


"Shhh, Gabriella wait I can explain!" Alaric directly placed his hand on her mouth shutting her up.

"MMM!" Gabriella's hums made their way in explaining her angriness.

"Look, I will take my hand off your mouth but you have to promise not to scream," Alaric said slowly as he took his hand off her mouth.

"What are you doing here?!" Gabriella whisper shouted.

"Your sister said to disappear, not leave the room!"

"You dumb kid! It's not leave the room, it's leave the house!" Gabriella exclaimed.

"You have had all this time to leave and are still here!?" She added.

"Uhm, what happened already happened, so what do I do now?"

"I don't know. How about you have a sleepover at mine?"


"Are you stupid?! Leave!" Gabriella whisper shouted at him.

"Where do I go at this time with no car?" Alaric asked nervously.

"I have no idea," Gabriella answered confused.

After Gabriella had taken her 100th turn around her room, he finally said something.

"Can you stop spinning, I am getting dizzy just watching you,"

"Oh, pardon me. Pardon me for spinning in my OWN room because I have a man that I don't know in my room!" Gabriella's whispers filled the room.

"How don't you know me! I am your sister's brother-in-law!" Alaric defended.

"This is the first time that I have met you!"

"So? I don't see a problem in that..."

"Well, I do so leave!"

"If I could, don't you think I would've! I'm sorry to break it to you but I am not quite enjoying my lovely visit either!" Alaric stood in front of Gabriella as his voice raised with him.

"No one invited you in the first place!"

"I was helping you!"

"By lying to everyone and saying that you left?!" Gabriella questioned.

"Look little one-"

"No, you look Peterson. You better leave my room right now! I can't care less if you leave from the front door or jump from the window, just don't let my family see you!" Gabriella interrupted.

"How can I leave from the front door without your family seeing me?!" Alaric defended.

"Then leave from the window," Gabriella said calmly as she sat on the bed, not caring anymore.

Alaric came closer to the window and got his head out looking down, he then looked back at Gabriella with terror,

"You want me to jump?"Alaric asked.

"Mhm..." Gabriella nodded as she held herself to not burst out laughing at his face.

"Gabriella... you do realize you leave on the third floor right?" Alaric asked with a sheepish smile.

"Oh really?" Gabriella asked as she looked from the window, "Oh well, then good luck." Gabriella said with a smirk as she sat back on her bed waiting for Alaric to jump.

Alaric's eyes moved from the window to Gabriella to her room's door, regretting the moment he stepped a foot into her room.

"Come on Alaric, don't be scared," Gabriella said with a confident smile on her face.

"Yea, yea... I'm not scared," Alaric said with straight terror on his face.

"I can see that on your face," Gabriella whispered under her breath.

"What?" Alaric asked.

"Oh nothing, I just said break a leg," Gabriella laughed.

And for the past 10 minutes, Alaric stood just looking at the window, Gabriella, and at the door hoping that he can disappear.

"How about we make a deal?" Alaric finally said.

"What deal?" Gabriella said as she laughed.

"You can let me stay here for the night, and I will get you a date," He said confidently.

"A date?" Gabriella asked.

"Right, this might not be something in your dictionary, a date mean-," Alaric's sarcasm took off.

"You know what? Just jump." Gabriella interrupted.


"Jump," Gabriella said as she started pulling him towards the window.


"Come on, come on, jump. Jump." Gabriella said not listening to a word he is saying.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," Alaric finally apologized.

"What did you say?" Gabriella joked around.

"Oof, I said I am sorry," Alaric repeated more loudly this time.

"Oh, I'm sorry, there must be something in my ears. I couldn't hear you, what did you say?" Gabriella asked amused.

"Yea, of course, there is something in your ears, but I wonder if there is something in your head," Alaric whispered under his breath.

"What?" Gabriella asked.

"I said I am sorry, now please consider my deal,"

"Fine, tell me about it," Gabriella said as she sat down on the bed once again and listened attentively.

"Let me stay in for the night, and I will get you a dinner date with Liam," Alaric said proud of his plan.


"Your boss,"

"Interesting..." Gabriella said looking at Alaric.

"I knew you would like my deal,"

"Give me a moment to think," Gabriella said as Alaric laughed.

"Have all the time you want," Alaric said as he lay down on the bed next to where she is sitting.

Gabriella looked at Alaric who had his eyes closed but could sense her eyes roaming around his face.

"I made my decision," Gabriella finally said as Alaric didn't move an eyelash.

"Woah," Gabriella said as she punched his arm.

"Don't play dead," Gabriella said as moved his arm again.

Instead of an answer, Alaric suddenly pulled her hand, to where their faces were cm apart.

"So what's your answer?" Alaric asked as his eyes wandered around her face.

"Harasser," Gabriella said as she pulled her hand and slapped him across the face.

Alaric let out an angry laugh as he got up off the bed.

"Ouch," Alaric said as Gabriella didn't even bother to look.

"So what's your answer?" Alaric asked.
