
Chapter 8

I was walking down the road in New York with my family to come to take part in a science fair where the top 10 projects would get a chance to get a scholarship exam to Harvard, now not only would this competition allow me access to higher education faster but I could also meet people with potential and this would make me stand out which was would allow me to get a better chance of meeting Stark and meeting people with higher intellect will allow me to learn faster since I quite often probed the minds of others to understand and learn faster.

The best choice would be to get the 1st position and smash it but that would probably require me to probably use my magical powers to control someone which would render me or I could make my project an illusion which was probably a better choice.

As I was thinking of how to proceed sensed a strange energy and turned around to see where it was coming from, it was a shopkeeper eating some biscuits. I was sure I sensed something strange but I didn't know what it was, the energy I had felt was there but if I lost focus of it it would be very hard to find.

Who was this shopkeeper? Was he some sort of MCU villian I didn't know about or was he some all powerful alien? I decided to probe his mind to get a better idea. When I probed it I realized that he wasn't a he, he was a she and she was Mystique!

I went up to her and asked "Hello do you sell biscuits?"

""Umm... I think so?"

"Did you know stealing is not very good thing to do." I said with a smirk.

She was stunned by my sentence, as she was about to run I induced feelings of safety and trust and said "You can come with me if you want, I can give you a home and food, if you promise not steal again."

She paused for a second and said "Who are you?"

I made a few sparkles with magic and said "Just a friend, follow me."

She followed me to my an alley and I opened a portal to my home she was quite startled and I could sense that she was a bit scared but I was my magic was suppressing that and when we arrived there was no one since both of my parents were in a hotel in New York since the Science fair was on for 5 days she said when I got home and she asked "Is this were you live?"

"Yes but for you this would be only be temporary home since my parents also live here, I need to find a better place for you to live." I said as I opened a portal to Kamar-Taj

"Alright then, where are going then?"

"To see if I can get you a free home."

Would the Masters agree? Anyway getting mystique as an ally had to be my main goal for the moment and that would require me to build a lot of trust which would take a lot of time.