
HOTD: Into the Apocalypse

I was but a normal guy living a normal life when a new set of memories came rushing back at me. What memories were they you ask? Well, the world is apparently about to be engulfed by a virus that turns my fellow humans into creatures whose sole purpose is to infect and spread the virus on a wider scale. Hmm, I feel like I'm forgetting something... oh yeah, I've apparently been reincarnated into the world of HOTD, sounds fun right? ______________________________ Advance sorry as I'm a new author, I have 0 experience in writing fanfics and this is my first time. My first language isn't English so I'll try to make as little mistakes as I can. Sorry in advance. If anyone owns the pic I used for the cover and wanted it to be taken off just tell me and I'll do it.

Lust_Incarnated · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 5

With Shido spouting nonsense, he didn't notice the fist coming straight to his face, the punch hit his face with a bang and he went sprawling in the ground, holding his face and crying out in pain. "Listen here you piece of shit, I don't need your bull shit in n this group, we already have enough problem as it is!" I said, getting irritated as the time goes by.

"See, this is why you can't be the leader student Akio, your simply too young and brash, to the point you even punched me i- W-what are doing, go away!" He said as he saw me approaching him, "I've had enough of you bastard spouting nonsense in this bus like you were the one who saved all of us.. this is not the school Shido, and this is certainly not a place where you have power.." I said quietly, approaching him..

I raised my fist and punched him in the face, I'm seriously stressed right now and Shido just added to it, as my fist made contact with his stupid face, "H-help me he's crazy!! Please somebody stop him!!" he screams in the bus, I sent another punch to shut him up and another, and another and another, Saeko pulled me back and I realized that I already beat his face to a pulp and it was to the point he was already pissing himself..

What a disgusting man.. then suddenly a punch came to my way, and me being trained in CQC returned the punch after I avoided it, it was the punk bastard who sent it, so I didn't hold back and punched him as well, my fist made contact with his cheek and he was already staggering, what a weakling, he screamed and went for another punch but I dodged him again and sent another.

Realising that this would not work out for the group, I called for their attention and told them what to do, "Listen here, I will only say this once and only once, you make any trouble and I mean any, you will face my fist, and all of us and I mean ALL of US needs to help each other to survive here and until we are in a safe place, I'm the leader till we vote on something.. are we clear?!" I asked them just loud enough to not attract zombies as the Shido already attracted quite a lot with his shouting...

I walked up to Shido, stepping on the other punk's arm as I walked, the group winced at the sight as it they almost felt the pain just by looking, I grabbed Shido by the hair, "You see those zombies outside bastard?" I asked him quietly sending shivers to the group, "Y-yes i-i do." He replied shakily.. "I'll give you a day's worth of food and water.. after that your on your own.. this is your punishment for kicking the kid back when you were running back in the school.. I would kill you but you aren't worth it.. let the zombies decide your fate.." I said as I kicked his knees so hard it broke, he screamed loud, so u punched him to shut him up.

I then told Shizuka to open the door, and I tossed him out with some food and water, he kept on begging to help him, but I'm all out of fucks to help bastards like him.. then I picked up the punk and also threw him out.. I didn't break his knees or whatever but he would need to share with Shido if he does help him and survive.

"Anyone else want to go with them, feel free to do so, but I'm telling you right here and now.. trouble the group.. I will find you..and I will kill you.. this is the apocalypse, a life where only the strong survives and the weak falls." I told them after shutting the door close and I saw Shido being feasted on screaming even more as the punk bastard ran away with the food and water that was still edible.. a death deserving for a bastard like you..

I sat down beside Saeko in the bus, she placed my head on her lap, "This is me returning the lap pillow you gave me back in the roof top.. and you need to rest." She said as she kissed me in my forehead. I nodded and closed my eyes, getting a much needed rest.

With the bastards out of the bus, I was able to relax and rest, though even while resting, I didn't stop planning our next steps as being prepared always reassures me that we have plans in case the current one goes out the window.

I was able to at least calm down for 5 minutes before we go to the local supermarket near the school, we checked the surroundings while staying in the safety of the bus and it was clear, I went down first to fully check if there was any zombies walking around the supermarket, the door was open so I went inside to check along with Takashi, the supermarket had no one inside it so I called the others.

"Listen, our task here is to get all our necessities like food, water, hygiene products and the like, and if you can get some meds do so, do you guys understand?" I said and they all nodded, "And also, no one goes alone, we at least need to have another person with us just to be safe, Saeko your with me." I followed up as Saeko goes to my side, telling them to meet here within 10 minutes as the sun was slowly going down we would need to bunk down somewhere safe, as Rika's house is a no go yet since Shizuka hasn't told us where it is yet.

Going to the canned goods section I picked up as much as I can and placed them in the trolley I saw when going here, I then went to the vegetables section and saw Kohta and Yuuki in there, me and Saeko went and asked how's their progress, showing their trolley it was full of hygiene products and they were about to get vegetables and fruits.

I went to the fresh meat section and took some, noting that we would need to eat these first as they would get expired faster with no refrigerator or cooler. I checked the market and I somehow couldn't find any cooler.

Meeting with the group after 10 minutes, we had enough stuff to last us for a month if we plan carefully, and me being me I already had one.

"Ok so we have food and water.. now we need a safe place for the night." I said, and they all think where we can stay. "We could go to my house but I don't think we will make it since it's night and we all need to rest.." said Says, a good suggestion but a dangerous one as well..

"It would be too dangerous to travel at night as we will attract a lot of unwanted attention." I replied to her, then suddenly Skizuka spoke up, "You know we could go to my friend's house.. it's nearby and only around 20 minutes from here.. I think?" she said, I was inwardly celebrating and glad that she actually mentioned and didn't forget it, it's all slowly falling to my plan, as I laughed inwardly.

Getting our stuff to the bus, we saw a guy running with a girl in his arms and a dog following them.. and the girl is very very familiar with me as I remember her in my past life.. thats Alice isn't it..? And the dog is Zeke..

Seeing as they need help, I should help them now rather than later as to save Alice's dad as well, looking at Takashi and Kohta, they seem to have the same idea and nodded at me, we rushed to the father and daughter and told them that we mean no harm.

"Listen we mean no harm and just wanted to help you.. do you guys want to go with our group? We can promise food and water as long as you don't cause trouble.." I told them, and they look at each other and I saw Alice nod, "Alright we will be coming with you.." he said and I can see he still doesn't trust us, I mean who will? We just met after all.

Zeke gave a bark and I rubbed his head, we then went to the bus, "So uh my name is Kageyama Akio, I'm the current leader of this group" I said, introducing myself, "My name is Maresato Akema and this is my daughter Maresato Alice, the dog over there is Zeke, and thank you for taking us in.. I was honestly getting desperate to find a safe place." He said, as I waved off his thanks saying that humans should help each other in these times.

We arrived at Rika's house after Shizuka drove, and we checked the inside making sure it was safe, then me, Takashi, and Kohta called the others as we need to set up the house for the night when we heard gun shots in the direction of the bridge...


Author notes:

Sorry for the late and rushed chapter, me and my family had to go to the mall, I know there's mistakes and I'll fix them soon, also I changed yuuki's personality since I couldn't think of a good death for her, also saved Alice's dad as u can see anyways cya in the next chapter. and the chapter is a bit boring for me so I'll try make the next chapter a lot better.

do comment your ideas tho, I'll try and add them to the story. author out..

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