
Cold night and Threat

Kiel's consciousness took a little while to recover from his, unusual, state. When he woke up, the cold air made him shiver as the warmth of the fire had already gone away.

Raising his head and sitting, Kiel saw the unfathomable in front of him. He was in an old destroyed village, several bodies cut to pieces with their guts spilled out and the blood flooding the earth. The smell of burnt flesh was sickening, but those didn't affect him much.

Kiel clearly remembered that he died and death itself came to him, but he did not heard any of the Reaper words. Confused, he thought he was in hell, and pondered if he didnt commit any sin besides killing that man.

He judged that what he did was still acceptable as the man coveted his woman, but she was also in the wrong as she went and cheated on him, so why was Kiel being punished for their mistakes?

Without getting an answer out is his own thoughts, Kiel tried to stand up only to feel the weakness of his body, without realizing it wasn't the one he was born with.

While staggering to get up, Kiel looked around, taking in as much information as he could.

Certainly what kiel was seeing was an horrible scene for someone who came from an age of peace, but it was still far from what he thought hell would be like.

With his weak body, Kiel started walking around the destroyed and burned village, aimlessly looking around and seeing the horrendous disfigured bodies.

From the corner of his vision, kiel saw a glow reflect in his eyes, but the glow was weak because the light source was just flames almost fading.

He went immediately there, and what he found was something out of place. A shiny ring, well crafted and with a jewel that looked like a red diamond or a ruby in its head. Without a second thought he put it in his pocket, because the ring was too small for his own fingers.

When kiel put he ring in his pocket, he finally saw the type of clothing he was wearing.

Both his shirt and shorts were brown colored and ugly, with some stitching to repair some torn areas.

Frowning hard, kiel wondered if this was the normal clothing to wear when someone was sent to hell. Nonetheless this was only his thoughts, as kiel didn't had any idea that he was in another planet, far far away from Earth.

But his clothes weren't the only thing he noticed, for a while now he tought the buildings were a bit big than normally, but that was explained when kiel saw he's own hands.

They were small, like those of kids.

Thinking this was another type of punishment for whatever sins he was being judged for, kiel's ignored this small detail and kept walking.

Within the burned village, he couldn't find anything useful, as they were stolen or destroyed.

Kiel ignored the dead people as he still thought he was in he'll and that they dindidn't deserve any respect nor burial.

Every dead body that was burned looked thinner than a person starving for weeks, with only a small amount of flesh and bones being left, of course they were totally burned, or better charred to crip and bits.

Suddenly kiel heard howls coming form afar, like those from packs of wolves, but they were far exceeding the normal amount of wolves, were louder and he could even feel their might from it.

Alas, they weren't wolves at all, but kiel didn't know this.

Hastily walking to the center of the village, kiel looked for anything he could use as weapon, yet he didn't find any kind of metal, besides that ring, but a ring is useless in a fight with these 'wolves'.

The howl's suddenly stopped and Kiel could feel something was wrong, with the way he was now, any kind of fighting would surely lead him to die again, but what Kiel wondered was that if he died again, would he respawn or simply rot while his conscious stayed there.

With his mind occupied with such thoughts, Kiel couldn't hear nor perceive a shadow approaching him slowly from behind.

Only when the shadow called to him he snapped out of his thoughts and turned around to see a man in his thirties with elegant clothing, standing there with an angry and very ugly expression.

Wearing red clothing like those nobles used to use in the past in kiel's world, the man had one ring in each finger of his hands, except the left pinky finger. His posture seemed like he was looking down on kiel, both figuratively and literally.

"Thief, give me back what you stole from me, right now!"(man)

'Thief!? But I never stole anything, even from my annoying sister.' Thought kiel as the sudden accusation was throw at him.

"Sir, I don't have any idea what you're talking about, I've never stolen a single thing before."(kiel)

"Lies, you filthy humans only know how to lie. Give me back my ring you filthy human thief." The man said while point at the pocket with the ring.

Astonished by how the man knew he had a ring in his pocket, kiel thought in taking and giving it to him, only to remember he was in hell and the man could be lying. Plus he already had many rings on his own hands, one in each finger, except for his left pin

"And you? You're full of rings,

ow can I know you're not trying to steal it from me? I just found it on the ground, so it's mine now, unless you can prove it''s yours." (Kiel)

The words said by kiel made the already ugly face the man was making to turn even uglier and he finally lost his temper.


"Prideful race!? Aren't you human too?"(kiel)


I'm sorry for posting it this late.

I will try to post the missing ones till the weekend.

Tressidacreators' thoughts