
How I Slayed A Dragon

A dragon, one of the strongest species in Artania with insane magic and incredible physical might that can wipe out a city with ease. This is the monster that Anthony, a mere soldier, was given the task to defeat. He is nearly killed by one, and by sheer luck he accidentally gains the powers of a dragon, now he trains to control it and he must grab his destiny by the balls and slay dragons, overcoming betrayals and emotional traumas. This is the story, of how Anthony slayed a dragon and many others. Posted  on: - Webnovel - Wattpad - patreon (slimeinspace) - royalroad

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Chapter 1

(Jan 4, 9501)

Hello, my name is Anthony. I am a soldier of the Azgard kingdom.

I am writing this journal for my wife and child as I fear I will not be able to come home. Azgard has recently been under attack by monsters and the king has dispatched all available knights to defend the city.

I am but a C rank and I don't stand a chance in front of these beasts, however I will fight honourably for my kingdom, and I fight with pride despite the odds.

Hopefully this journal will never have to be given to my family as if it does, it means I'm probably already dead.

My commander is calling for me, I go now, we fight proudly for our kingdom.

(Jan 5)

It was hell.

The blood.

The screams.


My friends and comrades died before me; I couldn't do anything about it... I watched as the monster ripped them to shreds, all I could do was shake and run in fear.

All my life I was praised as an honorable knight, as a skilled swordsman, but I was useless. I couldn't do anything; it was a failure.

The monsters breached the city walls, a few got in and wrecked havoc. Many innocent civilians died. We were able to push them off at the last second and kill the remaining monsters inside the city, but the damage was massive.

The monsters retreated but they'll be back tomorrow.

The cycle will continue again.

(Jan 6)

There is hope, at 3 am this morning an A ranked soldier arrived! Praise the god Artorias! Artorias has sent down it's luck upon us!

His name is Sir Titanius, one of the king's elite soldiers. With him by our sides those monsters will be sure to be defeated!

Now, we head to battle! FOR AZGARD! PRAISE ARTORIA!!

(Jan 7)

Today we had no casualties, a few were injured, however no deaths.

With Sir Titanius on our side, we shall fend off all these beasts!

Now that I think of it though, why are the monsters suddenly attack our city? Why are they running in our direction?

The monsters used to always stay away from our city due to our guards killing them if they get close, so what could be causing them to recklessly run our way...

No matter, these beasts shall pay.

(Jan 9)

These two days we were training with the sword by Sir Titanius, he personally trained us and all the other soldiers!

I even got to talk to him! He gave me advice! WOW! This was my first time talking to an A rank!

My arms are very sore though and my body aches, however I am not tired. If anything, I am more energetic!

(Jan 10)

Today we were also training, a couple soldiers collapsed due to the heat.

The temperature has been rising, and some rumors have been going during lunch around that the rising heat has something to do with the monsters suddenly rampaging.

Although it sounds ridiculous... if you think about it, it's quite the coincidence that monsters would attack at noon, when it is the hottest out.

The temperature has gotten a lot worse. I hear from my allies that the temperature will soon drastically increase again.

Well, I need to hurry up, lunch is almost over.

(Jan 16)

It's over...

It's all over

Yesterday a dragon appeared.

That explains everything.

Dragons have a natural passive ability to affect the climate around them which caused the temperature to go up.

The monster must've known about the dragon and ran away in fear.

Sir Titanius has fallen, or I wish he did. Instead, he ran away like a coward after witnessing the dragon with his tail between his legs leaving us to die.

Damn it!

Only a handful of Azgard's army is left, me and a couple others. The dragon raved the entire city, less then a quarter of the population survived.

To my wife and children at home, I'm glad you are not here and are safe.

I do not think I can make it through this.

No matter how much training we did the past few days, it won't be enough to beat a... a... a dragon!

However, I will not run.

I am Anthony, a proud soldier of Azgard and I will fight to protect this city. Because if this city falls, based on the direction the dragon is going, it will soon reach the village where my wife and children are living.

I will not allow that to happen.

To my wi--...

(Jan ???)

It hurts.

I can't hear anything, my brain is numb.

I've been stuck in this cave for who knows how long...

My leg is stuck under a boulder, the only thing keeping me sane is my journal.

The dragon attacked unexpectedly, out of no where in the middle of the night.

I do not know what day it is, and there is little sunlight.

I will soon starve to death, that is if I don't die of blood lost first.

Wait, I see something.


(Feb 2)

It has been a while, I forgot to write in this journal after the events.

A man saved me who he said his name was "Gin"

He was strange, he was saying things like, "Praise me more!" and he laughed a lot. I quite like him.

He was a cheerful guy, but more importantly, he was powerful.

He single-handedly slayed the dragon himself.

Although I did not get to witness the glorious fight, when he rescued me from the rubble and the cave, there was a corpse of a massive red dragon on the floor, beheaded.

I was thankful to him, although he was a bit too late, and the entire city was already wiped off the maps. By a single dragon...

There were not many survivors. The number of survivors were barely in the double digits.

The survivors went their own separate ways, some lost and confused... dazed... I can't blame them, they just lost their entire city, probably their families, and nearly lost their lives.

Gin asked me if there was a city nearby where he could get some food and I told him there was a village nearby where my family was staying, and I could get him some food if he was willing to travel there with me.

He agreed.

When I got home I was greeted by my family and I embraced them in tears.

For some reason Gin suddenly got mad and shouted, "DAMN NORMIES!! STOP HAUNTING ME EVEN IN A FANTASY WORLD!!! Why don't I get any chicks???"

I was confused but he was my savior.

After a feast he left and said his goodbye and I thanked him a couple more times.

Well, I guess it's time to retire and become a farmer. There's no way in hell, I, am, EVER, going, to, meet, another, dragon...


Hey there, it's me, the author from the future. Just wanted to say that the beginning of this story is quite slow and to be honest, it's bad. It's very bad. But as time went on, I started to understand the story more and formed an idea of what I wanted this story to be. So if you are even a little interested, I ask that you be patient for a bit and read on. If you still don't like it, it's fine. I just ask that it's given a chance. Whether or not you stick around, I hope this gives you at least some enjoyment. Thanks.