
How to be a Shadow

"I am forgotten" — Anton was only a young, man and the world had already forgotten about him.

iwo835 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 13~Level 2~

They arrive at the second level, and before them, an enormous hall could be seen. The hall had drawings on its walls, tops and floor, it looked very greek. In the middle of the hall, a check-in going from the left to the right could be seen and many of the players from earth were already in these check-ins. Luca, Ben, Eddie and Lena looked at each other and then went straight to the check-ins.

A woman was sitting at their check-in and after an hour it was finally their time.

"Hello, please state your name and give me the code of your coins account and status window configuration"

Luca was a bit shocked he didn't have a code.

"My name is Luca and what are these other things?"

The woman answered him in a slightly annoyed voice.

"It is like your bank registration number back on earth and for the status window you just have to accept the request I send you, and then you can go through"

Luca understood it a little bit and looked at his status window and he soon found both of the things the woman asked for.

"Ok you can go through now, welcome to paradise"

"Huh? Oh ok, to paradise?"

The woman didn't answer him and focused on Ben standing behind him. Luca waited for them to be finished too, and when they were the four of them walked to the giant half-open doors of the hall and walked out.

The light from the sun was blinding them for a second, but it went away pretty quick. When they could see something again they saw a breathtaking sight before them, it wasn't just one sun which was in the sky, no there were two suns, one just like theirs and the other one was crimson red and the light of both combined light up the park before them beautifully. Then something ruined the beautiful sight.


<Level 002>

Task: Join a group or establish one.

Reward: Group house (per person a room), chance to advance to Level 3.

Time limit: 2 days

Failure: Stay on this level forever.

Info: If you want to join or establish a group, then follow the map given to you in your inbox.


"Isn't this level just easy?"

"I think that there is a flaw Ben, look at the first level it was so hard and stressful"

Eddie was right it couldn't be that easy but still, they had nowhere to go and followed the map. As they were walking through the city they saw many different species. They saw people with horns, wings, and four or more arms, some even looked like characters they knew from comics or novels, like lizards, vampires and many more.

"This city is as beautiful as the one before"

"You're right, what makes it even more beautiful is that there are different kinds of life forms on this planet"

while Ben and Lena were talking about the planet Eddie and Luca were talking about possible scenarios for when they get to the Group registration building.

"I think it costs money to register, don't you think so too?"

"Yes I do Eddie, and I hope it isn't much, because our accumulated funds are only around 10 000 coins"

"I hope that it will be enough, if not we have to get jobs that make many coins in a short time"

Luca and Eddie looked at Ben and Lena and decided that they will enjoy the walk through the city too, there was nothing they could do now and only worrying about things wasn't good. So they just went along with the mood of Ben and Lena, until they were standing before a building that was going at least 100 meters into the sky and a big nameplate could be seen over the door.

Many players were in the lobby of the building and a big cue was there, it was for the application to join a group, but besides that cue, there was another desk with no cue, it was the desk for the application to open up a group. The four of them went to the desk but there was nobody and the man on the other desk had too much to do so he didn't even look over. Then a voice was suddenly heard.

"You are standing in the wrong line boys and girls, the line to apply for a group is the other one"

A woman was standing at a table not too far away from them, she had two white horns on her forehead, and looked like she was expecting a thank you, but that didn't happen.

"Thank you for noticing us but we don't want to join a group, we want to establish our group"

Lena answered her and the woman looked shocked, it was not just her most of the people sitting on the sofas or chairs were now looking dazed at them.

"What? You want to establish a group, did you even hear the things you must do for that?"

"No, we didn't but that is why we are here, you know?"

Luca answered and smiles were forming on the people, not bad smiles but nice and warm smiles, the woman also had a smile like that and began speaking again.

"If that is what you want then do it, but I will give you some info, no group has ever been established in the last hundred years, that is because the big groups try to take them down."

A scenario Luca and Eddie had been thinking about, and because of that, they weren't surprised that much by the woman's helping info, but either way they thanked the woman and rang the bell, which was standing on the desk. A man came rushing out a door behind the desk, his shirt was hastily put on and his tie wasn't sitting right, he was surprised that someone rang the bell and quickly rushed out before they would disappear again.

"What can I help you with?"

