
Howls of the Winter Wolf

Two Identities in one body. Chelsea is a famous internet figure. She looks innocent and she is called Goddess. A model, luxurious brands ambassador and even a business investor. But that's not her real identity. Atheia Marzanna. The Seductress of the underground. Every week, different men. A spoiled brat, and a Mafia Princess. Being a Seductress is just a cover which became a dirty hobby of hers. She wants to enjoy her freedom which just recently given to her. All her life before 18, she was trained to be the next heir. Wanting to escape the responsibilities, she made a deal with her father saying she would be in a vacation for a year. What would be her life after tasting the life of being free from unwanted responsibilities?

Melione_19 · 若者
3 Chs

Chapter 3

That's what I said.


"Good Morning, Miss Chelsea! Did you the gift?"

He also attends to this university!

Last night, he messaged me. Maybe he's right about knowing me even when I was in France coz he already followed me months ago.

"Yeah. My daughter liked it so much. Thank you" I openly showed disinterest but he keeps bothering me.

"That's nice to hear! Oh, I gotta go now. See you around!"

"Ha~" atlast. I went to my room and the girls greeted me.

"Miss Chelsea, your pets are sooo cute!"

"Yeah! A lot of people asked who's the father! Of course it's Nathan, right?"

"But Nathan's with another girl again." they suddenly covered the mouth of girl who said that.

"Don't say that!"

"It's okay, girls. It's fine. We already broke up. It's true that I liked him but, it's not that I can change him. Even though I knew his personality, I still liked him. A week of happiness I felt with him is enough." I said while looking like I'm going to tear up.

Do you know that some even want me to try acting industry?

I heard a lot of curses, cursing Nathan. The lecture started but some didn't listen, some are just chatting, there's also some who listened attentively.

The class ended and the girls invited me to the cafeteria. After that, I told them if we can take a peek at the gym where the volleyball team practice.

There, I saw Nathan, holding other girl's hand while wiping his sweat.


"I think we should go back now, Miss Chelsea."

"Or we can attack Nathan."

"I want to punch his face."

While listening to the girls, I went inside the gym and sat at the fourth row. The girls followed me and the eyes of the people inside the eyes are on me now.

Even Nathan. I looked at him while he is surprised. He let go of the girl's hand and ran towards me.

"Chelsea!" his smile is nervous. "Did you come to watch me?"

"No." I replied immediately. He is dumbfounded.

"Ah...what you saw right now was just---"

"I don't care." I cut him off. I went down the bench. I saw Eli, his bestfriend looking at me like he was saying 'I expect her to cry' but boy....

"Hi Eli~" I waved at him and wink. I gorgeously walked out the gym and left them in the state of shock.

"What was that, Chelsea?" I told them to drop the honorific already.

"Well, it's just part of ✨moving on✨" I said.

"Did you see Nathan's reaction? It was priceless! I even recorded the whole thing!"

"WHAT?!" we said in chorus.

"Send it to me."

After that, the school was in chaos because of that.

Well, it didn't got out because it's already known. Even if it got out, it would be not a big deal.

Nathan and I broke up without even saying we broke up. Because we didn't even had a "relationship" in the first place.

Nathan thought I was her girlfriend but, liking each other doesn't automatically mean you are dating.

The night I said I liked him, he said he liked me too then kissed me. He took that as a sign we are dating. But we're not.

"Chelsea! Chelsea! Let's talk. Please." Nathan is now chasing me, begging for us to talk.

"There's nothing to talk about, Nathan."

"What about us?"

There's a lot of students looking at us now. Some are even taking videos.

"Us? There's no ✨Us✨, Nathan. There's only YOU and ME."


"Did we even date? No. We were never together to begin with. Just think of it as one night stand. No strings attached."


"Oh wait. Are you doing this now because I hurt your pride? Oh right. You should be the one ignoring me now. Sorry, I didn't know my role." he begged me more but I left there already.

So suffocating.

"Hi Miss Chelsea!" gosh. Can't I have a peaceful time of the day? Another annoying creature arrived.

"I saw that." he meant the scene we caused. "That was....amazing."

"Wtf are you saying?" I raised my brow at him. I'm really annoyed right now.

"Oh chill. I mean, if I were to be your boyfriend, I wouldn't treat like how he treats you."

"I don't need a boyfriend."

"hmm~ a sugar daddy?" he playfully asked.

"You're too young and.... I'm ✨rich✨. Don't need your money."

I flipped my hair and got out of there.

I'll just go home.

I went to the parking lot then suddenly a black van stopped right in front of me and someone went down and put a handkerchief on my mouth.

