
Perfect couple

Chloe was sleeping when she felt a hand touching her hair. Because of how soothing it was, she wanted to allow the person to continue, but when she remembered she lived alone, she opened her eyes immediately and was about to sit up in alarm before she saw Jeremy's face and relaxed.

She remembered now that she had brought Jeremy to her apartment last night after he was completely wasted.

He was crouching down beside the couch she was sleeping on and looking at her with eyes filled with love while playing with her hair. 


"What... are you doing? Are you okay?" She asked and finally to sat up to look at him when he said nothing.

"I am sorry for waking you up. I wanted to watch you sleep." He said before going to sit down beside her on the couch. Only a faint light from a lamp illuminated the whole living room, so it was kind of dim. The clock chimed once, indicating it was 4 a.m.

"How's your head?" Chloe asked. 

He looked at her with a guilty expression. What did he do to deserve her? He had not only ruined their plans for today, but he had gotten drunk and didn't know how he got to her house. 

He had been surprised to wake up in an unfamiliar environment. Thankfully, the bedside lamp was on, so he recognized the room as Chloe's. Beside the lamp, there was a note and a tablet of pills with a bottle of water. The note said he should take two pills for his headache when he woke up and also mentioned there was a new toothbrush in the bathroom for him.

When he pulled the duvet away from his body fully, he realized his clothes were gone. He was wearing only his boxers, which made him blush. On the dressing table, he saw another note, and beside it, there were shorts and a tee-shirt which she asked him to change into. 

His heart felt warm at her concern for him. Without taking the pills, he went to look around for her, wondering why she wasn't sleeping on the bed beside him, but he found her sleeping on the couch in the living room with the blanket she was covering around her waist. The guilt he felt increased when he saw her sleeping on the couch instead of her comfortable bed.

He pulled up the blanket to cover her entire body and returned to her room. His throat was dry and his mouth felt awful. Thankfully, he found the new toothbrush she had talked about, so he brushed his teeth and swallowed the meds before he returned to the living room. 

He had been staring at her and rubbing her hair gently for over 30 minutes before she woke up. 

"Jer, how's your head?" She asked again, looking at him with eyes full of concern as she turned her body fully to face him while folding her legs on the couch like she was about to meditate.

"Aren't... you mad?" He asked, looking down in guilt. "I ruined... our night." 

"It's fine. I guess you were nervous. I shouldn't have pushed you. I'm sorry." She said it softly and reached out to touch his face. 

He noticed she had also changed into a big t-shirt, but he didn't know what she was wearing underneath because the blanket was covering her legs. And her face was now devoid of make-up. She looked very natural and very pretty.

"Why... are you so perfect?" He asked, looking directly into her eyes. 

She smiled at him, and he could see a faint blush on her cheeks. "Because I have a perfect boyfriend." She teased.

He frowned. "I am not perfect. I keep disappointing you every time." 

She took his hand and intertwined their fingers together. 

"Is there... something you want to tell me?" She asked him in a soft tone. 

Jeremy remembered Maria had advised him to tell Chloe how he truly felt. 

"I just... I don't know. You know I love you, right? A lot."

"Yea. You reminded me a thousand times last night." Her response came with a short laugh.

"Really? Did I do something wrong?" He asked in alarm. 

"You remember nothing?" 

He shook his head. The last thing he remembered was that they were in the restaurant drinking and she was telling him about something he could not remember. 

"The guy who helped you get into your car, you fought with him and accused him of trying to separate us. You were so hostile towards him." She laughed.  

"What? Really?" He asked in surprise. He usually wasn't the aggressive type. What got into him?

"Don't look sad. You were drunk. And you didn't do anything really... out of it, except yelling 'I love you' constantly."

"Oh God! I am so sorry for embarrassing you like that." He hugged her and buried his face in her neck.

Chloe laughed and began to play with his hair. 

"Told you it was fine." 

He pulled away from the hug but did not fully withdraw from her.

He looked deeply into her eyes, and she did the same while smiling a little. 

"But..." He started and paused before he continued, "I love you." He said it softly and seriously, causing her smile to widen. 

He inched closer and closer until their lips met in a chaste kiss, sending sparks flying everywhere. They rarely did anything sexual, so whenever they kissed, even a little, the feelings were always intense. 

He pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes. She was staring right back at him, but the look in her eyes had changed and Jeremy could guess the look in his mirrored hers.

"Can... I kiss you... again?" He asked quietly. 

"You... didn't ask me the first time." She said before gripping the front of his shirt and pulling him towards her, smashing their lips together.


This time, it wasn't a soft kiss. They sucked on each other's lips before the kiss became more intense until they were French kissing with tongues and all. Jeremy broke the kiss to give them a chance to breathe because they were both out of breath and panting. The two looked at each other with eyes glazed with desire and laughed at the same time. 

"Can I touch you?" Chloe asked in a low voice, inching closer towards him. 

His breathing hitched up and he nodded. 

She didn't break eye contact with him as her hands slid up his t-shirt to feel his hard torso.

"You can touch me too." She whispered before sealing their lips together again.



*Clears throat.

Keep the Sabbath day HOLY.


So I was supposed to upload this chapter yesterday, but it was a busy day. So I'll upload another chapter later. After the next chapter, we may organize some cleansing for all you perverts. Lol!