
Honkai: Star Rail Fanfic {Emiya Shirou}

Emiya Shirou is an unorthodox Magus who seeks to become a Hero of Justice. A notion, dream, goal, objective, one he promised he would become to his late father, Kiritsugu Emiya. This specific individual has always found great joy and happiness in simply seeing others happy or saving them. He smiles, but the thought and image of Kiritsugu's smile always lingers in his head, wondering; "Will I ever be able to smile like that?" After his fight with the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh and sucked into the hole of the grail, Shirou has found himself in outer space. Unaware of his situation, how he ended up here, his ambition still remains the same, he will be a hero, saving as many as he can, even if it destroys himself in the process.

AyanoChibi · ゲーム
7 Chs

5: Jarilo VI

"...Is that even a planet?"

Shirou asks as him, March and Himeko all stare at a planet of white and blue. White being the snow and blue the ice. Shirou couldn't comprehend how any individual would be able to live in such cold weather all their life. Is there anyone even alive? What was the cause of this? How did this happen? These are the questions that were on Shirou's mind.

"After all those millennia... is this what Jarilo-VI has become?" Himeko mutters, but the two teens next to her were still able to hear.

"Huh? So that snowy planet is our destination this time?" March asks in confusion.

"Yes... Looks like this trailblazing expedition won't be easy."

"Wasn't expecting it to be easy..." Shirou says, still staring at the planet before Pom-Pom approaches them.

"Spatial readout anomaly! Star rail stability is down to 12%! Schedule alteration: Seven-day stopover time extended indefinitely!" Pom-Pom says to which Shirou barely understood the bunny's words.

"The complex locality of this world has been... affected somehow. The star rail has been blocked off by something." Himeko says with her hand under her chin in deep thought.

"This again... Don't tell me, it's gotta be..." March says with her hand on her head with tiredness written on her face.

"It's an activated Stellaron, isn't it?" Shirou says the same time Mr. Yang walks over to them.

"You're correct Shirou. The results of the preliminary analysis show the anomaly stems from a Stellaron - Unlike yours, it's as you said, an activated one." Mr. Yang nods at the Magus.

"How are we going to stop the Stellaron? Most of the population on the planet must've been killed off..." Shirou says with his fists clenched.

"You don't have to worry, this isn't the first time our route has been obstructed by a Stellaron." Himeko says to which Shirou immediately responds;

"So you have away to deal with it? But how, because Herta herself said she wasn't sure how the Stellaron inside me was sealed into my body?"

"You're not wrong, Stellarons are clouded in mystery - even Herta isn't able to fully understand their concepts. but at least we know how to neutralize their influences."

"The only thing we can say for sure is that their arrival causes massive changes to civilizations and ecosystems. They also generate distortions in space such as Fragmentums. There must be an inextricable connection between the Stellaron we're dealing with here, and Jarilo-VI becoming a frozen planet." Mr. Yang says.

"Our current theory is that Stellarons are seeds of disaster planted by a certain Aeon throughout the universe. We can't continue to trailblaze without removing the source of the disaster." Himeko informs Shirou.

"So we either find this Aeon and ask them to get rid of it, which I hate to admit, is the most unlikely situation to happen - or we kill this Aeon." Shirou says with a frown and arms crossed.

"Shirou, that's simply impossible." Himeko shakes her head at him.

"Aeons are basically gods you know~" March says, causing the Shirou's eyes to widen.

"Aeons are those who preside over the galaxy. Each Aeon is associated with a Path, such as 'The Hunt', or 'The Destruction' and several more."

"Gods... So they're immortal beings with immense power." Shirou simplifies to which March chuckles nervously, Himeko and Mr. Yang simply smile at the boy.

The reason Shirou wasn't worried about these Aeons wasn't because he's confident he can defeat them. Actually it's the opposite, he knows he'll lose, but Shirou Emiya is a man of determination, commitment and sheer will. He'll do whatever it takes.

There's also the fact Shirou is able to trace an Immortal Slaying Scythe - Harpe. A weapon his future self had traced before. It's one of the strongest weapons in his arsenal that could prove to be beneficial against Aeons as it is against Gods.

