
How I Slayed A Dragon

A dragon, one of the strongest species in Artania with insane magic and incredible physical might that can wipe out a city with ease. This is the monster that Anthony, a mere soldier, was given the task to defeat. He is nearly killed by one, and by sheer luck he accidentally gains the powers of a dragon, now he trains to control it and he must grab his destiny by the balls and slay dragons, overcoming betrayals and emotional traumas. This is the story, of how Anthony slayed a dragon and many others. Posted  on: - Webnovel - Wattpad - patreon (slimeinspace) - royalroad

SlimeInSpace · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Chapter 23

(Aug 22 Continued)

After Briggs headbutted me, I was knocked back and Briggs followed up his attack with a knee to my stomach. I reinforced my stomach with dragon essence and hardened my skin with dragon scales to boost my defense but even then the damage was massive and I flew back crashing into the wall surrounding the battle field.

I groaned as I stood up and saw Briggs charging at me.

I immediately rolled to my right with my heightened senses and dodged Briggs just in time as Briggs smashed into the wall, widening the hole in the wall that I was smashed into.

I coughed a bit, that hit to my stomach nearly made me throw up even with the dragon scales and boosting my defenses... Briggs is a monster...

I seriously felt scared at the time and my hand was shaking, but I stood up and calmed myself again.

A dragon's power is effected by their mental state (William told me this), the more stable their mental state, the stronger their dragon essence will be. If a dragon is weak willed then so will their strength and power.

This is why dragons that live longer tend to get stronger, because as they live longer the more they meditate and sleep, wiser, smarter and more stable the dragon's mental state will be thus making their dragon essence also stronger.

So if my mind ain't calm, I won't be as strong. If I get mad or scared or become mentally unstable, I can't use my powers to it's full potential, unlike other people where when they rage or get mad their powers tend to grow and get berserk-like strength, this doesn't work with dragons. We must ALWAYS keep calm.

I stabilized myself quickly and compressed my dragon essence into my sword, I looked around and I quickly formed a plan. It was a plan I was calculating and devising for a while and only nwo am I trying it out.

Briggs had also stood up from when he crashed into the wall and he seemed unfazed as he cracked his knuckles and picked up his two greataxes again.

Briggs is like a bear, he attacks straight on and he's very fast and strong. Quite predictable but even so he's hard to avoid due to his sheer strength and speed.

I was quite a bit of a distance away from Briggs, I gathered clumps of my dragon essence into my knees and shot forward dashing towards Briggs as fast as I could.

He was surprised, he must've expected for me to try to widen the distance and use long ranged attacked but instead I closed the distance between us. This caught him slightly off guard and Briggs swung his greataxes, however before his greataxes could hit me I stopped causing the greataxes to miss.

I realize while watching Briggs that these greataxe's aren't his main weapon and he's only using them for this tournament, and therefore he's not familiar with using them yet. His usual weapon is a long greatsword which is longer and bigger, but greataxes are slightly smaller and he misjudged the distance between me and his weapon making it easier for me to dodge.

As Briggs swung down his greataxe and missed me, I dodged right and while thrusting my burning longsword into Brigg's side but Briggs quickly used his knee to block my attack.

I used my momentum to also circle around Briggs behind him and transformed my hand into dragon claws again while blowing fire on it to created flaming dragon claws.

I slashed at his back leaving a three small scratch marks on his back, also burning his tank top with my flames.

Briggs spun around swinging his greataxes horizontally like a beyblade but I did a back flip dodge to get out of Brigg's reach.

My plan was in action, if this plan works and all goes as predicted then there's a chance I might win.

Briggs would charge at me but I would dodge out of the way and do little attacks here and there but it didn't inflict much damage, I was trying my best to not get hit by one his attacks. Even one hit would do a lot of damage to me as Brigg's attack power is tremendous.

From an outsider view, it looked like Briggs was clearly winning and I was just dodging around without any hope of attacking back properly, but no! All this time as I was running and dodging around the entire field, I had planted a bunch of fire bombs!

Suddenly as Briggs stepped towards me the ground below him blew up causing him to flying into the air slightly but he landed with minimal damage.

As I was running around the field, I had created a bunch of explosive fireballs. However these fireballs don't explode until I activate them, and they can be remotely activated even from a distance.

I stole this idea from the fight with Mona and Cornelia when Mona had planted flashbomb spells, but I modified it to become firebomb landmines instead. Normally this would be quite difficult to do but with my dragon essence, it's a lot easier.

Briggs seemed to have realized what was going on and he let out a chuckle.

"Good one, smart. But you think you've limited my movements? I THINK NOT!!!"

Briggs roared as a surge of chakra and magic rushed out from him and he once again leapt into the air.

Briggs must've been thinking that if he jumps through the air, he doesn't have to walk through the landmines thus not being damaged by the explosion, and he's partially right.

This was all part of my plan though.

If he was in the air, he can't dodge. All of a sudden, all of the fireball landmines I had planted suddenly glowed and then all of them flew into the air towards me.

Dragon blood has the property to attract dragon essence like a magnet, and my fireballs are made of dragon essence so I can freely pull it towards me and control it's movements.

All of the explosive landmines on the entire field flew towards me just as Briggs was leaping through the air and Briggs saw the many MANY fireballs and he realized... he fell into my trap.

"Ah sh*t."


Dozens of explosions blew up in Brigg's face and since Briggs was jumping towards me, he was directly in front of all of the fireball's path thus taking maximum amount of damage.

Since I created the fireballs with MY dragon essence, I took minimal damage and Briggs blocked most of the explosion.

This was my plan; to defeat Briggs at a long range without taking a single hit.

Smoke covered the entire field and my vision was blocked.

I infused my eyes with dragon essence and it glowed a dim red color as I squinted through the dust and smoke of the explosion.

I thought I had won, I thought Briggs was done. That explosion was super condensed and powerful so I thought Briggs would at least be unconscious... but I was wrong.

A greataxe flew out from the smoke towards my head and with my already enhanced eye sight, I barely dodged it as a the greataxe cut my cheek a little and blood dripped from the cut.

If my eyes weren't already enhanced and I didn't dodge in time, my head would be rolling on the ground right now...

I could hear a rumble sound as a massive silhouette appeared from within the smoke.

A massive energy surged into the air causing the ground to shake and tremble as two glowing eyes appeared from the silhouette and then... the world froze...


My p@treon (early release and extra content): https://www.p@treon.com/slimeinspace

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