

Bringing the successor system to the wizarding world, Harry Potter world. Before entering school, Wilkes was only ten years old, and he was already in the dark and lawless Knockturn Alley. Wearing a mask of indifference with a terrifying strength compared to his age, and no one dared to provoke him in Knockturn Alley. "Dumbledore, you don't know anything about Wilkes!" Snape coldly advised the good man in front of him. "Wilkes, why do you always bully me" Hermione blushed and dared not look at the boy sitting next to her. Inherit countless abilities, secretly change the original plot, all that just to trigger the system again! ------------------------------------------------------------ Author: Magneto Translator: Zainal Balo ------------------------------------------------------------ Link of the original fanfiction: https://wap.faloo.com/475656.html ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Daily Updates ** (T/A The more support we get the more chapters we will try to translate.)

are_96_ara · 映画
34 Chs

Chapter 24: The Forbidden Forest at Night

Hogwarts, the bathroom on the first floor, was in a mess at the moment, and several professors began to repair and detect.

Dumbledore, who was not involved in the restoration, stared silently at the stone gate and roof that had completely melted from the bottom-up.

After a while, Dumbledore said, "Severus, what do you think?"

Behind Dumbledore, Snape continued to scan the corridor with a serious face, everywhere was covered with traces of magic attacks, and the stone door in front of him was melted so badly.

"Massive magic power, every spell is at least the level of an adult wizard, as for the attack in front of him..." Snape's indifferent pupils condensed slightly, remembering the rumors that he had been spread once in Knockturn Alley.


That was a year ago, in Knockturn Alley.

"That kid is Wilkes's son, he is also called Wilkes. He is really a terrifying kid." The wizard who passed by in Knockturn Alley bowed his head and was talking to others.

Wearing a black cloak, Snape walked through Knockturn Alley.

Although his expression was still cold, he could not help but hear that everyone around him was discussing one person.

A child who is only ten years old.

Even the two parties in the shop who are trading, mention it from time to time.

"Have you heard that another unlucky one was burned to ashes yesterday? And the flame pillar have reached the sky, even from hundred meters away you can see it clearly"

"I heard that it was Chris Dian, who was killed before having a chance to take out his wand."

Almost everywhere, he walked, Snape could hear others discussing a child named "Wilkes."

After all, because of his identity, he did not show his face to ask anything and silently left Knockturn Alley.


"A very powerful, absolutely top-rated charm and a charm that has never been recorded. As far as I know, Wilkes has mastered it at least a year ago." Snape muttered.

"That's really..." Dumbledore's eyes flashed through countless distracting thoughts, and he did not know what he was thinking.

Until the corridors were almost restored, only the remains of the trolls on the ground were left, and Professor McGonagall walked to Dumbledore's side.

"Dumbledore, it has been repaired, but this troll must have been attracted on purpose, we should..."

"Minerva thanks for your hard work. Let's stop here today. I will investigate this matter deeply. Let's go back and rest."

Dumbledore interrupted Professor McGonagall's concerns.

Turning his head to look at Snape again, Dumbledore said, "I'll leave the troll parts to you, Severus."

After speaking, he left unconsciously.

Professor McGonagall and the other professors looked at each other, hesitated, and left one after another, leaving only the silent Snape staring at the remains of the giant troll under his feet.


The night at Hogwarts was surprisingly quiet.

Due to school regulations, students were not allowed to leave the common room. Therefore, the Hogwarts Castle corridor is empty at night.


The door of the entrance hall on the first floor, a gap suddenly opened without any wind, but after a few seconds, it closed strangely.

''Dap... Dap... Dap..''

In the silence, slow footsteps sounded, and listening to the sound, they were walking towards the dark forbidden forest. On the way, the dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground were stepped on from time to time.

"The Forbidden Forest is really gloomy, but I have to say that this is really a good place to raise magical animals." A voice suddenly sounded in a place that seemed to be empty.

"Go away." With another sound, a magic wand suddenly appeared in the air, and a figure appeared when the wand passed across the ground.

A boy who seemed to be a teenager, with clear and bright eyes.

It was Wilks who had just sneaked out of the castle with the "Phantom Curse".

The Forbidden Forest, also known as the Dark Forest, is located on the edge of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students are usually not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, except for being punished and imprisoned or taking classes to protect magical creatures.

"This place should be deep enough so that no one else will find me." After walking for a long time, Wilkes stopped.

After observing the surroundings, the area was wide and flat, and huge and sturdy trees were growing in an orderly manner.

This is a rare flat place in the Forbidden Forest and a good place to feed the Shadow Bear.

"Come out, Shadow Bear." Wilkes took out the Shadow Bear doll from the dragon skin bag on his waist and threw it directly into the open space in front of him.

'' Hum! ''

In the next moment, the black teddy bear gradually expanded as it fell, turning into a shadow bear wrapped in a black aura.

'' Bump! Bump! ''

As soon as the shadow bear appeared, he beat his chest with the two bear paws, and saliva splashed from his big mouth:

"Aw! Aw!"

"It's alright, don't scream, go eat, big stupid bear." Wilkes directly interrupted the shadow bear's domineering appearance and suspended the dragon skin bag by using the levitation charm 'Wingardium Leviosa' to one side, under the root of the tree.


In the next moment, countless pieces of food were taken out, leaning down like a waterfall.

"Aw! Aw! Aw!" Shadow Bear moved his nose, and when he smelled the scent, his two small eyes were dumbfounded, and his mouth suddenly closed. He immediately crawled under the dragon skin bag and sat down with a "touch". On the ground.

Regardless of the amount of food, the Shadow Bear immediately gobbled it up, and the naive look made Wilkes feel helpless.


When it is fighting, the Shadow Bear was very domineering, but now, this appearance made him could not help but shook his head helplessly.

"Oh god, the food for the Shadow Bear will really be a trouble in the future..."