"Shirou, March, I'd like to entrust this trailblazing expedition to the both of you as well as Dan Heng." Himeko turns to the two. "The objective is clear: Find the Stellaron responsible for the disaster and the spatial distortions, and bring it back to the Express. We'll deal with the rest."

"This is great~ We get to work as a team again Shirou!" March says with her arms in the air.

"Yeah, that's cool but what about you two?" Shirou asks Himeko and Yang to which the former answers;

"Well someone has to stay on the train, or Pom-Pom will get lonely. There's also the fact that Nanook threw us a glance just now. If we're targeted by the Antimatter Legion, then things could go south fast."

"You mean..." Shirou says in realisation as he remembers himself being watched by a presence of a higher being when the Stellaron inside him went out of control.

"That's right, you probably felt it too didn't you? That's an Aeon we were just talking about."

"I'm sure you felt the immense pressure given solely by just a glance?" Mr. Yang says as Shirou furrows his eyebrows.

"It wasn't a nice experience even though it was only for a second." March says hugging herself with a frown.

The group understood the strength that emanated from Nanook just by a look from him, radiating immense energy and power. Being glanced at by such a being caused an overwhelming surge of energy coursing through their body. Not an energy of power but leaving one to feel suffocated and physically shaken. He truly deserved to be in the class of the Gods.

"I hope our turn is next." Mr. Yang says changing the subject as his body is itching to get into some sort of action.

"I know you really want to go Welt, but by giving the youngsters a chance to get out there on their own will be a good opportunity for them to bond." Himeko explains.

"Should we go and get Dan Heng?" Shirou asks.

"If you both are ready, then yes. He's probably already started collating the ecological data and survey results for Jarilo-VI. It's always good to know more about the destination before you start a journey." Himeko says to which Shirou nods and walks away with March.

While Shirou was approaching Dan Heng, who just entered the main hall, Shirou stops as he noticed March looking at the planet through the window. Is she perhaps from there? The planet it covered in ice and so was the pink haired girl when she told the auburn haired boy her story.

"Hey, March? Are you okay?" Shirou asks as he walks to her side.

"Yeah, I'm just... thinking. Can you inform Dan Heng for me, please?" March says to Shirou, who nods and starts walking to the black haired male.

"Hey Dan Heng. I haven't seen or spoken to you in a while." Shirou smiles.

"Yes, my apology. I prefer to be in my room rather than the main hall, where things get... noisy." Dang Heng crosses his arms. "How are you by the way? This was your first jump after all."

"Oh, I feel okay, I guess. I did have a weird tingly sensation when it happened." Shirou says with his hand under his chin.

"This is good. It means you have high compatibility with the Express."

"High compatibility?" Shirou tilts his head in confusion by Dan Heng's words.

"It's sort of like not having motion sickness. Such as dizziness or retching." Dan Heng says.

"I see." Shirou nods before looking at the planet out the window. "So what do you think?" Shirou asks.

"You mean Jarilo VI?" Dan Heng also gazes at the planet along with Shirou. "Well I did go through the Express's database on the planet when I realised the Express has been halted."

"What did you find out?" Shirou turns his head to the spear-user next to him in curiosity.

"It seems that the environment on Jarilo-VI has undergone drastic changes in the past few centuries. It was never a frozen planet to begin with..."

"We've figured it's a Stellaron that caused this."

"Hmm... it isn't unexpected, considering the spatial obstacles that the star rail has encountered, it's highly possible."

"Do you think it's possible that anyone had survived?" Shirou says with hope swirling in his eyes.

"I believe we're in luck. I had conducted a preliminary survey and discovered that there's one area with a relatively normal temperature on the surface of the planet."

"Normal?" Shirou asks with a raised eyebrow.

"By "normal," I mean a temperature that just about allows for human survival."

"I thought so." Shirou sighs and smiles a little as he looks at Dan Heng. "Guess that's where we're heading first."

"It's only appropriate." Dan Heng closes his eyes. "By the way, who did Himeko say is going on this trailblazing expedition?"

"Me, you and March." Shirou points his thumb over his shoulder at March.

