
How I Slayed A Dragon

A dragon, one of the strongest species in Artania with insane magic and incredible physical might that can wipe out a city with ease. This is the monster that Anthony, a mere soldier, was given the task to defeat. He is nearly killed by one, and by sheer luck he accidentally gains the powers of a dragon, now he trains to control it and he must grab his destiny by the balls and slay dragons, overcoming betrayals and emotional traumas. This is the story, of how Anthony slayed a dragon and many others. Posted  on: - Webnovel - Wattpad - patreon (slimeinspace) - royalroad

SlimeInSpace · ファンタジー
107 Chs

Chapter 2

(March 19)


How should I say this...

I don't fully understand what's going on, but it seems like...


I've sat here for half an hour thinking of how to write this, but whatever. I'm slowly turning into a dragon! I'm not going crazy!

Recently I've noticed scales on my arm when I shower, but when I ran out to show my wife it disappeared.

My entire family thinks I'm crazy, I have nowhere else to vent my thoughts except for here in my journal.

Now that I think about it, I started this journal so that if I died, my family would know what happened but now it's like a mental therapist for me where I express my emotions that I can't anywhere else.

Oh right, the dragon scales.

It seems like when I shower or get exposed to warm water, scales on my arms will appear... not only that but I also seems to be getting taller and stronger.

I checked and it seems like I grew over 5cm within a month, which doesn't sound like much but I haven't grown in the last 10 or so years.

My arms and biceps seem to be bigger now too, my shoulders seem broader, my chest is expanding, and my abs are more toned.

Did the dragon from a couple months ago affect me?

Did it somehow infect me with some dragon disease or something?


I'm worried, is this going to affect my life...? Hopefully not.

Well, I need to go to sleep now. I have to get up early to work on the farm tomorrow.

(March 20)





That was my daughter just now, what a little rascal.

Her name is Gabi, she's 6 and she's a cute lil' gem.

She always makes me and my wife happy after a long day of work in the fields.

(March 23)

The scales on my arms are growing even more now.

When I showed it to my wife this time, it didn't disappear, and my wife freaked out and panicked.

I told her about the events with the dragon, without going into full detail because it was a bit gruesome and I didn't want to get into that.

She had known vaguely about what happened but didn't ask when I came back home since she knew it was traumatizing for me.

She and I talked, and we considered going to a doctor to see if they know if this is going to seriously affect me or not, and if I need or if I can cure this.

But I doubt it, I've never heard of such a thing as human's growing scales and becoming a dragon...

(March 28)

Today, a solider came to my house.

He came from a neighboring kingdom to ask us about the events of the dragon attack.

He had requested I come with him to his city and become a soldier, claiming that it's easier for veteran soldiers to get a higher paying job and since I was a soldier who survived a dragon attack, I would be extremely valued.

Of course, I had declined. I didn't want to fight for as long as I lived.

But then he insisted I at least came with him to speak with his commander. He said they would like to hear my story on what happened, they'd even pay for my traveling expenses.

I told him I'll think about it, but it was too suspicious. Paying for all expenses? Just for visiting and talking to a commander?

He left saying that he'll return in a couple days and I should come up with a decision by the time he returns.

(March 29)

Uneventful day.

My wife and I had a long discussion on whether to go or not, my wife thinks I should go.

"While you're at it, you should visit a doctor in the city as well."

But still...

(March 30)

After thinking about it for the whole night, I decided.

I'll go to the city with the soldier, while I'm at it I might ask around about this case of mine. My wife also asked me to buy some things for her and I promised Gabi I'll get her a gift.

I prepared my clothing and money and packed it all up in a small backpack of mine.

I'll inform the soldier when he arrives.

(April 2)

Today the soldier returned, he came with a carriage and a couple horses that we would be riding together to get to the city.

His name is Brian, and he was a junior soldier to me.

He was a soldier for Azgard like me, but he was transfer over to the neighboring kingdom per request, so he barely missed the "events". He sure was lucky.

Thinking back on the events still gives me shivers and puts me in a murky mood.

We're also traveling with a couple others as well, 3 others.

A soldier besides Brian, a man who appears to be a merchant driving the carriage and a pale white fairy.

It was quite rare to see a fairy around these parts; we were far away from the nearest Fairy settlement.

She was also quite beautiful, however I'm a married man and no ones as beautiful as my wife... ahem, I'm not bragging.

The merchant told me it was going to be a long bumpy ride so I should get some rest.


After getting a small nap, I woke up to the smell of cooking meat.

It was already lunch, and they were roasting a pig that they had hunted from a nearby forest. The forest around here is dense and filled with game to hunt, and monsters rarely appear, although they do show up sometimes.

We now continue on our journey to the city after having lunch.

A couple hours have passed and I'm just sitting here.

I'm bored.


The sun has sunk already, and we may need to take a stop again.

Wait, I hear a loud howl outside...

(April 3)

Man! Yesterday night though! Phew!

A pack of wolves had appeared, a C rank pack, as the sun was sinking and the moon was rising into the sky.

Although an individual wolf was only D rank, together they would be difficult to fight even for a C rank, and to top it off the leader of the pack was a Silver Moon Wolf that rarely appeared. It was a larger wolf with silver fur that shined in the moonlight.

It was quite beautiful, but at the time we didn't have time to be impressed so I quickly pulled out a small soldier's sword that was in the carriage.

The Silver Moon Wolf was a B ranked monster and it would've been an extremely difficult fight, but luckily the fairy we were traveling with was a B ranker as well.

She fought the Moon Wolf while me and the other 2 soldiers fought the normal C ranked wolves.

They were quick but I fought many wolves like them in the past when I was a soldier, so I knew their patterns quite well.

They would dash at you quickly in a straight line and you would have to dodge swiftly. If you get hit, it could prove to be fatal.

Once you dodge it, you simply hold out your sword firmly causing the wolf to run into the blade and cut itself while you then slash at it.

If you fail to slash at it, it might turn around and charge at you again, so you'd have to try it until you manage to land the hit.

But the situation is quite different when fighting multiple wolves.

Obviously, you can't dodge all the wolves one by one and attack them one by one, they aren't dumb enough to just attack in turns. They all charge at once.

When fighting wolves, they usually come in packs so the one-on-one situation with a wolf don't happen often. So you usually fight with a team, and that's where the other two soldiers come in.

I acted as bait, so the wolves all charged at me and I'd focus only on dodging. The other two soldiers would be far behind me where the wolves luckily didn't notice them.

When the wolf charges past me, one of the soldiers would snipe them with an arrow or attack with a spear from the wolf's blind spot and if the wolves change their targets to them, I'd attack the wolves from behind.

This required a lot of stamina and focus but we managed to do it.

By then, the Silver Moon Wolf was already killed by the fairy.

I went to sleep immediately after leaving the others on night guard duty.

Thus, leading to this morning where I'm now writing into my journal.