

The vampire jumped at kiel in anger, not only for stealing his ring but for confusing him with a human.

The surprise attack scared Kiel, but the vampire man couldn't hit him, as Kiel fell down due to his weakness plus the fright he received.

With Kiel's fall, the ugly 'noble' vampire passed past him, landing a couple of meters behind Kiel.

Kiel was using all his willpower to stand and walk, struggling against the weakness assaulting him as well as the gravity to stand up. With the fright from the vampire jump, for that split second he lost control of his legs and fell, which in turn ended saving his life.

With his back to the ground and face up to the sky, Kiel saw the vampire passing almost as if he were flying, realizing that he now was not only more angry, but attacking him too.

The vampire landed and turned around, jumping again towards Kiel, but this time he intended to stomp on Kiel's face and kill him, but he stopped mid air when his hounds howled to him, signaling the arrival of another vampire.

The 'noble' vampire stepped next to Kiel's head and turned around, communicating with his pets telepathically, ordering them to make this new vampire to go away at any cost. When he turned back looking at the ground, he saw nothing and looked around, seeing Kiel running in an awkward way.

Kiel thought he would be finished for sure, even if this was hell, only in his mind though, he didn't want to pass through that pain again, the one he felt when he died the first time.

He struggled to stand up and even more to run. Thinking of a way to escape from that self-proclaimed noble vampire, Kiel searched for anything that could resemble a church in the wreckage of the burned houses.

Everyone knew that vampires and holy places, such as a church, were not compatible, hence Kiel's choose to look for one, btu to no avail.

Seeing kiel struggling to run amused the vampire, that made him think that Kiel was weak and couldn't do anything to him, so he walked very slowly towards the direction Kiel run to.

A huge smile, albeit as ominous as his ugly face might have been, was stamped on his face, while the rings on his fingers made clanking noises whenever they struck at the strange movements he made with his hands.

With every step taken by the noble vampire, Kiel took one and a half trying to run, until he his heart started hurting from all the running, as if it burned in his chest. What kiel thought to be the pain from weakness was in truth the heart awakening from its long slumber.

The human blood mixed with the metallic liquid, which together were pumped by the sinister heart slowly became purplish in color. The metallic liquid dispersed into the bloodstream inside Kiel's body, giving the purple blood a metallic glow.

The heart's power was awakening, but it hurt Kiel each and every time it pumped his blood. While the heart was trying to convert the blood of its new owner adapt itself, the rest of the body didn't took the changes too well, meting with some resistance.

The remaining human part of Kiel's body was resisting with everything it had, but in the end it couldn't face the strong power of the heart and the bloodline in Kiel's body.

Kiel felt the burning pain spreading through his hole body, making him slow down and in contrast the cold air made him feel the burning even more, so much his own breath came out in the form of steam whenever he exhaled.

The ragged breath burned cold his lungs, the burning pain coming from all over his body topled with his weakness, robbed Kiel from all strength left in his body, forcing him to stop running and use his already torn cloths to cover his mouth and ease a little of his pain.

"What a funny human you are. I thought in killing you just to retrieve my ring, but now I think I will make you into a thrall and torture you even more. That way I can have more fun making you suffer you filthy human."(Vampire Man)

The noble vampire vanished from where he was standing and appeared in front of Kiel, immediately grabbing his arms and biting him on the right side of his neck.

The sharp fangs of the noble vampire pierced Kiel's neck, and the hot blood instantly gushed into the mans mouth.

'The fuck!? You're really biting me? Well this game can be played by two too, you damned fool.'

With such thoughts, Kiel bit him back, but instead of drinking his blood he pulled his mouth and with it came the flesh and skin of the vampire, along with a stream of blood from one artery from the vampire spraying into his face and eyes.

The vampire man let Kiel go and even pushed him back while using his own left hand to block the bleeding. Albeit his actions were pointlessly, the blood coming from his neck soon slowed down and the wound healed itself slowly.

The vampire's strength was tremendous for the weak Kiel, throwing him away, almost inside a house already burned down, but he stopped short before the rubble. The twin bleeding dots on Kiel's neck were already leaking the purple blood, but neither of them noticed it.

"Bloody human, you dared to bite me back!?"(Vampire Man)

Spiting the remaining blood and flesh on his mouth on the ground, Kiel gulped his saliva with some of his blood before answering.

"Well, you dared to bite me too your piece of shit."(Kiel)

Said Kiel while giving him the middle finger with both hands. The bite on his neck couldn't be felt at all with all the symptoms he was having now.

In the distance Howls could be heard again, making the vampire man agitated and rushing his actions. In the meantime Kiel stood up, but he hid his right hand behind his back, holding something he took when he fell down.

"Well, filthy human, it seems like I'm going to have to kill you after all, don't blame me for your death while you burn in hell, blame your weakness and mistakes."(Vampire Man)

The man disappeared again and reappeared in front of Kiel, grabbing his neck and squeezing it with his enormous force.

"Look at you, weak as all humans. None of your filthy race should live freely, your race should've just become our blood bags and slaves long a... augh."(Vampire Man)

"Look at you, weak as all humans are. None of your filthy race should live freely, your race should have become our slaves and blood bags a long time a... ugh" (Vampire Man)

In the middle of the man words, Kiel used what he had hidden in his right hand, a piece of burnt wood, with some sparks still coming out of it. The burnt piece of wood penetrated easily the man's chest, piercing his heart instantly.

The vampire man was speechless, he tried to take off the burnt piece of wood that was in his heart while stepping back, but before he could do so his skin started to turn grey with reddish cracks, spreading from the wound in his heart towards the rest of his body.

The noble Vampire felt fear for the first time in his life, because the wound he received as a mortal injury, and the only thing that could heal him in this desperate time was blood, and not any amount would do, he need enough blood from an healthy adult.

Although they were the only ones in there, he wouldn't just give up. One step, then two steps, he walked slowly like Kiel, wanting to bite him again and drink his blood. Yet the distance he created before made him curse himself for it, a grave mistake that he will pay dearly for it, with his life.

The grayish skin was spreading faster and faster, it even had already reached his hands and some of his fingers had turned into ashes due to the weight of the rings. The grayish skin kept turning him into ashes as his arms turned into dust, while his legs where becoming short as he walked.

His ugly face became even more distorted as he approached Kiel. With his last step, about to get on top of 'prey', his left leg completely turned into dust, and gravity was the final blow to his life.

As he fell hard on the ground, his body fell apart, utterly becoming ashes, and only his clothes and jewels were left behind. This view was enough to prove to Kiel that the man was truly a 'vampire'.

The adrenaline in Kiel's blood that made him stay awake and strong so far, dissipated just the same as his enemy in front of him. the weakness was even stronger than before, the heart had finally assimilated itself into his new body and had consumed a tremendous amount of his energy.

Kiel blacked out immediately as the man in front of him died, falling over his ashes and clothes.

At the same time a shadow had came rushing from outside of the village, in his hands were the heads of two hounds, still dripping blood.

Upon reaching the place, the shadow became aware of what happened in there.

Still writing the next chapter, maybe I can post two today.

My time zone is -3, so I still have 5 more hours, more or less, to post another chapter.

Tressidacreators' thoughts