
HP: A New World账

He opened his eyes, and saw himself in an entirely new world. It was very familiar to the one he knew in his previous life, but wait! Is this magic? He is going to Hogwarts? Am I in the world of Harry Potter? ----------------------------------------------------------- For 10 extra chapters: patreon.com/jdbeue Chapter release schedule : 7 chapters per week, one chapter per day Chapter length - 700 words Discord - https://discord.gg/Dpddtatvge

jdbeue · 書籍·文学
31 Chs

Gift from Arthur

D-day had arrived. Will spent the majority of the morning getting ready for the party that came at lunch. After a quite heavy breakfast, he has multiple people prepping him for the outfit that he was supposed to adorn. It took quite a while to get all the creases perfect, and all the folds seamless. But all that was well worth it at the end. Looking at him, it felt as if going back to the nineteenth century.

Will went to his dressing table and took a box, laden with the name, 'Rolex', on top of it. He took out the gorgeous piece of jewelry and wore the oyster straps. He took a pair of custom cuff links and put them on, and then wore his shoes. Bearing all of this, he truly felt like the James Bond in the movies. He laughed to himself, glee with excitement. He left the room, looking like a true Young Master.

His parents were waiting outside. They had already wished him a very happy birthday, as did the rest of the household. His aunts were reluctant in wishing him, but they were forced to by Arthur. Arthur went to Will, and called him to meet him in private. All ready now, Will went upstairs to the study room. Eleven years had already passed since the incident, and Will felt it only as a dream, but he knew that it happened. Still, he was able to go into the room.

Inside, Arthur was standing facing the window. Hearing Will come in, he turned around.

"Ah! The birthday boy. You must be feeling quite proud of yourself, now aren't you. So, as your grandfather, I am much obliged to give you a better gift than anyone else.", he said, laughing.

Will wanted to question that remark, but years of experience told him that he knew better.

Arthur went over to his desk, and took a box from the locked drawer. He opened the box, and took out a red pendant from it. He then handed the pendant to Will.

"Remember, always keep this on you. You better wear it. The chain will never break, unless you actually take it off. It is better if you always keep it on, even when you go to the bathe, because it will be a lifesaver in the last minute. I can't allow you to die when I am not watching you, can I?", he said.

After all of these years, another thing that Will learnt about Arthur was how much he cared about the family line, and it was clear that he would do anything to protect it, as he conducted that experiment on Will all those years ago for this purpose. So, when Arthur said that he did not want Will to die, Will believed it. He took the pendant, and wore it around his neck. He tucked it behind his shirt so that it would not be seen. Then, he heard a sudden click. The pendant seemed to have a mechanism. He tried it by pulling the pendant out, but no matter how much he yanked it, it did not seem to budge. He left it behind his chest.

He nodded at Arthur and asked, "Is that all?"

"No, wait a moment. There should be something else.", Arthur said with a smile on his face. But he did not move an inch from his position, and was looking at Will.

Then, the pendant on his chest started burning. This burning seemingly did not affect his clothes, but rather his skin, because Will could feel it falling right off. He screamed.

"What is this pendant grandfather? Are you trying to kill me ag-", he stopped himself at the last minute, almost saying 'again'.

"This is just a precaution, William. I just want to make sure that you wouldn't take off the pendant, so I had to do this."

Will took off a few buttons of his shirt to lift the pendant from his skin, but what he saw surprised him. To his shock, the pendant disappeared and he had a tattoo of a small bird curled up into a ball, at the same place that the pendant was resting.

"Ah! Now I am reassured that nothing will happen to you. From now boy, I will no longer be in charge of you, and everything will be taken care by your parents. I will have to go somewhere. You should learn well. Hogwarts is a wonderful place, and Dumbledore, I mean, Professor Dumbledore is a wonderful person. He will protect you from all dangers in the school, if there are any. Don't tell your parents about this gift."

Will nodded, and he left the room.

Arthur sighed. "Oh, looks like I won't be seeing him again."


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Check out my other books, The Golden Throne, and Legacy Firing

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