
Howls of the Winter Wolf

Two Identities in one body. Chelsea is a famous internet figure. She looks innocent and she is called Goddess. A model, luxurious brands ambassador and even a business investor. But that's not her real identity. Atheia Marzanna. The Seductress of the underground. Every week, different men. A spoiled brat, and a Mafia Princess. Being a Seductress is just a cover which became a dirty hobby of hers. She wants to enjoy her freedom which just recently given to her. All her life before 18, she was trained to be the next heir. Wanting to escape the responsibilities, she made a deal with her father saying she would be in a vacation for a year. What would be her life after tasting the life of being free from unwanted responsibilities?

Melione_19 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Chelsea, you're coming with us tonight, right?" he invited me to go to club with his teammates.

"Of course." I smiled brightly.

Of course... I will finally get a taste of you, tonight.

I wore a black spaghetti strap dress and heels. I soon as I enter the club, a familiar scent went to my nose.

Ah~ heaven.

I saw Nathan waving at me so I went to their table and greeted his friends.

"This is Chelsea, my girlfriend." I smiled sweetly and they greeted me. Eli was the only one who didn't greet me.

They drink and talked about nonsense and drink and finally went to the dance floor and take out women. I also drunk because Nathan always hand me a glass. After three shots, I went to the dance floor and of course...dance...seductively.

Nathan went behind me and asked if we could get out here.

I was waiting for this so of course, I agreed.

He took me to a hotel and booked a room overnight.

As soon as he close the door, he kissed me hungrily.

Deja vu? Of course, predators can't wait to eat their preys...

He pulled down the strap of my dress revealing my chest. He lift me and lay me down to bed.

"You're really beautiful, Chelsea." he took off my dress then his.

So this is what they were crazy about.

A body of an athlete, that abs... Truly a body of a delicious meal. Full course.

I got up and touched his body.

"You're body is so nice, Nathan." I said in a seductive voice.

"And yours too." He made towered me again and I fell down.

He kissed my neck, down to my chest.

It seems like you're used of being in lead... And so do I.

I topped him. "Let me~"

I went down and licked his abs.

"The innocent Goddess is not as innocent as they say." he chuckled.

I smirked at him. "Goddesses have needs too." I unbuckled his pants and.....

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I woke beside him and he is still sleeping. It's not the first time I did this as Chelsea. Chelsea also has eyes on other models. Well, they are also known as playboys so, why not? But unlike Antheia, Chelsea can be seen with a man once in a while coz she picks up men at the club exclusively for them.

And Chelsea will never be mistaken as Antheia. Antheia's long purple hair. Her deep blue eyes, which is a contact lens, captivates men. Chelsea in the other hand has long shiny ash blue hair and brown eyes. She is also known as Goddess Chelsea. Her looks also screams innocence. So everytime someone says negative to her, her fans defends her.

After he woke up, he drove me back home and then we separated ways.

Today is Saturday and I have nothing to do. So I decided to be Antheia today.

Wearing black crop top, comfy high waist wide leg jeans, black mask and shoes, I went out to buy foods and necessities.

I enter the grocery store and bought foods and some ingredients for cooking.

I left my things at the baggage counter and went a stroll around the mall.

I was just taking a stroll but...

'how did this bags of random things came into my hand?'


(imagine that voice in spongebob)

I was just taking a stroll around and I saw a cute wolf plushie so I went near it and took a closer look.

"Hi Miss! We have here teacups and saucers. And if you purchased 2 of pairs of these, you will have this wolf plushie as a freebie." what? What is the connect between teacups and wolf plushies?

"Oh never mind."

I walked away but the plushy is bothering me...

And I end up buying teacups. Then phone stands, car designs, laundry basket, Led mirror, mini humidifier, and cute plates, spoons and forks, even more plushies, nightlights, pet toys(?) and more.

End of flashback~

Hah~ I went and brought it to baggage counter again and went to find food. I ended up at a French restaurant inside the mall. I ordered 2 dishes and sat at the corner of the table. I open my phone and scroll up and down on my social media account. With 16.7M followers on instafantasy and 19M subscribers on yourstube even though I only posted few vlogs, I really am famous.

I closed my phone and waited for my order. As I wait, I noticed 2 guys beside my table. They are hot. Maybe they are models. I decided to ignore them. But then I heard something the made my eyes avoid them at all cost.

