
Hounds of Justice

iForce_TV · アクション
5 Chs

<<<<Chapter 2>>>>


      It was the proposed Monday morning,  they had all left home very early for  the meeting. Coincidentally most of them arrived at the venue together.

      The meeting began at exactly 1:00 pm

     "First and foremost i want to thank you people for honouring my invitation and also arriving early. So i want us to make this a bit formal by officially introducing each other..." Max said

   "But we already know each other" someone interrupted

     "I know, but please i know what I'm saying" max replied


  "To start with, I'm Max Anderson i was once the assistant head of all the FBI agents in this country, but due to the waywardness of my boss, i had to resign. Also that made me to result to the arrangement of this meeting today. Thanks once again" max added

     The second person stood up and introduce himself:

    "Hello guys...I'm Zack Turner. I also resigned from being a war strategist for the Hindi's army because i found out they were only using me due to the fact that my race is different from theirs...also they always use my plans and strategies to kill, destroy, and hurt the innocents."

     The third person also stood up and started her own introduction

   "My names are Addison Hyde,  and as you all know i grew up as a shooter, i can make weapons, i repair them,  i even invented different types of weapon and even battle suits, most time i do sell it, but i later found out that most of the people buying it from me became unstoppable villains and terrorists nowadays, so i stopped"

     The fourth person also started by saying:

    "Hi...I'm Jackson Scott, I'm a computer engineer and also people call me computer wizard. I was trained by one of the greatest hackers in the world. I soon found out he was working with *The Legion of Doom*, so I had to hack all his computers and websites, then I ran away...though it wasn't that easy but we thank God, that caused a great destruction to their business"

     The fifth person also stood up and introduced herself:

    "Hey guys, I'm Vanessa Dawson. I'm a medical doctor and I worked at a public hospital before. I later found out that the senior doctors in that hospital were attached to this same legion of doom, so I had to resign, but is not that the salary is not OK but I just can't work with them, because I think there shouldn't be any relationship between light and darkness. The  little I had,  joined with some allowance from my husband was what I used to set up my private hospital."

     The sixth person also began his introduction:

    "Afternoon to you all, I'm Kate Bryan and I'm a spy. I was once compelled to work as an undercover spy for a bunch of people who were assigned to spy on a so called notorious criminal of which we don't even know his name at all, all we know is he is always at most crime scene in this country, and also we keep losing him. Though I didn't even know why we were spying on him but I knew he was somehow attached with the same legion of dooms in which you guys have been talking about since. Also i was the only one who scaped through, because all the other spies in which I worked with were killed by some people whose identity we don't know"

     Then the seventh and last person stood up and said:

    "Afternoon to you all, I'm Alex Wilson. I'm also an FBI inspector, though people may call us FBI agents but our are of specialisation is somehow different. Take this for an example mine is to inspect and look into a crime scene, while max can do both but mainly, he is to investigate. I loss my job because I was introduce to an illegal business by one of the highly placed personnel in my office and I refused."

     Max picks it up:

    "Woooowww how come our stories look alike. Though I knew we all loss our jobs but I never knew it was this alike. Well that's not what we're here for....."

   Vanessa cuts in:

"Yeah that's true , why are we here"

  "That's what I'm about to talk about"max replied

   "I had a chance to witness a crime scene, it was a murder case, I reported this at my office but after just 2 weeks of flawed investigations, my boss dismissed the case abruptly claiming that it is [ear coats] enigmatic. Though I tried to convince him that we should continue and that we will surely figure something out, I even reminded him that 2 weeks is not too much for an investigation,  but he refuse. Then he left me no choice than to resign. Since then I have been going through some suspicion that he has something to do with that case, and as you all know my instincts never gets me wrong...."

     They all burst into laughter of mockery, some even mimicked him to make fun of him.

    "So what's funny" Max asked looking amazed.

    "You and your instincts. Do you remember when this your same instinct made you tempt a gorilla at the zoo the other day to the extent that it mistakenly got hold of you and it almost killed" Alex said while laughing

    "Yeah that's true, but this case is different. This is a matter of life and death" max replied and smiled while remembering the incident at the zoo

     Then he continued:

    "Could u guys believe that my boss threatened me while I was resigning?"

    "Oh really!!"Addison exclaimed

    " Yea.....I want you people to remember a game we used to play when we were still kids, That is all about crime fighting. Back then we were 8, but one of us will be the villain, also we'll pick some children in the street to be the villain's body guard. We all remember that Kelvin Lothbrok was always insisting that he wants to be the villain and also he loves and knows many things about villainry. Kelvin was very wicked and heartless back then even his parents disliked him, but all of a sudden he ran away from home, without any traces. So now I want us to rewrite history, even though we loss kelvin, we can still rebuild the HOUNDS OF JUSTICE" Max continued

    "Max I don't understand what you are saying right now, because as u said (it was a game we played while we were kids). So do you expect us to start fooling around playing the games in which our children are supposed to be playing?"Kate asked

    "No it's not like that. I want us to start our own crime fighting organisation so that we can fight real crimes and make good impression out of this city, and for my sake our first mission will be about that murder case."Max replied

    "Yea that's cool by me, i'ld really love it. Count me in" scott said

    "I'm in" Zack said

    "I'm in" Vanessa said

    "I'm in" Alex said

    "I'm in" Addison said

    "I'm in" Kate said.

      They all signed a note to always be of alliance with the new group, they just created and also its other members. The meeting went on and on. They were planning on how to make a great team of crime fighters, they also wined, dined, gisted, and laughed.
