
How to teach someone a lesson

Lydia and Mark are two people who are very desperate to be parents but cannot do so because their partners have different views from theirs. In this story we see how they both help each other to overcome this hurdle and maybe fall in love.

Kolobe · 都市
17 Chs

Chapter 8: a secret bank account

I have a secrete bank account

It's been two weeks since George left and Lydia seems like she cannot wait for her marriage to end. "Give me the divorce papers and I am sure to get his signature as soon as possible." I said looking at her. She breathes in hard and asked me if it's possible? I assure her and she digs into her bag and fished out the divorce papers she prepared.

I read through the contact and I see that she took back her power of attorney over her shares at Pine investments. She donated all the money from their joint account including money from the sale of her house. "So let me get this straight, you are selling your house and donating your money. How are you going to survive?" Well I do not mind fitting the bill but I am very curious.

She gives me a most dazzling smile I have ever seen and then giggles at my questions. "Mmm…" Now she is acting like a cute school girl. "I figured I will be staying here with you guys for a while." She states. "I'm kidding, I have a secrete bank account which I had since high school and I also get dividends of my shares from other companies that my parents bought for me. He does not know about them so the money goes in to that account. …and… we signed a prenuptial before we got married so what we had before marriage will remain untouched when we divorce." "So you mean that you obtained those shares before you got married and gave them to him to manage when you got married?" I asked looking like I have solved a difficult riddle. She nods and continues "…we bought the house together and some of the money in our joint account is a percentage from my dividends. So when he signs the divorce papers, my lawyer will complete the procedure of selling the house and empting our bank account. He will come back home to an empty shell. So Mark …please make sure he signs without him knowing and help my lawyer makes this work out quickly please." "Don't stress Jay will handle this."

Lydia's POV

Mark kept his word and my divorce with George was finalised in a very short time. So today we have an appointment at the fertility clinic, I am so nervous. The nurse took me to put on a hospital gown then sent me to the procedure room where Doctor Ross and her team were waiting for me. While engaging in small talk and trying to help me relax, the door to the procedure room opened and there came Mark with a small cup in his hands. Yes we decided to use the in vitro fertilisation procedure.

After the procedure the doctor told us what to do and what to avoid. Mark drove us back to Jays place while I was deep in thought. "Hey we are here." States Mark after waiting for me to come back from my wondering. "Mark… I think we need to move out of Jay's house." I said with my eyes still closed. "Why?" he asked looking confused. "Since we are about to have a child and teaching those two a lesson, I think I need to hide out. We do need to have our own place so that we do not implicate Jay in all this." I said looking at Mark who seems to have some enlightenment. He then nods his head and indicated that we can talk in the house.

"Why do you suddenly feel that we need to move? I know you just gave me reasons just now but why so soon?" asked Mark. He looks like he has a difficult puzzle that he needs to solve. I chuckle and I indicate for him to sit facing me on the couch. He complies and looks at me with expectations.

"Mark, all this time I have been asking myself why Celia/ Jane is working for you and there is only one explanation I can come up with" He looks at me with obvious confusion in his eyes. "Think clearly Mark, who is your biggest competitor for your company?" He looks at me puzzled. "Why do you say that?"

Mark's POV

"I feel my head freeze a bit when Lydia asks me who my biggest competitor is." I look at her still waiting for her to explain further. "Have you met her father?" She asks looking straight in to my eyes. "No…!" That's the response I gave with doubt in my heart. "She said her father died when she was still in high school. I only met her mother and her niece Rose. Why do you ask?" I ask her fearing the answer that she is about to give me.

She holds my hands as if to comfort me for what she has to say. "Mark I am sorry but she lied to you. Rose is her daughter and her father is still very much alive." My heart sink, thinking of how sorry I felt for her when she cried in my arms after asking about her father. "That's not all Mark." She continues "Jack Moss is her father." Hearing the name 'Jack Moss' I feel my head explode and I look at Lydia with my mouth wide open. "I can imagine what you are feeling right now and I think I felt that way too when I made the connection.

"No wonder!" I said taking a deep breath to calm myself down. "No wonder what?" asked Lydia with her eyes wide open. I laugh for a while before responding to her question. After laughing at my own stupidity I answer her. "No wonder some of my ideas end up in Jacks company before I could finalise or just before I close a deal Jack would have taken the lead…so I have been sleeping with a mole all this while." "Don't forget… your driver may be in on it too." Lydia reminded me. "Sh*t!... to think I also do business while in the car… Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! damn!" After a while I agree with Lydia on moving out to another place. Luckily the house that I had before moving in with that witch is in the suburbs and she does not know about it but wait sh*t… that Tim knows the place. I can't risk him finding Lydia there. For now the safest place we can use is my parents place.