"You should eat more, Darling."

oh god. I shouldn't flirt with any man anymore.

I'm not fan of same sex relationship but I respect them. Of course, everyone has there own preferences.

"Merci." I thanked the waiter when my order arrived.

"Bon appétit, Mademoiselle."  the waiter answered. I eat my food and after I finished, I went back home.

My living room is filled with bags. And since I don't have anything to do anyway, I opened them one by one.

Back in France, I didn't have a day where I'll be bored because I am always at a friend's house, or busy being Chelsea. And now, here I am.

I put the food into the fridge and opened the TV. After checking all the things I bought, I just sat down to the couch, watching TV while holding cellphone.

There's nothing interesting on the TV anyway, I just turned it on so it's not that lonely.

Then, an interesting advertisement appeared.

A pet store. It sells pricey pets and they also have pet vet.

Well, I guess having a pet is not bad. I didn't have a chance to raise a pet before because I'm a busy person and I might not be a good parent so, maybe this is the time.

I called my manager and ask him to find me a pet.

Time flies and it's already dinner time. Since I'm living alone, I have to do all the cooking and laundry, I have to do it all. It's not that I can't do it, I just never had a time to do it because the maids are in charge of it.

But my mom, a filipina, used to do all chores in the house, always nagging me to learn so that I can live without them.

She taught me how to do laundry, clean, and even cook.

'Gosh, I suddenly miss mom's cooking.'

I cooked pork sinigang which one of mom taught me.

After I eat, I put the dishes to the dishwasher. Why bother washing it by hand if you have dishwasher machine, huh?

Since tomorrow's Sunday, maybe I'll sleep all day? Or re organise my home?

8:30 in the evening, while scrolling down the on my phone, the telephone connected to the condo reception desk, ring.


"Miss Chelsea, there is a packaged for you here. Will we deliver it to you or you'll gonna come here?"

"No. I'll just get it there. Thank you."

I wore my Chelsea appearance and went down to get the package.

There is two boxes and and it's a bit heavy. I went back to my room and opened it.

To my surprise, a cute little puppy is sleeping. I took it out the box and...wah,it's really cute. White doll like puppy....

I saw a letter inside the box. I opened it and read.

Name: none

Age: 2 months old

Breed: Maltese

Sex: Male

The other box suddenly moved. I hurriedly opened it and I saw a....cutie.

A cute white kitten meowed, like saying hi to me.

It's eyes are deep blue just like Theia's look. There's also a card in the cat's box.

Name: none

Age: 6 weeks

Breed: Ragdoll

Sex: Female

Ps: I don't know what kind of pet you like my goddess, so I just picked these to cuties. Hope u like it ♡

A ragdoll and a Maltese. Both white. Both cute.

"I'll call you Zoe and Alistair." Zoe the cat and Alistair the dog.

"Welcome to your new home, my babies."

Next morning, I woke up at the sound of Alistair's cute barking.

"Hng...Good Morning babies~" I got off the bed and went to the kitchen.

"Hmm... I still haven't bought foods for you! Wait." I search on the internet what baby dogs and cats could eat.

I saw that I can feed it milk so I looked at the fridge and found a cow milk there. I pour it on a bowl and put watched them licking it.

"Hehe~ you should share for now, okay? I'll just buy you your own bowls later."

"Alistair, you're a good boy, don't fight with Zoe! Zoe is your sister. Okay? Hehe🌸"

After feeding them, I did my morning routine and called Alice.

"Yes Chelsea? Is there anything wrong?"

"Ah no... Uhm are you busy?"

"Right now, no. But I'll have photoshoot later. Why?"

"I have to buy something but, I need you to babysit."

"Babysit? Who's child?"

"Mine." she asked many questions more but I just told her to come over. Alice and Chelsea are close so it's not uncomfortable to ask favors.

"Oh god Chelsea! You scare me a bit there! Why didn't you said that your children are so cuteeee! Anyway, go now. Leave it to me."

"Okay. Ah! There are toys in the basket that I didn't know I bought and didn't know it will come handy."


'Who asks someone to babysit there pets? Me! Me! It's me!'

Why?? What would happen if my babies climb on something then fall down?

I left Alice and went in to the elevator. I'm in the 7th floor. The elevator is closing but a hand stopped it. I moved back to give space to him.

