
Crushy Crush

"Liam is a perfect guy! You should try a date!" Alaric nagged.

"Alaric Peterson," Gabriella interrupted him.

"Gabriella Carter," Alaric imitated.

"Why would I go on a date with my boss?!"

"I don't know, don't you girls like these Turkish series where the boss and the assistant date?" Alaric questioned.

"Stop assuming things you don't know and jump,"

"Lord, please help... I am stuck with this amazing, understanding girl who keeps telling me to jump!" Alaric said as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Are you done talking? Cause I really have to get my beauty sleep," Gabriella said as she lost her patience.

"Oh my! I am here about to attempt suicide and you are seriously talking to me about your beauty sleep!"

"Say whatever you want, just leave,"

"You know what, I am staying here," Alaric said confidently.

"Pardon me?" Gabriella's facial expressions could show it all.

"Make your choice, I stay here or I go out and tell everyone about the talk with your mother," Alaric said challenging Gabriella.

Gabriella glared at Alaric as his smirk only grew bigger and bigger.

"Okay," Gabriella said calmly as she went to her bed.

"Do I always have to threaten you?" Alaric asked as he lay on the bed next to her.

"No, because my answer didn't change. Go ahead and tell everyone what you heard," Gabriella said calmly now looking straight into his soul.

"Gabriella... look, how about I sleep on the floor? I promise I won't even look at you or anything. You'll even wake and not find me here, just this night then forget anything ever happened," Alaric said as he sat up straight.

"Go sleep in the guests' room," Gabriella said.

"Oh okay, that was easy," Alaric said sarcastically.

"What guest room?!" Alaric continued as his face could show that he was over with this silly conversation.

"In the hallway to the right," Gabriella said as she watched him carefully.

"That is the bathroom," Alaric said furiously.

"Oh pardon me, I totally forgot that that room is the bathroom," Gabriella laughed as she continued. "Do you snore?"

Alaric's smile plastered on his face as he answered, "I don't even breathe, don't worry, you won't even tell I'm here,"

Alaric then stood in front of the bed, "What?" Gabriella questioned.

"On the bed?" Alaric smirked.

Gabriella threw his pillow and blanket on the floor as she said "Don't make me change my mind,"

Alaric made his way to the floor, and after a couple of minutes of settling in he broke the silence.



"I'll still get you that date with Liam,"

"Jump," Gabriella laughed as she heard Alaric laugh as well.

"Alaric?" She said.


"You better not be here when I wake up,"

"We'll see, now sleep, Carter,"

"Good night to you too, Peterson,"


As Gabriella opened her eyes in the early morning with a yawn, she went back to sleep before she opened her eyes to check on the intruder.

She checked the floor to find a little note,

"You better look good for that date, Carter," The note said.

She laughed at the thought of him insisting so badly on her going on a date with her boss, aka his best friend.

Gabriella had nothing against her perfectly perfect boss, but him being a workaholic.

She got ready for work and then had her daily breakfast and left to work.


"Yes, Mr. Anderson?" Gabriella answered.

"Oh please, just call me Liam," Mr. Liam corrected her.

"Okay, Mr. Anderson... I mean Liam, Mr. Liam," Gabriella said confused.

"Just Liam," Liam corrected her once again with a little smile.

"So, what are you doing today after work?" He continued.

"Work," Gabriella said stressed, then her face turned red as she realized what she had just said.

"Work after work? Wow, you really are a hard worker," Liam joked around as he made her laugh.

"What can I say? I like to work," Gabriella proceeded with the jokes.

"Well, if you don't have anything... how about we go to get dinner or something?" Liam asked.

"Look, Mr. Anderson, as much as I am honored but I do know that Peterson had told you to ask me. And not to get your head messed up, I really want to clarify that I have nothing but respect towards you and that I don't have a little crushy crush on you-"

"Crushy crush?" Liam asked with a laugh.

"Yea, it's like having a crush back in high school, you know acting all girly and nice next to them and trying to catch their attention but playing it cool..." Gabriella explained.

"How many crushes did you have in high school?" Liam asked curiously.

"Oh, Mr. Anderson, I didn't mean to look like I get easily interested in someone, I don't, I really don't, "Gabriella nervously explained.

Liam laughed at how quickly she spoke and how nervous she had gotten when someone asked about her crushes.

"I'll pick you up at 6?" Liam asked.


"I'll take that as a yes, now Ms. Carter get me the story that you were working on, I want to see the plot twist," Liam said as he left her in the corridor and went to his office.

"Oh god, I will kill that Peterson. I clearly told him I don't need a date, how does this man function?" Gabriella murmured under her breath.