
How a boy became a man

A boy who faces challenges at every step of the way while fate nurtures his life and prepares him for the future. This first person pov story is about a boy named Keres Tempest and everything revolving around him as he grows into his teenage life. A story of friendship, love, betrayal and every possible situation one can imagine a teenage boy might face. Eventually leading up to him growing up before his age...let's see what awaits him in his life.

The_MortalDevil · 現実
16 Chs

Chapter 13

The day began with history class but all I could wait for was the day to end to go for the track and field session. I was excited and nervous at the same time. The interaction with the members who tore my form compared to the coach made me even more nervous. Kai could see through my feelings and asked about what was going on, how do I tell him?

Unknown to my application form being torn, I decided to tell him about my incident with the coach and I could see the happiness in his eyes for me. With whatever had happened, I never did realise that Kai had been by my side since the start. Knowing that he was around, gave me the confidence to continue pushing forward :)

Before I knew it, it was the end of the day and it was time for me to show up. Not knowing if I belonged there, I knew this is what I want and made my way over to the track. I saw a group of students surrounding the coach and everyone was taking turns to introduce themselves. I was the last to reach, the coach called out for me and it was my turn. I could see all eyes on me, some of judgement, some of confusion, some of anger...