Silence fell on us for a while then his phone rang.

"Yes Darling?" he answered sweetly. I took a glance at the door which is a mirror and saw his face.

That handsome model like gae!

'so that's why his voice sounds familiar'

I ignored him but I still hear him.

"Yes,yes. I won't forget. Okay. Bye." the call ended and the elevator opened. He went out and I followed. We are at the parking lot and he went to his car.

This guy looks hella rich... Bently--continental? I don't know the full name but I know it's expensive. I have one in Poland.

Well, as for my car...of course, it's the latest✨

Mercedes AMG gt 63

I drove to a pet store. Coincidentally, he stopped there too. I ignore him.

I went to the bowls. I chose the cute ones. Then the dog treats, dog foods and went to the cat foods.

I saw that guy again, looking at the cat foods.

There's a lot of types here. I don't know what's the most suitable for my baby.

I saw that guy casually picked all the types of cat food.

He looks like someone who owns cats for a long time. I hesitated but I still asked him.

"Uh excuse me--" I asked... He turned to me and smiled.


"I just want to ask something..."

"My number? Of course!" he winked at me and gave me a card.

"No. I don't want your number. I just want to ask what's the most suitable food for a 6 weeks old kitten but never mind."

God! He already have a boyfriend! He is definitely like me. My mistake for asking.

I just went to the store owner and asked. He also told me a lot of advice and how should I take care of the baby pets. I payed for it and went out.

That guy suddenly stopped me.

"Miss! I apologise for earlier. I noticed you are living in the same building as I, so as neighbours let's introduced each other. I'm Levi Heindell." he held out his hands.

Levi Heindell?  That's a familiar name.

"Chelsea. Chelsea Marasigan." I accepted his hands. "Then, I'll be off now."

I went inside the car and drove away. I saw him dumbfounded bout what I did.

Is that the first time someone rejected him?

Well, everyone has a first time. I remember the first one to ignore my beauty was the capable, responsible, most trusted man of my father, Cale.

Like he is always serious. He looks innocent so I asked him one time if he's a virgin. You know what he answered to me?

"I had few experiences with that, my lady. But not as many as yours."

Gosh! You know, I think he's gay. He is always close to one of our reaper, Ryle.

I tried to seduce Cale but you know what he said?

"I won't take the position even if you strip naked in front of me, my lady."

Argh! I'm getting headache just thinking of him.

I stopped at the convenience store first and went back home.

"I'm back!"

"Chelsea! Your babies are behaving well."

"Thank you, Alice. Stay for lunch. I'll cook."

"Oh I'm sorry, Chels.. But I need to go now. Maybe next time."

"Is that so? Alright. Thank you again."

"Of course. I'll get going now. Bye."


The sound of the door closed.

"Hiiii my babies! How r u hmm? Alice said you are so behave. My babies are sooo good kids." I carried them both and place kiss on them.

"I have gifts for you~" I opened the bowls, toys, and foods I bought.

"Here, come here. Smileeee *click*" I took a picture of them and posted it on my social media account.

I have babies to raise now. ♡ #first_time_mom #zoe #alistair

In just few minutes it gained thousands of likes and hundreds of comments.

@sassy_me: that's so cute♡

@ilovemilo: waiting for father reveal!

@shell_dagat: sooo cute! who's the father???

A lot more comments like that have flooded on my post.

Sunday afternoon, while laying down the sofa with Zoe sleeping on my chest, I'm scrolling up and down on some online stores for pet toys.

After that, I brought out some snacks and watched a movie where one of Chelsea's friend is the female lead.

Alistair on my lap, Zoe on the corner of the couch..... What a peaceful life.

And just like that, I spent my whole afternoon with my babies.

I just finished washing up when my phone light up. A notification.

I opened it and saw that someone messaged me.

@leviheindell: Hi Miss Chelsea! I was surprised to know that the one I was talking to was the Chelsea I've been dreaming to meet that's why I couldn't react earlier.

@leviheindell: And again, I'm very sorry. I hope to see you again. As an apology, I'll give you a gift. I'll leave it at the reception desk.

I opened his account and realized that, that guy is not ordinary rich guy. He is the son of the famous Airlines owners! He is one of the Marzanna's Rival!

Of course Marzanna remains at the top.

He is also a notorious player.

I don't want to be associated with this guy.