"... I thought so." Dan Heng sighs and opens his eyes, starting to explain the reason for his question. "Before you came, whenever March wanted to go anywhere, Himeko would make Mr. Yang and me accompany her."

"Like a babysitter." Shirou jokes and smiles.

"Yes, I guess you could say so." Dan Heng smiles.

"Are you disappointed?"

"To be honest, I expected this outcome. even after you joined us, I didn't suppose I'd be the one to be liberated of that duty." Shirou had a deadpan look due to Dan Heng not even answering his question. "I assume the trailblazing objective this time is to find the Stellaron on Jarilo-VI and dispel the effect it's exerting on the star rail... right?" Dan Heng asks to which Shirou nods. "I see. Then Shirou, you should go and wait for me with March. I'll join you two once I'm ready for our expedition."

"Sure, just don't take too long." Shirou says as he walks away and back to March. "Hey March, I'm back." Shirou calls out to the female archer.

"Hm? You're back. I'm guessing you spoke to Dan Heng - What did he say?" March asks.

"He's..." Shirou hesitates a little, deciding whether or not to tell March the spear-user seemed a little upset he had to go on this expedition. "He mentioned something about a place on Jarilo VI that has a different temperature signature then the entire planet itself."

"So there's a chance that people are still alive? That's great~!" March says with excitement written all over her face, glad she'll be able to meet new people and make new friends. "I'm not surprised with Dan Heng's intelligence."

Shirou had to agree with the girl next to him. While the magus was average in grades overall, he was the type to always rush into battle in order to save everyone. Shirou never properly analysed the situation, make a plan and execute it, but instead charged straight in and do whatever it takes to save someone's life. Dan Heng is the complete opposite as he seems smart, capable, and always analyses the situation in front of him, choosing the best possible route and outcome.

"Hey March, are you okay? You just seem to be staring at Jarilo VI a lot." Shirou says in concern.

"I guess you caught me. I've just been thinking... could Jarilo VI be my home? Or perhaps at least have some semblance to my past? But I could probably be wrong. I was trapped in a special ice called Six-Phased Ice. It's a rare substance, something I don't think you can find it on your average planet..." Shirou doesn't say anything but stays silent and listens to March. "To be honest, I think I'd be kind of annoyed if I found out this was my homeworld. It looks freezing... Pretty girls aren't frost-resistant!" March says.

She smiles at Shirou, trying to fix the depressing atmosphere, but the male knew better as he could easily tell she was still upset about not knowing her past and Jarilo VI not having anything to do with it.

"...You know March, I'm upset for you as well that you don't know your past. You don't know where you came from, if you have any friends or family worrying about you... But I think you should take this as a blessing. Not having memories of the past to weigh you down in the present can be considered a good thing. You should enjoy and cherish the present, make new friends, go on exciting journeys. I'm sure the people who are worried about you will be glad you're not suffering or alone." Shirou said all this as March stares with slight tears in her eyes.

Rubbing them away, she smiles at Shirou. "Thank you... You know what, I will! I will enjoy the present and live my life to the fullest!" March declares with a big smile on her face, determination in her eyes.

Shirou chuckles at the girl's declaration and March giggle along with him as Dan Heng comes up to the their side and joins the two. Noticing the stare of the two who look at him with a smile, he turns his head to them in confusion;

"...What? Is there something on my face?"

"Nah~ I was just imagining all the fun we're gonna have here... hee-hee!" March says while Shirou nods along with her words.

"I feel sorry for this world. First the Stellaron, and now you..." Dan Heng says causing March to pout.

"We should start moving out." Shirou says to which March immediately smiles and puts her hands on her hips, while looking at the planet.

"Alright! Here comes the Express's Trio!" March says to which Dan Heng immediately groans and facepalms.


"Jarilo-Vl, we're here." Dan Heng says as the three trailblazers were in between two large stone walls. Everywhere they looked, all that could be seen was snow and skinny tree trunks with no leaves.

"Brrr. It really is one big snowball." March says as she shivers in the cold.

"It's to be expected of a snowstorm that's been going on for the past 700 hundred years." Shirou sighs as he looks up, hoping to at least see the blue sky but doesn't.

