

kendle glanced up at his side, at the figure by the wall and back at them. "You'll be shown to your rooms, clean up and come down for lunch. Tomorrow you'll leave for the hideout and be told what to do".

"Uh, okay. Should we....." Paige asked awkwardly and pointed at the door.

"Sure you may leave". The door opened and a girl came in probably in her twenties. "Yes, alpha?" She greeted with a bow.

That's weird, Paige thought, why refer to him as alpha. He sure is in over himself.

"Show them to their room and see to it they get cleaned".

She bowed again and led them out of the room.

The hallway had several chandilier dangling from the ceiling. The hallway seemed to be made out of gold, blending greatly with the white walls and tiles. Their rooms were opposite each other. Gina went into hers first and slammed the door shut, while Paige took her time to take in the room.

The room was very directionally Chic and had a cutting edge feeling.It was beautifully appointed the finest of all things- from the solid teak custom made furnishings, to the Sony limited edition white flat screen TV, to the lavish in-room amenities from the spa, right down to the Egyptian cotton towels and bed linen.

The room was equipped with everything you would expect from a luxurious hotel, including; a Chubb safe, hairdryer, robes and slippers, and of cause a well stocked mini-bar. But one thing that stuck out from the rest and made Paige hate the room, was it's pink girly color. It was like Nancy's room, cute and the definition of a little girl room. You could see the love through it.

Paige lay in a tub of warm water, while the girl went to get her something to wear. When she came back, she took Paige to the closet to style Paige's hair. She leaned in to pick up the brush but Paige stopped her and collected the brush from her. "Don't touch my hair". Paige said casually as she stared at her image in the mirror.

She brushed her hair while the girl tried to persuade her to apply a little make-up. For some reason she felt like she was being dolled-up . She finished brushing her hair and accepted the lipgloss from the girl to end her nagging .

She pulled out a dress that was a little bit above the thighs and asked Paige to wear it. Paige stared at the dress in disbelief and back at the girl. Was she dressing up for a gala or what? The girl was smiling broadly, "gorgeous, isn't it?' Paige refrained herself from giving her real thought on the dress. "It sure is something", Paige seethed out of her mouth with a forced smile.

"And that's not all", she brought out a pair of heels to go with it. "It has matching heels". Paige glared at the feet traps in her hand. There was no way she would put her feet in that, or walk in it. That would only e d with a busted ankle.

"You know what? I can dress myself, you go help Gina or find something else to do with your time". Paige shoved her out of the room.

"What about your dress?"

"You keep it", Paige slammed the door shut with relief.

Paige was deciding whether or not to wear her own clothes or if it was important to show up to lunch, she probably won't even eat anything and just end up being irritated. She went over to the closet to try her luck. Her own clothes smelt of sweat and blood which is really disgusting and uncomfortable. She opened the closet and found a black hoodie with a printed drawing of 'Alvinnnnn and the Chipmunks'. She put it on, it was the same length with the dress but more her style, and comfortable. She paired it with a pair of long socks and put on the pink fluffy slippers.

She pushed the door open and found Gina coming out of her room also in slacks and a black sweater. One of kendle's men was also in the hallway and his eyes lingered on Paige for far too long to be considered decent. " The alpha request your presence in the dining hall. I am here to escort you there". He stated, focusing his eyes on Paige's face.

As we walked down the stairs and through a couple of hallway, we came to a stop in front of a dining hall. The dining room had a rectangular table in the middle, big enough to contain twenty people, but only five were seated there. Paige never understood the use of ridiculously long tables.

As soon as they entered, his clear grey gaze snapped to Paige, looking her up and down. He sat at the head of the table. The furnitures were golden and the chairs were cushioned in white, but Paige's attention was on the food and the aroma from it that sickened her.

Kendle gestured for Paige to sit on his left while Gina sat beside her, opposite Kye. Next to him was a beautiful woman in a white, body hugging, short sleeveless dress. She was blonde but the tip of her hair was dyed pink like Kye's . And the last person had ghastly skin and a little familiar to Paige. The paleness of her skin was ringing e bell in Paige's head.

"Do you want orange juice, milk or coffee?" Kendle offered Paige.

She picked coffee.

A girl entered the room with a silver kettle that released steam from the top. She poured the hot substance into kendle and Paige's cup. The aroma of the fresh black coffee wafted around Paige's nose, and it was divine.

Kendle grabbed Paige's plate and filled it with food, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy with a big piece of meat. He could feel the others gazes on him but chose to ignore it. "Let's eat".

Paige only ate the meat and for the rest of the time drank give cup of coffee. She felt a pair of eyes trained on her, well not only her , also on Gina but she seemed oblivious to the fact or was just not concerned about it. Paige slumped into her seat and faced the ceiling while fiddling with a fork.

She let out a long breath and traced the drawing on her thigh with her fingers, remembering what it meant. She still felt the gaze lingering on her, it was uncomfortable at first but now it has passed that and turned into something different. She thought the gaze was just out of curiosity but this was too much for Paige. It was creepy and annoying.

She caught the sight of the person staring at her, it was the lady in the white dress. "Hey quit staring like a circus came to town, okay?" She stood up, the chair behind her scraping the floor noisily. "Thank you for the food," Paige gave them a tight smile, ignoring their surprise expression and left the room.

Gina didn't react to anything that was happening. She just kept on eating not paying any sense to what was going on. Her food was her centre of the universe.

Paige left the room and ended up having a tour of the house. It was so big. All the rooms were exquisitely decorated, like those rooms you see on TV that are to good to have. But Some of the room were locked. The only problem she had though, was the stairs. How many stairs is a house meant to have? Paige thought to herself, this should be illegal. Every turn she takes she sees about eight or ten stairs.

There should better be something worth it for all her time and energy wasted to end up here, Paige said to herself. She went down the hallway till she found a door at the ending. Paige ran towards the door with a new found enthusiasm, she paused and rubbed her hands together, she was feeling lucky today. She survived and explosion, met the Ivy prince of drugs and was able to negotiate with him, everything is actually going up Paige. She pushed up the door and felt blessed, like an heavenly light was shining down on her and it refused to leave her. It was like she was floating on cloud seven. The room was filled with white, powdery coke. Her escape... her peace.....her euphoria was all in here.....her prize....

She snuffed in the white substance and plummeted on the floor. I know you are not allowed to say it....but, drugs are kinda cool. I mean they're cool before they wreck your life.....and your family..... that's when they become uncool. It's actually a very narrow window of cool....and once you've passed through that window.....

Suddenly the TV turned on and the evening newscast was on.

The voices from the TV sounded like a background to Paige, it was all murmurs and gibberish but one stuck out. She sat straight up and looked at the face on the screen, it was Damon's.

"My name was falsified under the gun by, Paige Mabel, who has been working with me at Helstrom".