

"You mean Mabel Corp's Paige Mabel, who is supposedly oversea studying". The journalist asked.

"That's all a farce, made by Hannah Mabel. She herself handed Paige over too me after her countless effort to run away. I met her on one of them. Hannah said she was a handful, and I should have listened, we all want to be the hero".

"And where is Paige, currently?"

"After the incident she disappeared. I would love to have been of greater help, but sadly this is all I know. Not everyone can be saved....."

Paige stopped listening. The color drained from her face, but she didn't flinch. Didn't flinch as the fist of betrayal slammed hard into her heart. She ran out of the room. Trying to outrun everything. She was tired. Tired of everything. She has reached the point were she hardly cares whether she lives or die. The world will keep turning without her, and she can't do anything to change events anyway. She ran like crazy, without any sense of direction but one thing in her head. The phone on Kendle's desk. I mind couldn't even calculate why but as soon as her hands found themselves on the phone she started to punch in Damon's number and on the fifth ring....he picked up, "hello?" It was his thick, thrilling voice that she that she heard on TV, it made the fist slam harder into her heart.

"Little bird? Come on, I know your breathing." Paige couldn't speak cause words refused to come out. She didn't know where to begin, what to ask, but one word stood prominent in all her thoughts and towards the silence she heard herself saying it, in a soft voice, "why?'

Truth, Damon thought, like medicine, was better given in one fast dose. "You're unstable Paige. You're so full of shit that you'll soon explode. A shit storm, and nobody wants that".

"Why leave me?" Paige found herself asking again.

"Paige you don't go crazy. You are crazy. You just go normal from time to time. You found out about your parents and you mad enough to pull the trigger, a few seconds later start crying then go straight to laughing. I had to let you go Paige. Not because I wanted to, hell no! You were like me, we synchronized. But I had to. And I still will".

There was a long silence, a kind of hollow rushing, over the wire, and then she hung up. She did not slam the phone down, but replaced it with infinite gentleness. She knew as soon as she heard his voice that calling him was a bad idea and she was going to regret it. But at that moment she felt an urgent irritation that suddenly flared into rage and past that into something else entirely, a kind of wildfire, that swept everything inside her away and left only surging, boiling, red.

She left the room in a calm pace. She couldn't outrun it. She felt the darkness come over her again. 'Hello darkness my friend I've come to talk to you again'. And he said to me, 'even strong hearts break'. And in the silence she suddenly understood the many ways a person can die but still be alive. She found herself inside an indoor pool house. She climbed up the ramp and stared at the water underneath her. It was so blue and beautiful, unfit for someone like her to contaminate it.

Again, she feels like the world doesn't want her. Again, she feels like no o e truly loves her. They just take advantage, nobody loves unconditionally. Everything she's done for Damon, to please him, always having to be strong. She's exhausted from trying to be stronger than she feels. She thought it was all for her, his naive. Everyone thinks about themselves, don't they? Who is she, that any body would care about her? She's full of flaws. She's not interesting. She regrets her birth. If only she never existed. If only she felt nothing. If only she never had a mind a soul or a body. If only she never existed. At the end, she with always be alone regretting her birth.

She just wanted to feel nothing. Wanted to be nothing. So she jumped, took the risk, wanted it all to end, the pain. That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt...

Kendle was born to the strongest alpha of the lycanthropes. Kendle Tatum, the legendary name of the white howlers pack, who are supreme in the supernatural realm. His father ruled the supernatural realm with his two brothers. Kendle was treated differently from his other two brothers, though he had the alpha blood of the sacred white lycan clan running through his veins.

His mother had died after giving birth to him, leading to the darkest days of his father's regime. He had gone mad and feral, and even went to extra lengths to make a deal with the devil. The council who tried to oppose and advise him will end up dead the moment they started raising their voices.

Decades passed just like a blink of an eye, especially for those lycans who were blessed with eternal life. His mother body was never put to rest. She was kept in a room filled with the magic of powerful mages to keep her body florid.

When kendle was Little, his grandmother Bell lived with them for a time. He was frail, sweet-faced little boy who was afraid of many things, including his father, whose scary outbursts and exaggerations at him made him wince and shrink everytime his father trained his silver arrows at him. Even his brothers, who used to play with him out of fear for their father often set about upsetting and frightening him just for the sport of it. He always wondered with the unforgiving contempt of the very young why his father hated him.

He had stood up to his father during one of his outbursts and asked him the question.

"Why? Why do you hate me?" He said on his knees as blood trickled down his back. He had been leashed several times as punishment for getting into a fight with his brothers.

"Because the day you were born you ended two life's, your mother's and mine. You're ended my world?" His father's words were filled with anger and hate....so much hate.

"It's just karma, for every horrible thing you've done, and you deserve it," Kendle said, voice shaking with fury. Where did this endless boiling redness he was feeling come from? He was afraid he could not stop it, and he did not really want to. "If mother by some unlikely miracle wakes up, do you think she will still want? She wouldn't, and you deserve it, you deserve to be alone, to bear all the pain alone and I'll make sure of that?" He was sick of always taking it all, pretending that what ever threatened him did not exist. It did, and he had to face it.

"I will have your tongue for that!" His father barked. "Take him to the dungeon!"

Kendle didn't wait for his father to end him. This wasn't his first time in the dungeon. The dark dungeon was a maze filled with traps that would maim someone and poisonous creatures waiting for their next meal, created to torture anyone who was unfortunate enough to be caught there before eventually dying at the end. But it was a maze and every had an exit, it was just that no one has ever found it. He planned on being the first one to and he did. It took him a day and many moment of despair but he did it. He found himself in a dark forest where the door to the supernatural realm was. He stared at the gateway and made a promise then and there, to build an army strong enough to go against his father and claim the realm. It took him more than a century but his army was almost complete, he still had work to do and nothing was going to get in his way or distract him....not even...a mate.

He wasn't expecting the moon goddess to give him a mate, especially at a time like this, when he was planning on going to war. There was simply no way he was going to accept this, especially not now. His wolf growled at the thought of rejecting his mate. The past century without his mate suddenly felt tiresome and lonesome. He started to wonder how he could live a single day without her but he had to learn.

He unique scent of sweet and spicy smell of honey and clover, giving ode to a meadow filled with roses was able to calm his nerves and with his mate with him, he could feel the serenity he had never been able to taste in decades. The Sparks that lit up from their skin to skin contact made his wolf excited and yearn for more.....