"Which way now?" March asks Dan Heng.

"Based on the coordinates, the target should be up ahead." Dan Heng places his hand on his chin.

"Seems like we're going to be walking for a while." Shirou sighs in slight amusement as March also sighs but in dismay.

"You could say that again. If only we had a snowmobile... Why can we never bring anything cool from the Express?" March asks but wasn't expecting to get answered by Dan Heng as his words immediately got her flustered;

"Do you remember what you did to our last snowmobile?"

"Why don't we move on? Ehehe~" March rubs the back of her head and starts walking to which the two males follow her from behind. One with a nervous smile, unsure of how their first expedition will go with March, and the other with a tired expression on their face.

"Remember to stay vigilant. We know very little about this world." Dan Heng says.

"Calm down. Between the three of us, nothing will stand in our way." March says, wrapping her arms around the two males' shoulders. "I mean c'mon, Shirou has that cool sword ability, I have my special Six-Phased Ice powers, and Dan Heng... Uhh, he's got that mysterious past thing going for him..."

"What March is trying to say is that we're all strong enough to protect ourselves from the dangers of this world." Shirou saves March as she didn't know what to say about Dan Heng, who slightly frowned at the girl.

"Yeah, yeah! That's right~!"

The three carried on walking and came across Fragmentum monsters that weren't too much trouble to deal with. They were mostly annoying the trio as they flew around them like a bunch of moths attracted to light. Instead of attracted, they were more interested in attacking. While they were walking, they came across houses buried in the snow, causing Shirou to frown and wondered if he should take a look around there. In the end he decided not to as March noticed a pile of snow standing out and had moved a little.

"...Hey, get outta there or you'll shiver to death." March narrows her eyes with hand on her hips at the pile of snow. "Holding your breath won't help..." March sighs as her hands fall to her side with a face full of disappointment.

"Excuse me, we're not going to hurt you or anything. We're just wondering if you're okay?" Shirou calls out, but still receives no response.

"I have this handled you two." Dan Heng says, walking in front of the two and bringing out his spear. "If someone's got their head stuck in the sand, or the snow in this case..."

"Um, Dan Heng, I don't think you sho—"

"...they just need a helping hand!" Dan Heng says stabbing the pile of snow.

"YEOWCH!" A man with dark blue hair jumps out, holding his butt in pain with tears in the corner of his eyes. "My fine fellow, was that really necessary? Is crawling around in the snow a crime these days? I mean, c'mon, surely it doesn't warrant a spearing?" The man says. "...But then again how can I blame you? I mean, I caught you off guard. It had to happen - you could even say I deserved it, huh? Besides, I've made a gallant group of new friends as a result, hehe..." Shirou raised an eyebrow at the man's unusually odd behaviour. Why was he nervous? "...Is Captain Gepard around? H-He's an old buddy of mine..."

"Captain Gepard? Who's he?" Shirou asks in confusion.

The man blinks before speaking. "Wait, you're not Silvermane Guards? Well, you should've said so? Turns out all of us are on the same side after all!" The three trailblazers blink in surprise at the man's change in tone. "Pleasure to meet you, the name's Sampo Koski."

"Oh, I'm Shirou Emiya, this is March 7th and Dan Heng." Shirou introduces himself and his friends.

"Excellent, I'll make sure to remember the names. I never thought I'd have run into friends from the same line of work as me out here in this frozen wasteland. *sigh* Business has been bad these days, but fear not, as Sampo Koski isn't interested in hoarding. Let's get rich together because there is more than enough treasure to go around! Hahaha." Sampo laughs to himself. "Say, why don't we join forces? I have reliable intel the main strength of the Silvermane Guards is being deployed to the front line. This is a golden opportunity..."

"Um..." Shirou scratches the back of his head as he isn't sure what to say. "Is anyone else as lost as I am?" Shirou looks to March and Dan Heng who nod in response.

"...Come now, friends. I can understand the mistrust, but there's no need for the charade. Then again, I know the rules, vigilance is the name of the game in our profession. It's my fault for letting my enthusiasm and sincerity get the better of me... Anyway, a meeting like this has to have been written in the stars. Ask me anything you like - I won't skimp on the details. Still, make it snappy, you're never more than ten feet from a Silvermane Guard..."

