
How I Slayed A Dragon

A dragon, one of the strongest species in Artania with insane magic and incredible physical might that can wipe out a city with ease. This is the monster that Anthony, a mere soldier, was given the task to defeat. He is nearly killed by one, and by sheer luck he accidentally gains the powers of a dragon, now he trains to control it and he must grab his destiny by the balls and slay dragons, overcoming betrayals and emotional traumas. This is the story, of how Anthony slayed a dragon and many others. Posted  on: - Webnovel - Wattpad - patreon (slimeinspace) - royalroad

SlimeInSpace · ファンタジー
107 Chs

Chapter 24

(Aug 22 continued)

At that moment the world froze.

The air stopped moving, the crowd all froze, time itself froze and it was complete silence except for the sound of Brigg's footsteps walking towards me.

I couldn't move my body, I could only see Briggs slowly approaching me.




I could hear my heartbeat bumping as Briggs got closer, then in an instant he appeared right in front of me and he stared down right into my face.

He was no longer smiling, all I could see was pure madness and despite him being in front of me I couldn't see his face properly, his eyes were glowing with killing intent.

I tried moving my body but my body was numb, I felt something restricting my movements and I realized the cut on my cheek that Brigg's greataxe had cut contained some of Brigg's chakra and when it cut my cheek, the chakra entered into my bloodstream to restrict me.

Briggs was able to manipulate his own chakra to act like a curse, since poison and toxins don't work on dragon. Curses aren't a physical substance as they are in spiritual form and therefore a dragon's body can't expel it as they would with poison.

A black miasma that was made up of pure condensed curse energy similar to the curse that was inside my body cursing me and restricting my movement was coming out from Brigg's body as Briggs raised his fist.

All this was happening in a super speed but since Briggs was moving so fast it looked like the world was frozen, I couldn't move fast enough to get out of the way as I my movement was still restricted by Brigg's curse.

And then Briggs punched my stomach, a mere punch, but it sent me flying across the entire field and I once again smashed into the wall surrounding the field as a wave of nausea and dizziness hit me like a fcking brick to face.

This time, I did throw up as I felt my stomach empty and all the air in my body got sucked out from that one mere punch.

I put my hand on my stomach to stabilize the energy inside it but Briggs instantly appeared besides me.

I tried to blocked the attack with my dragon claw arms but with a single kicked, he launched me into the air again sending me flying many meters away knocking out a couple of my teeth.

That's when I realized, Brigg's true class. At first I thought Briggs was simply a warrior who fights with a greatsword, but that's not it, Briggs is a berserker.

Berserker is quite a rare class, it allows you to transform damage and pain into strength allowing you to push beyond your limits and fight until you literally collapse at the cost of losing your mind and sanity as you fight.

Briggs was strong as is but in berserk form, how absurdly strong is he going to become? Briggs is probably strong enough to take on 5 normal A ranks at once...

As I was kicked and was sent flying into the air, Briggs somehow teleported behind me and with both of his hands clenched together and smashed my head towards the ground causing spiderweb like cracks into the ground.

Earlier during my explosion attack, one of Brigg's greataxe must've broke and he threw his other greataxe at me so Briggs was only using his fist but if he still had his greataxes, would I already be dead by now?

As I was laying on the ground in pain, Briggs jumped on top of me and proceeded to beat the living shit out of me. I raised both my hand over my face to block Brigg's punches but I heard my bones crack and an intent pain shot through my right arm as it went limp and fell to the ground.

He has punched through my arm, and broke the bone in my arm in half (pain, just thinking of it again makes me feel sick).

I was basically coughing blood by then and I knew I was going to lose consciousness soon.

With all my remaining force, I raised my knee and kicked upwards towards Brigg's "nether regions (ahem, down there if you know what I mean)" as a last ditch attempt to defend and then Brigg's assault stopped. He looked down at me, and I looked up at him.

We both were silent, the entire crowd was silent for a moment.

I could see Brigg's berserk mode wear off as he realize what just happened and I could see the pain in his eyes.

He smashed his fist into my face again, and my skull left a massive dent in the ground but Briggs also fell backwards and he was grabbing his balls and wiggling around in pain as his "jewel" was just attacked.

I was totally exhausted, I couldn't go on. Briggs was in pain but once he regains himself he'll just continue to beat me up. I knew the match was over, it was close but I had lost. I had no energy left so I called out;

"I surrender"

And the crowd went wild as the referee declared Brigg's victory and my lost.

But I felt as if I was a winner, I didn't lose consciousness, I didn't black out and I inflicted major damage on Briggs.

Briggs was still in pain from my "critical hit" attack but Briggs stood up his his knees shaking a little as I was dragged away by a couple medics and healers.

I was brought to a medics room where a couple healers healed me with healing magic and I could feel my body filling up with energy again.

They seemed worried because my injuries were quite severe and I had been cursed by Briggs with his curse chakra but then they realize my body was healing extraordinarily fast probably due to my dragon blood and essence.

Dragon's heal abnormally fast as is but add healing magic as well, then it's you could regrow limbs and new body parts so a "mere" broken bone and wounds were nothing (though it's still painful).

William also came by to say hello and he sat down on a chair nearby.

He sighed and then he all of a sudden complimented me.

"You did well, better then I expected. Congrats."

Which caught me off guard, I thought he was going to insult me again because I lost but no? He... complimented me? IS THIS AN IMPOSTER???

He smiled and told me Briggs is actually strong, in fact Briggs could probably beat William in a one on one fight which surprised me considering how strong William was.

William explained to me how William in terms of destruction, is superior to Briggs but in terms of actual strength Briggs is stronger. For example in a war, William would be able to summon and use AOE magic and wipe out more soldiers and enemies causing more destruction then Briggs but Briggs could take on stronger opponents and win.

William also helped with healing as well, healers work by consuming their own magic and energy and converting it into life energy, but once they run out of magic they can't heal anymore.

William is a pro wizard and he has a massive stock of magic power so when the healers ran out of magic, he would resupply them with his own magic so they can continue healing me.

As such, I was able to heal back to normal in only a few short hours. However although my physical body was back to normal, I was still mentally and spiritually exhausted, I had used almost all of my magic and dragon essence reserves and I need time for my dragon essence to replenish itself.

And so I won't be able to participate in combat for a couple days but I can still train my body and do things, I'll just be a little more sluggish.

The healers and William insisted I stay resting but I wanted to go out and continue watching the tournament.

By now a couple hours have past so it should nearing the ending match soon.

I wonders who going to win...


My p@treon (early release and extra content): https://www.p@treon.com/slimeinspace

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