
Hounds of Justice

iForce_TV · Action
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5 Chs

<<<<Chapter 1>>>>


     It was a very blur night...while at home alone, Mr. Tony Austin was washing his dishes on the sink in the kitchen. Then he heard some footsteps in the passage. He immediately went to check the door,  thinking he had a visitor.

     He didn't know that it was an assassin that was sent to kill him. As he opened the door he saw nothing there, he closed it back not knowing that the man had passed the back door. Immediately he turned back the assassin struck him in the head.


     Then tony said while groaning in pain:

   "Who are you?, and why will you hit me in the head after entering my house without taking permission?"


   "I'm Drake and killing to live is my occupation" The assassin answered with a terrible look on tony


   "So how does that concerns me?" Tony asked


   "It concerns u because someone has paid the bills for your death" Drake said while laughing hysterically


   "What do you mean" Tony asked again


   "I mean: by this time tomorrow you wouldn't be alive" Drake replied


     Tony soliloquising:

   "O.M.G, this guy is here to kill me, what on earth will i do"


   "What are you thinking about?" Drake asked while bringing out a silent pistol.



     Tony replied and swiftly stood up and started to run outside, immediately drake followed in pursuit of tony. While running away and trying to escape, tony saw a thick bush and hid inside it. Drake couldn't find him again, so he wanted to go back to Tony's house. Tony didn't know that drake hasn't retreated, but he unknowingly came out of his hiding place.

     Drake spotted him instantly and he shot him trice. Tony died immediately. Unfortunately for drake the whole scene was sighted by an FBI agent, who was patrolling that night.

     Though Drake thought he had his clean getaway, he never knew he had exposed himself unknowingly.

     The agent immediately called for ambulance to come and carry the dead body of Mr. Tony.


     The next day Drake went to meet his gangs to inform them about the accomplished mission.


   "Guys...good news, Tony Austin is dead"Drake said

    Their gang leader [kelvin] smiled and said:

    "Woooww...you've done well. Now you have being promoted to as the new 2nd in command of this gang. Now let's celebrate "


            [[=Two weeks later=]]



At the FBI headquarter, the agent who witnessed the incident of Tony's death was in a meeting with his boss.

    "Max i know how you feel about this case, but what I'm trying to say is that this is an enigmatic incident, come to think of it, it's been two weeks since we've been investigating without any evidence nor suspects at all" His boss said

  Then max replied:

    " With due respect sir, i think  two weeks of investigation is even too small, because I've seen lots of cases in which we've treated that took us more than a year. Well.....it may be because you didn't witnessed it, i saw the incident myself so i know the pain that man went through"

    "Look here boy i am Steve Johnson, the best FBI agent in the world, and also your boss, and so anything i say is final [I hereby close the file for this case]" max boss replied again

    "Sir if you are ready to close that file, then i am fully ready to resign from this job and become a private agent on my own. Also i even came here ready, this is my resignation letter. Have it!!" Max said and handed over the letter to Mr. Steve.

   "Max you can go ahead but i assure you,  you'll live to regret this action"Mr. Steve said

    "Is that a treat?" Max asked

    "If you say so" Steve replied

      Max stood up immediately and went to pack his loads and left the office for his house.


  Max soliloquising at home:

      "I suspect Mr. Steve, he sounded suspiciously the other time. I know what to do....he thinks he is in power,  I'll swing to defence and attain justice. If he is involve I'll make him pay for his bad deeds. He must face the music. I think it's time to bring back the Hounds of Justice, but this time around it's a real,  deadly, heroic, and risky game. I'm very sure they won't let me down.                                                     

  Two days after max resigned from his job, he was at home sitting on a chair in the passage at his front yard with a cup of hot coffee on the table at his front. He was watching his two children playing with his younger sister, also his wife was sitting beside him. They were gesturing.

     All of a sudden max just remembered about the mission he planned for. He took his phone immediately and made a phone call:

   " Hello" max started

    "Hi Max,  whats up?" The other person replied

    "I'm cool, please hold on i want to make this a conference call" max said

    "Alright....I'm waiting"the recipient said

     Max added 5 other people to the call. Then he said:

    "I know you guys are in different countries, states, district and so on, but i need you to cancel whatever you might be doing or might want to do, and let's meet by next week Monday"

      Then someone said:

    "We'll surely come. Right guys?"

     "Yes" they all echoed in reply

One of them cuts in and said:

    "But where and when"

    "At the new skyscraper that I bought yesterday, 1:00pm"

    He ended the phone call immediately after they had bid each other farewell.                                               