Is the Hell Monday, real? Is it today?

They're at it again. Kidnapping. I'm used to it. As a daughter of someone in high position, it's inevitable.

Good thing I'm tolerant to this. They just used small amount of chloroform. Geez, small time kidnappers trying to kidnap someone from a prestigious university?

I acted like I fainted. They carried me inside and drove away. They put me at the back seat and just tied my hands.... not tight.

I took the pen that's in my pocket and opened the cap.

It's actually a pen knife. A student should bring weapons inside the campus.

I untied the rope and watched these idiots talking about the ransom. I wonder, would they call to asked the ransom, no? Gosh.

I looked outside and I think we are going somewhere like....abandoned house?

We arrived at an abandoned house. I acted like I'm still asleep and held on to the untied rope. Someone carried me like a sack and put down in a chair.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw eighteen men in all.

I'm gonna act now. Make sure to prepare the Oscar's Award.

"W-where am I? W- who are you?" I tried to move but I'm tied to the chair.

"Marien Venice."

"Ha? Wait... Are you saying I'm Marien Venice?"

"Wait... You're not?"

"You idiot!" the starts chattering. They are now pointing at each other.

"Let's just kill her." someone said. A lot agreed. Someone pointed a gun on me when a voice stopped them.

"Why did you bring another person?!" a skinny man with a gold necklace with 3 bulky bodyguards with him came.

He slapped them and punched them.

"She's not Marien! She's - - - -" he looked at me... "a goddess."

"~Even prettier than Marien. You all did a good job." eh? Que?

He suddenly caressed my cheeks.

"What a beauty. What's your name?"

"Death." I glared at him. Just how fck up my day today is!

He suddenly laugh. "You're quite a funny one."

"No. Seriously. I'm Death Devian." I introduced myself. He suddenly shut up.

"Haha okay Death, I'm Fred." he continue caressing my cheeks and I did avoid it.

He signal. His men to go outside. Now, we're the only one's left.

"Let's enjoy our self." when he tried to kiss me, I broke free from the rope and switched the position. Now, he is the one sitting on the chair and I'm the one on his lap.

"Shh. Don't make a noise. They might hear us. Don't worry. I'll do it...gently." I whispered to his ears as I tied him on the chair. I unbuttoned his shirt, then his pants. I can see his dick hardened.

I smirked. I sat on top of it. I can see his face flustered. Well, he's face is not that bad but, he's like a maniac. I tried to move and I could feel his manhood hardened even more. I rub it and a sound came out his mouth.

Suddenly, I heard a thud outside.


I took of this boxer with only his underwear left. His dick really is getting harder and harder. I put his boxer on his head making it a blindfold.

Pfft. I should take a pic of it and send it to out group chat.


The abandoned house's door opens....

"I told you all to get out!" because he is blindfolded, he couldn't see who entered.

Levi and.....his Darling?

I told them to shh when Levi wanted to ask me.

"Lemme finish this." I signaled them. They nodded and I smiled. I took my pen knife and traced his chest down to his✨.

"This might hurt a bit. Endure it, okay?" I whispered gently. He nodded immediately. I smiled sweetly and draw a heart on his shoulder with my pen knife.

A loud, screeching of pain pierce my ears.

"Shh~ didn't I told you to endure it. It only hurt a little. Another one's coming so, don't make a noise okay? Other's will come and they will see you in this state~ it embrassing."

"No, no, no please stop..." he is begging...

"What? Didn't you say let's enjoy our self? I still haven't get my part of the enjoyment. This is the last one. I promise." I wrote my signature on his back.

"There! A signature of Death! It's done. Bye!" I kissed his cheeks and left him in that state.

I put my resting face again and faced the two. "Let's go." I didn't asked what happened. I'll just go see it.

Outside, the men have fallen asleep. I sat down for a moment and looked at them.

"How'd you find me?" I looked at the guy with Levi.

My world suddenly stopped. My heart skipped a bit. A warm breeze suddenly kissed my cheeks.

I came back to reality when Levi tapped me.

"Are you okay?" he asked. He looked worried.

"uh yeah. I'm just little dizzy."

"Don't worry. The police are already coming."

"So, how'd you really find me?" I asked for the second time.

"It's not me who saw you kidnapped. It's him." he pointed the guy beside him.

"Thank you." I bowed my head a little and smiled.

"Uh, this is Kai. Kaizer Sanford."

Sanford? You mean the second after us?


"I was at the parking lot when you were abducted. I called Levi and went after you."

"But what if you got hurt? Only the two of you?" I looked at them surprised. Who would fight 21 guys by only 2 people?

