Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation :
" Brother of mine, what do you need?" Kol
" Yes Nicklaus, I was kind of busy" Finn
" Remember the mortal mother turned into an original"
" Yes, how can I forget." Finn
" When than I need you two, to do the same to us."
" Come again now." Kol
" Yes, I need you to learn the modified spell mother used and upgrade it some more than upgrade me, Hayley, Elijah, Rebekah and Marcel"
" Are you sure?" Finn
" Yes than use the spell I gave you that night to enhance the sire line bond to Valhalla and back."
" As you wish brother, you'll get the results the day after your wedding, this I swear" Finn
" Thank you Brothers, Please let Elijah Know I wish to see him. Thank you"
" Nicklaus" Elijah
" Do you still have any pull in that order you created?"
" A few faithful followers" Elijah
" Good than, I think it's about time we learnt what they have been up too, Don't you think?"
" Agreed, I'll see what I can do." Elijah
" Now than with business out of the way. I have pardoned Katerina if you still wish to court her than you may."
" Thank you brother, I first wish to see if she is still worth the effort but I thank you still" Elijah
" Well than allow me to leave so that I can catch up with my soon-to-be, Pleasant Evening Brother."
===( After the wedding in the place of Jackson picture Nicklaus)==========
" As my brother's favourite I took it upon myself to make a Toast. I've pulled an all-nighter, regarding what you asked of me and Finn. We completed it sooner than we thought. So after we done here may we please head outside to conduit it, Thank you. Please rise your glasses to the rise of the Mikealson clan and Brother you Know it's all about Honour if you can't cum in her than cum on her. " Kol
" Please let us head out side"
( Shift scene to the ritual circle)
" I had asked our family's coven to conduit a ritual to strength the family and our bond. Hayley, Elijah, Rebekah and finally Marcel."
"Ek kallár þú gamall gods ór magic. Wielders ór forceanórr khaos. Watch yfir þessi ritual tonit ok kastár oss þinn blessings. Enhance ok grant makt á þinn kinder. Sem ek hafsegðumkr, svá munu þat munu" Finn (I call upon you old gods of magic. Wielders of the forces of chaos. Watch over this ritual tonight and cast upon us your blessings. Enhance and grant power upon your children. As I have said, so shall it be.)
Kol begins conducting the ritual by making sacrifices' around the fire prepared before to appease the summoned Gods will also receiving their blessings. As Kol and Finn mix and chant the air becomes heavier & heavier as More and more magic is drawn to the site. Once they finished they gave the potion to the Mikaelson's to consume and conclude the ritual.
"Vér kallár þú gamall ok wise til strengthen ok protect linkinn miðli bondmakerinn ok bondeðrinn. Vér spyrjfyrirr þinn favour," Kol(We call on you old and wise to strengthen and protect the link between the bondmaker and the bonded. We ask for your favour, )
As Finn began making more sacrifices' to the Gods to earn more acknowledgement and blessings. Kol was chanting with more vigour when they both were hit by a vision of Two ravens flying overhead them as they were doing the ritual. They felt the shift in magic and concluded the ritual worked when they looked over to Nic and Hayley who's eyes shifted and them being followed by every wolf in the pack and the others who were shimmering with power.
"Vér thank þú, gamall gods" Finn and Kol(We thank you, old Gods) finished the ritual,
" We are done brother" Finn
" We felt it. Thank you brothers. Elijah, Rebekah, Help Marcel get used to the new power. Also Marcel when you have the time bring Davina so that we can induct her into the Family's coven. I will not let my grandbaby be alone out there. Finn, Kol, prepare to accept her in. EVERYONE OFF TO BED. I have a date with my bed
" Klaus, I bought Davina " Marcel
" Hello, little one. We meet again, this time I hope on better circumstances. Tea, Coffee?"
" Thank you, I have Tea. What do you want?" Davina
" Marcel told me he took you as his own daughter, by that thought that makes you my grandbaby and we Mikealson protect our own. Now seeing how the Other covens treat you we would like to invite you to join the Mikealson coven. Your new family's Coven. If you do so wish to join talk to Finn. Have a Pleasant day."
( Klaus leaves the room but meets Harry who was on his way to him to report what he just learnt)
" Alpha " Harry
" Harry my boy, what you need?"
" Alpha since you brother set up the wards and made entry besides the gate impossible. The is a women that reeks of magic standing in front of the gates." Harry
" So why disturb me ?"
" Alpha, She smells similar to Lady Rebekah" Harry
" WHAT!!!!"
"Alpha what shall I do" Harry
" Call the Family and Tell Finn to invite her in."
" Yes Alpha" Harry
( What the Hel is going on? Klaus thought)
" Brother's and sister I would like to introduce you to Freya, Mikael's eldest and our sister. Sister, Nicklaus the Head and Protector of clan Mikealson and his wife Hayley with their Firstborn and Heir Hope.
Elijah warrior of the clan
Kol Elder of the family's coven
Rebekah healer turned warrior of the clan
Marcellus warrior of the clan
Davina coven member
than the is me an Elder" Finn
" Hello brothers and sisters, I came with a urgent message. Delilah will awaken and she will come for the child." Freya
" Over my dead body" Hayley
" Easy Love, she will have to cross my blade first ."
"You don't understand, she is powerful, more so than Ester she took me once." Freya
" Fear not, for you are with Family and we stick together always and Forever. Elijah prepare for war. Rebekah stay with Hayley and Hope, Marcel prepare your vampires but don't join to soon just in case. Kol, Davina pick those beautiful brains of yours and come up with a way to protect everyone's minds. I'll would not like to deal with a sequel to Silas. Freya if you do wish to join us talk with Finn he'll induct you to the coven. MOVE IT PEOPLE WE BURNING DAYLIGHT."
" ON IT" everyone answered
" Harry alert the pack of the incoming danger"
" Yes Alpha" Harry
" Time frame?"
" What?" Freya
" Give me a time frame women"
" 1 week from now" Freya
" You heard the Lady, MOVE IT, MOVE IT, Thank you sister for the warning"
" Anything for family" Freya
" Follow Rebekah, they will show you to a room so you can rest, I still do want to hear your story maybe over an open flame after we are done."
" I would love that" Freya