"Oh hey we would like to establish a group"

"Ohh that is wonderful, there wasn't anyone in the last ten years who tried it so I became a bit worried."

"Why didn't anyone try it, it can't be that hard, can it?"

"Oh no the task isn't the hard thing it is something else"

And then the man started to explain it to them, the big groups fear that a small group will bring them down, they heard a prophecy about that a hundred years ago and since then they tried to eliminate every small group. They succeeded and it got boring for everyone because there were only ten big groups and there wasn't really a rivalry between them, so the people and players of the city hope for someone who tries to establish a new group, and bring fun into that field.

"Ok so the registration is filled out now, how much do we have to pay?"

"Oh it isn't much, just 2000 coins"

Luca and Eddie both let out a sigh of relief and handed over the money.

"Thanks here is your group certificate, please now go to the house address on the certificate and make it your group house after that your group is established"

Luca suddenly thought if it was so easy why did no one manage to do it? Luca grabbed the certificate, started running and screamed.

"Guys we have to get away from the other players, they will try to steal our certificate and we won't be able to establish our group"

At his words, the nice people from earlier jumped up and started to hunt Luca, but to Luca's surprise they weren't catching up to him was this another trap? But it didn't matter if that was a trap or not the important thing was it to get to the address right now.

Ben, Eddie and Lena also started running at Luca's words and chased after the players following him. Ben wanted to attack one player while he was passing him but Eddie held him back.

"Ben you can't attack the players, if you do that the skill buff they have will be lowered and we will be in trouble then"

Luca heard that too and now it made sense in his mind why no one was able to achieve it, they all attack the players hunting them out of fear.

Soon about a hundred players were hunting them and their house was only just around the corner, as soon as they got there the players hunting them stooped and only one man was standing before Luca.

"Hello, it seems you are a smart guy, not just you even your group members didn't attack anyone, so I guess the first part is over"

What that was already the first par Luca and the other ones couldn't believe that, but it was true even a system message was popping up to tell them that. The man let them comprehend that before speaking up again.

"So since we are too strong for newbies like you even with a massive buff on our skills, the second part will test another strength, the mind"

"Ok, so what will it be?"

The man smiled slightly before he continued to speak.

"It will be a game of chess, I guess you are pretty familiar with it since its origins are on your planet"

"Will it be a 1v1?"

"No you four will be playing against me, all at the same time"

They were all shocked if he was making such a statement it must mean that he was pretty good at chess and in their group, only two people had played chess on an international level, the first one was Lena and the second one was Ben. Luca and Eddie played chess as a hobby or sometimes for fun, but never in a competition, so their chances of winning against him were low.

"Ok guys let's do it, what have we got to lose?"

Ben was right the only thing they could lose was the certificate and maybe they could buy a second one and try again. But as if the man knew what they were all thinking he said.

"One official member has to go away for a year if you lose to me, but if you win you will get to establish your group and every of the big ten groups has to fulfil a wish you make. Do you still want to do it?"

There wasn't even a single bit of shock or hesitation in the eyes of the four friends.

"Yes we will accept and do it"

And like that a board of chess was brought and they got assigned their colour, the man was playing with the white pieces and they were playing with the black pieces.

The man began and in the beginning, it didn't look like he had a strategy, but the four of them were still struggling against him. Only one hour passed but the man had them played them mate four times already and they lost about half of their pieces. Luca became hasty and played a bad move, the man used this immediately and they were in the same situation again as before just that this time around they would lose the most important piece, the queen.

"Hey, Luca stop playing you are losing us this game, you to Eddie please step away."

Ben said that and both Luca and Eddie didn't want to until Lena also said that to them, the man was smiling brighter now it seemed that he had planned this situation from the beginning. Now that both Luca and Eddie weren't playing anymore, they had to stand behind their friends and watch the game get better and better for them.

"Hoh you what a surprising play young girl"

Lena played a risky move and the man applauded her for that, but then she stood up and left the chess board. It was now a 1v1.

"It seems your friends have left you to fight for them boy, are you happy with friends like that?"

"Yes I am and you know what I am also happy about?"

"No, I don't"

Ben smiled now and looked at the man before continuing to speak.

"Haven't you realised it by now, you are checkmate"

The man's eyes slowly opened as he looked at the board, he was indeed checkmated.