strongtostronger #greymc #action #Undecidedpairing If you don't like drama and will just comment stupid shit about the mc not being a stone wall, just don't read. Need ideas for love interest, and the mc will have a human form albeit tall, so I need ideas for how he will look.

KnowPain1 · 映画
6 Chs

Character sheet

Mc Race - New God - Kryptonian hybrid.

Height - 9 feet in god form - 7 foot human form

[image here need ideas]

Kryptonian human form armor [image here]

Homeworld - Apokolips (lost for now)

Name - Doomsday [image here]

History - In the beginning, the vast universe was bare and without form. Yet it was not so lifeless, The Celestials, the oldest race in the universe were present long before the dawn of creation, and were responsible for the Big Bang and for bringing planets and lifeforms into existence throughout the cosmos.

Still as all living beings, they must reproduce but unlike something as simple as continuing their race, they had a much grander purpose for being born. To stop the universe from becoming endless black once more, or so the stories go, the prime celestial, Arishem the Judge.

Arishem the Judge is the Prime Celestial, who is credited for creating the first Sun and bringing light to the universe. Millions of years ago, Arishem created the Deviants in order to aid in Celestial births, a celestial seed was placed deep within planets, and nurtured by the sentient life giving birth by the celestial.

The Deviants were meant to help rid the world's they inhabited of predators, helping the sentient life grow without fear of becoming prey. Yet the deviants soon outgrew their programing, and turned, killing the very beings they were meant to protect. Arishem seeing the mistake in his plan, made another life form, synthetically made up of cosmic energy. The eternals, nigh-immortal beings with great power that shepherded beings in the right direction. They could not evolve like the Deviants, that's how it was supposed to be, but Arishem in all his power looked over many things.

Still in order to understand all this, we have to go back, back before the eternals, before the Deviants, back to when the universe had sat for billions of years, the celestials were born far and few between. Each one gave life to galaxies, when Arishem had found a world unlike the others, unlike the world's slow in progress. A world that held beings of great power and great technology, a world black with thick fire.

Arishem would watch them grow, picking not to plant a seed, but to wait as these beings made more advancements, they did not work off emotions and killed their kind with purpose to and end. Thousands of years went by in a blink for Arishem, watching them wage war, until only one remained.

The planet was still, but for one being, who traveled world's, conquering, and transforming life into something else. Arishem had seen enough, with how the world's fell, and how the being did not care for the creatures left behind, celestials were born without problems in this cold conquering of world's.

This would mark the being, his world changed as he was brought to Arishem, and tasked with a job to convert planets in the cycle of destruction and rebirth. Yet not all things last forever, and one day when another way was found. To allow world's to grow beon mindless beings, becoming mindless monsters, Arishem had watched the conquest of 450,000 world's but Arishem stopped his call, sending the being and his planet to the far reaches of the universe, but he could never find the technology used to change planets.

Thus the age of great darkness ended, and the Harold of Arishem had been lost to time, or so Arishem thought, until a planet ripe with a seed would see it's fate changed.

Abilities -

New god physiology - As a New God, doomsday is a powerful being as if divine, to the point that he has conquered many planets with his Parademon army, amplified with his Kryptonian DNA.

Superhuman Strength - Doomaday has a tremendous level of superhuman strength, which is further amplified when he takes damage.(Moon level but not quite yet he took a nuke, him and thanos are about even, but the whole heal grow thing. I did nerf it a little because I'm not here to ass stomp, I want to write a story. )

Nigh-invulnerability - Doomsday is incredibly durable, which, combined with his mixed DNA he is invaluable to most damage but can be knocked out by other means like magic.

Electrokensis - Doomsday, when healing from a powerful attack, is capable of generating immense electrical arcs and shock-waves from his body, with Doomsday generating a larger and more powerful shock-wave as he increases in power. One of them was powerful enough to decimate several city blocks, tearing apart many large city on worlds his conquered, with only beings of tremendous power being able to withstand it.

Energy absorption - Doomsday's cells, like those of any Kryptonian, are capable of absorbing multiple kinds of energy, for both sustenance and enhancement.

Regenerative healing factor - Doomsday has an extremely effective healing factor, making him incredibly hard to defeat.

Heat blasts - Doomsday can generate tremendous superheated torrents from his eyes and mouth, which are far larger and more destructive than even Kryptonian heat vision.

Superhuman speed - doomsday can move at considerable superhuman speeds, going toe-to-toe with beings of great power within his time conquering. (can't fly but can move as fast as Eternals)

Superhuman stamina - doomsday advanced musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human. As a result, his muscles produce practically no fatigue toxins during physical activity compared to those of humans. His virtually inexhaustible stamina enables him to exert himself at peak capacity for an undefined period of time without tiring at all.

Superhuman reflexes - doomsday was able to easily deflect and react to high speed projectiles.

Immortality - As a new god/Kryptonian hybrid, doomsday has a potentially unlimited lifespan.

Weapons, armor, technology.

Electro axe - The Electro Axe emits a yellow-hued energy that, when struck against a surface, disperses and spreads continuously. The energy is seen capable of infecting human, and other races, turning their skin into a rough, pale grey tone, while lengthening and sharpening their teeth, seemingly transforming them into the Parademon soldiers of Apokolips (Doesn't use it much now)

Kryptonian like ships used for travel as well as terraforming, used by his army when he needs them or to hold planets that he likes.

Motherbox - A Mother Box, also called a Change Engine, is a perpetual energy matrix of Apokoliptian origin, used to reshape a worlds in species into Parademons.

(He wears clothes, well he is shirtless but if you look up radagon he wears something like his black bottom but metal.)

Character name - Ayesha [image here]

Ayesha is the Golden High Priestess of the Sovereign. A fairly old being that was caught in the hands of doomsday when he wished to terraform her planet, seeing something in her, looking past her high and inflated ego, she became a being that soon changed as her feeling for doomsday grew in a better light.

Character name - Thena [image here]

Thena is a member of the genetically engineered Eternals. Created by the Celestials in the World Forge, Thena was sent to Centuri-Six and progress the planet's societal development, paving the way for the planet's Emergence.

During an event of Mahd Wy'ry, along with the planet being eyed by doomsday, she was captured and made to watch the destruction of Centuri-Six's from doomsdays ship. Causing her to re-live life's as she and doomsdays have met many times and hated or loved each other.

Character - Hela [image here]

Hela has met him in her father-daughter conquest when a world poured out Parademons, and pushed them from the world. They fought on occasion, and she took a liking to his way of doing things. She had heard stories from long ago but never thought it to be true. Herald of the celestials, the conquest of great darkness, she even tried to get his DNA to see what offspring would be born but the results are unknown.

Character - Proxima Midnight [image here]

Proxima Midnight, like the rest of the Black Order, was a member of a world conquered by Thanos and doomsday in their quest to wipe out half the universe. Yet she was adopted by doomsday when he felt pity for her broken rock of a planet.

Proxima is absolutely loyal to her father, and will die for him, even as she thought she loved another, her heart belonged to her father. Even going against her lover to help kill thanos after a falling out with the two gods deal.

Character - Nebula [image here]

When she was an infant, Doomsday and Thanos invaded Nebula's home planet, murdering her whole family yet taking her to train her as a merciless warrior devoted to his service. Yet she would grow attached like her sister Proxima to doomsday as he would treat her like his own flesh and blood. Even saving her as he used his DNA to change her life.