
Httyd: a unexpected reincarnation

Night_writer · ファンタジー
11 Chs

The red death (5)

Once I had the red deaths attention I tried to replicate how it was defeated. It was all going smoothly and the red death let out and ear piercing roar. Once it echoed I went back at firing plasma blasts at it.

The sun then pieced through the clouds behind me.it was hot, very hot. I turned around to see what it was then to my horror I saw another red death.

"System what core does that red death have?"

[it has a magma core that will make your organs melt inside of you if hit. be warned]

"Alae pull up."

Both red Deaths were following me. I had stopped when I reached a dense and dark cloud. while in between both giant dragon I simultaneously shot two plasma blasts while dropping below them.

reaction to this they had shot their breaths at each other. While the magma breath was stronger it was severely injured.while the other was dropping down without any resistance hitting the edge of the island with a big thud.

"Alae put your full power into this."

With a seconds delay a plasma thunder bolt was shot as the red death started falling, so did we. I pasted out, at least I didn't lose my leg, hehe.


Hiccup POV

Through the clouds I saw 2 red deaths fall but next to the last one there was something falling next to it.

"Come on bud let's go save them." I felt bad for him

Who wouldn't he just defeated 2 red deaths by himself, All for the sake of apologizing.

"Astrid save him and I'll get Alae."

"On it" Astrid replied

We barley caught them, but toothless could barley hold on to Alae since he is much bigger.


Egil POV

I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling. I tried to get up in a daze Alae helped me walk. I closed my eyes and turned my head down hoping I didn't jinx myself. 2 normal legs that's a relief, but I need to make sure nothing has happened since there have been too much changes in the storyline.

"Morning Egil" multiple Vikings greeted me

I went to the forge finding hiccup working on toothless's wing.

"Hiccup, what happened?"

He turned around with a look of relief

"Sorry about what I said to you earlier."

"It's fine it wasn't your fault anyway why does everyone know my name?"

"Who wouldn't wanna know their saviors name."

"I'll need to leave in a while, I have things that need my help. Not to mention I have something I wanna make on my bucket list."

"I see… I'll make sure to have things ready for you to leave."

As I left the forge and mounted Alae I told her to take us to the cove

[as a reward you have gained the active skills "dragons tongue" and "draconic infusion"]

"I'll need to do testing on what that last one does, The other is self explanatory."

"Activate dragons tongue"

[activating unique skill "dragons tongue"]

(Dragon tongue= *)

*hey Alae, how you doing*

*I'm doing fine… wait what? How can you understand me?*

*that's a secret, hehe*

*ugh my head*

[mp has been fully used deactivating "dragons tongue"]

"That's weird, how come camouflage never had this effect?"

[the unique skill "camouflage" is a energy maintained. Meaning that it takes physical strength/stamina]

"Good to know."

Once we arrived at the cove I layed on Alae looking at the pond in the center. I started making a mental plan of what to do in the future.

[alert! Quest received! Requirements]

[-Find an appropriate island]

[-make a base of operation]


[-create a forge]

[-create a arena]

[-create a cabin]

[-create a dragon nest]