
Human Luna... Human Luna!?

*WARNING!: MATURE CONTENT* Growling under his breath, which is very weird considering the fact that I don't think humans are supposed to be growling, and rapidly moving towards me was a man; not just a man, he is the most ravishing, mouth-watering, and 'down to earth' handsome man I've ever seen. "Mate," he said bringing me out of my reverie which made me realize how awfully close we were. Close enough to see his eyes which seem to be a glowing red one, 'very very strange' if you ask me but I still couldn't look away, I felt more like I was trapped in it. I looked around only to see that the other people around are now staring at me, with a little or maybe more contempt than I've seen in years. With that, I knew I was in trouble. Some of these people I recognize, some I don't but something felt off about them, everyone's eyes were also glowing brightly under the moonlight and that made me feel like I was in an occult. 'Probably 'mate' is something they say to the person they want to use for their occultic sacrifice?' I thought as I took in every one's appearance one more and with the way the hair on my arms stated rising with each face I saw, I knew I was kind of in trouble. 'I shouldn't have come out of the house, no, I shouldn't have drank too much in the first place, if not for that I wouldn't have gotten myself lost in the woods' I lament internally as I look back to the 'man's' face And with the sinister smirk on this man's face, I knew I was a goner. 'Layla, who lived her entire life as a human, blissfully unaware of the paranormal world around her accidentally but fatefully stumbled into the territory of a werewolf pack on a full moon night which happened to be the night they were having a ritual like party for their Alpha so he could find his mate, a Luna for their pack. And quite unfortunately for her, he laid his eyes on her, confirming her to be his mate. At his uttering of his statement, she knew she was a goner.' Author's note: Prior to the warning above, readers under the age of 17 are not advised to continue this journey. And taking into consideration the fact that young minds tend to disobey this particular warning, I'll love to emphasize it now, this book is a really mature one, take heed. I mean common, what's a good werewolf story without a very hot and passionate sex scene! Those creatures have everything heightened for them you know? So listen to me baby girl/boy and continue at your own risk. *** This story narration is in the first person's POV, but in some rare cases, it might change to third person (mine or you might just say the moon goddess since she sees everything and she planned everything). This is done because some situations are best explained from her side while most from Layla's side. And also, please note, English is not my first language so, therefore, I can't be perfect in it, mistakes will always occur, either typos or me not phrasing well but then I promise you'll rarely see it as I'll try my best to edit to perfection and that it won't affect the standard and sweetness of this book. In the hopes that you understand and have no complaints, I hereby wish you a safe journey into the Bane Land... I hope you have a joy ride!! And in case you wish to connect more with me and my children; IG: @adrac5977

Anony_Mous_1902 · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Mom?... Damien's Mom?

"Layla honey" I stirred in my sleep as I heard someone call my name in a fluidlike manner

"Layla" I heard again, the voice sending vibrations throughout my body and I opened my eyes but shut it back as the sun rays that assaulted my eyes were too much, almost blinding.

"Darling" I heard and I had to peak at the person calling me while trying to adjust my eyes to the light

I saw no one though but I noticed something was off, like super off. I am in a garden, more like a vast land full of grass and flowers and there is a figure that shunned brightly, hanging or dangling in the sky and I couldn't see the face but it looked like it was peering at me.

"Layla," the person said, she's a woman with a voice so sweet I could taste it and so soothing that I was shocked

"Mom?" I questioned not really knowing what else to say, she felt like my mother even though I don't know her since I thought 'Who else can appear to me like this if not my mother?'

Laughing richly and moving downwards a little bit

"No no no, darling, I'm not your birth mother, but you can call me Mother, I came here to keep you company and to advise you on how to conquer your enemies because from now on, you would have to stand for yourself and protect the ones you love. That's your role, your duty, and obligation as the Luna of my son's pack" she said

"Damien's mum?" I said realizing my mate's dead mom came to me, what a loving mother

"No no no" she laughed again and that got me confused

"I'm not Alaric's birth mother"

"Alaric?" I questioned looking confused

"That's Damien's wolf name"

"Then who are you?" I asked slightly getting angry, why can't she just tell me who she is and stop being anonymous

"I guess you'll figure that out on your own my dear," she said

"I'll come back later and by then I hope you already know who I am, but before I go, let me tell you one crucial thing. If you want to be the Luna of Alaric's pack and stay beside the person you love, you have to take the bull by the horn"

"Currently, there is nothing Alaric can do to stop the wrath coming your way, his threat can't hold his people down for long. In fact, right now, they are plotting your demise and had already gone to attack your former abode" she said and I gasped in horror

"Selene," I said, the name coming out of my mouth like air

"You're so smart" she squeaked coming down from the sky and removing the light that covered her face which was almost blinding

"I knew you'd figure it out, I didn't expect it to be that quick though" she gushed as she moved closer to hold my hand

Her touch was like a feather and it felt so much like home.

She is beautiful with her long black hair cascading down to her waist, a contrast to my blonde and not too long own. She has blue eyes that are as clear as water just like mine but much brighter and she's slightly taller than I am.

I was speechless though, I had tons of thoughts racing through my head at the same time but one overshadowed all

"You caused all this," I said, venom lacing my voice, making her shift backward a bit.

With her very ordinary look, it's so easy to forget that she is a goddess and the one that has been protecting the werewolves since they were born.

"Yes I did, but everything that has happened did because of a reason, now if you'll take your anger aside and listen to my advice, you'll escape death," she said in a rather calm way but still authoritatively.

I found myself lost in her eyes, her beauty and I know I can't keep my anger at her, she's too mesmerizing for that

"But what do I do? How do I go about it? I don't want to die" I said as tears started gleaming my eyes as I thought about death.

Maybe it's because I'm in the presence of a goddess because the image and feeling of gore that passed through me felt so vivid I started shaking.

"Layla" she screamed at me, bringing me out of my reverie

"Don't think of anything except good things when you're in front of me" she said and I knew my guess was right

"What..." I started, but it was like she had read my mind

"You're smart, skillful, cunny, and funny. You are lovable and you are the best among the females around, that's why I chose you for Alaric" she said in a fluidlike manner, and with every word she uttered, I felt a rush through me, and I felt truly powerful, it was like she was casting a spell on me

"I'm not casting a spell" she smiled "I'm just helping you to see the things you didn't notice before now"

"And now that this is clear to you, do not allow Alaric to take things into his hands tomorrow as he is going to destroy it, don't forget to take the bull by the horns, show them what you've got. Let them know you're powerful even if you're not a werewolf, let them know you're capable of ruling them and protecting them, and trust me, you'll be safe" she said

"Okay," I said

"I'll be back," she said with a bright smile before giving me a kiss on both cheeks, hugging me, and then disappearing.

And just as the light strode in, they went away, returning me back to where I was, in the arms of my lover.

So the MG appeared to her? I didn't see that coming

Well, I can see an active chapter in the making since she had just been advised and empowered by the Moon Goddess herself why not.

And who can guess a plot twist in this book?

I believe I hinted at it.

For the first person to get it right, I'm dedicating two chapters to the person and including the person's name in this book

Well till next time and also, sorry for the short chapter

*flying kisses*

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