"Don't worry. We're black belter."

"Even so! Don't risk your life for someone you don't know! What if they are professional fighters?"

"But I know you. We already introduced ourselves, right?" Levi stated. He looked at me straight to my eyes. I glance at Kai. I somehow feel his gaze strange. I brushed off my hair back.

"You are lucky today. But please don't do this again."

A little while, the police came. They arrested all of them and found the naked boss with dripping blood inside the house. The police questioned us.

Specially about what happened to the boss. I just said.

"I just humiliated him a bit."

I also learned that Kai also lives on the same building and on the same floor as me. So, they just volunteered to drive me back home. Levi went back to the school to take my car back home.

"Thank you for sending me back home and saving me. Uh---you can...stopped by here when your free or I'll treat you dinner----"

"No, it's alright. I just hope we can be friends. Don't ignore me anymore. Right, Kai?" We saw Kai playing with Zoe who walked out the door.

"Is this Zoe?" Kai asked.

His voice is heavenly.

"Uh yea, how'd you know?"

"I saw it on your post. Levi's updated about you." he calmly caressed Zoe.

"Ah...haha. Yeah."

"We'll get going now." Levi said.

"Ah yes, bye. Thank you again."

"See you tomorrow." Kai said. Then they entered room in the other corner. Literal neighbours.

Kaizer's voice, his angelic face.... See you tomorrow.

"Gosh why does it suddenly become hot here. Right, my daughter?" I carried Zoe and went inside.

Alistair greeted me. I buried myself on the sofa and opened my phone.

The photo of that kidnapper.

"pfft." I send it to our gc. Which is the Marzanna members.


Princess sent a photo:

Guys look! My kidnapper. Lol

Cale: My Lady, where are you now?!

Ryle: My Princess, when are you coming back?

James: Princess, did you kill him?

Sean: lol

Dan: draw a heart on me too, princess!

Hunter: I asked for your autograph but you didn't gave it, and now you're telling us you just engraved it to that lowly body of that insignificant human?!

Princess: @Cale, I'm on a vacation. Don't worry guys, I'll come back to all of you. Well, I decided to accept my position now. I'll take the position after my vacation. When I come back, I'll have the field experience.

Princess: Plot twist: I won't come back HA HA HA HA HA

Everyall: PRINCESS!!!!.

Princess: Just kidding. btw, tell mom and dad I have kids now.


Hunter: WHAT?!

Dan: eyy guys, Cale's on the floor. Bring him water!

"What? Pfft. These idiots."

Princess sent photos

Zoe and Alistair. Aren't they cute?

seen by Everyall

Princess: uh guys?


Princess: these mfs. I'll take it back! I won't come back again!

Cale started a video chat:

"Hmm?" I answered it and I almost throw my phone away when daddy's face showed up


"What did you say? You won't come back?! Want me to mobilize all the members around the world just to find you?"

"N-no Dad. I promised! I was just kidding. I'll certainly come back after 1year."

"That's good to hear. But did you got kidnapped again?!"

"Uh yeah. Mistaken identity. I got kidnapped instead of the real target."

I saw dad's face worried.

"You should've cut off his dck."

"That would be horrible. I wanted to but I got company that time."


"Yeah. Two guys who saved me."

"Hmm. It would be a terrible nightmare for them if they see that. But...what's this kids that they were talking about? Are you pregnant?! That's why you are travelling for a year?!"

"No dad i---"

"Come back home immediately! For Marzanna's sake! You're only 20!"

"Dad let me explain----"

"Who's this guy?"


"I---we didn't raise you to suffer yourself. I might have spoiled you too muc---"

"DADDDDDDD! LISTEN! DAD! Calm down okay? Chill~ look. Here's your grandchildren. Aren't they cute?"

I saw dad's face questioning me.

"So you just adopted cats?"

"It's a dog and a cat. The cat named Zoe and the Dog Alistair. Say hi grandpa. Halo~" I held out Alistairs paw and waved to the camera.

"Phew. Alright, alright. Take care of your kids. I won't where you are now, just take care of yourself. Call us sometimes too. Okay? I'll unfreeze your account because you have 2 more mouths to feed now. Call your mom, okay?"

"Alright dad. Take Care. Bye."

He gave the phone back to Cale and the others joined the video.

Hi Miss~

Yo Princess~

If someone kidnaps you again, kill him instantly. If you can't, call me.

Where areeee youuuu my princesss~~~~comebackkkk!!! I can't go to clubs anymore because you are not here!!!

"Then, just come here. I'm in Las Vegas. Then I'm out! Ciao!" and I ended the call.