"Are the Silverman Guards like the authority or something?" Shirou asks in confusion, while Sampo looks at the three in befuddlement.

"You.. You really don't know? The Silvermane Guards are the soldiers, police, and enforcers of Belobog. They prefer visiting people in our area of work, so let's just say they're not the most adaptable of people." Seeing no response or look of understanding from the three in front of him, Sampo sighs with his hand on his head. "Seems like you guys really are new to the business. *sigh* To be young and naive again... How about this. I'll offer you some free advice as a senior in the profession, which I'm sure you don't mind me expressing. There are ways of doing things in this profession, and you better get familiar with them. Moving in the shadows, finding the goods, pricing your stock, hiding from the Guards... there's an art to all of it."

"No need. Why don't you just take us to this Belobog you mentioned." March asks.

"The city? Already? I haven't even started trading yet. Showing you the way is easy enough, missy, but it would cost—" Sampo immediately stops talking as he sees the look stern look of Dan Heng's face. "...B-But it would be my pleasure! 'Kindness' is Sampo Koski's middle name. Follow me, friends, and keep quiet. We don't want to be spotted by the Guards."

"Thanks a lot Mr. Koski." Shirou thanks the blue haired male.

"Oh please, your flattering me. Just call me Sampo."

The four began walking up a slope, making their way past a few houses, but luckily never came across any of the Fragmentum monsters. Sampo made small talk with the trailblazers as he led them to the only city left on Jarilo VI called Belobog. Shirou wondered how many people are estimated to be left alive on Jarilo VI.

"Rule number seven: Never leave a footprint. I have my own special technique called 'invisible snow-walking.' Helps me throw off pursuers in no...time."

Noticing Sampo had stopped talking, Shirou looked up ahead to see a couple of men in weird outfits holding large axes.

"...Who are they?" Dan Heng asks as they all notice Sampo freeze up.

"Uh, you remember the Silvermane Guards I mentioned? That's them." Sampo says as he starts to back up. "Help me, old friends! I don't wanna be caught!"

"It's the suspect and his accomplices! Arrest them!" One of the Silvermane Guards shouts.

The guards immediately start charging in with their axes above their heads, swinging down at the four of them. They all dodge out of the way and get into a stance, ready to defend themselves or fight back. However, the teens' new friend decided to use this chance to run away.

"It's now or never! Over to you, dear friends!" Sampo yells as he runs away, disappearing from their sights, with two guards running aged him.

"Did he just—!" March says before dodging a strike from a guard and gets ready to shoot him, but Shirou already appeared behind that guard and knocks the guard out with a knee to the stomach.

"March, Dan Heng, these are just guards doing their jobs, they don't know any better and are humans like us! Try not to hurt them!" Shirou says to the two.

"Understood." Dan Heng says before appearing in front of a guard at a speed faster than their eyes could perceive, striking them with the butt of his spear on their stomach.

March jumps in the air and shoots an arrow which breaks into multiple ones, aimed around the guards, hoping to freeze their legs. But that small plan of hers went to dust as a blonde haired man in white appears and blocks the arrows with his outstretched hand, creating an invisible shield around the guards.

"Gepard Landau, captain of the Silvermane Guards, I order you to reunquish your futile resistance."

"Grr, that Sampo cheated us all. Wait till I get my hands on him..." March grumbles under her breath as things have gotten more troublesome.

"Suspect! Relinquish your resistance!" The last remaining guard beside the captain shouts at the trio.

"Ugh, What are you, a parrot? Forget Sampo, wait until I get my hands on YOU!" March immediately draws her bow and shoots an arrow the guard at high speed.

Gepard does the same thing once again and blocks the arrow coming towards them, but what he doesn't see is a rain of ice arrows coming down from above them. Luckily he was able to dodge out of the way, but the guard under his command wasn't.

"Captain!" Two guards run up to Gepard and start to inform him on how they lost and weren't able to track the blue haired male. Gepard sighs in slight disappointment before looking to the 'accomplices' in front of him. "No matter, we have his accomplices. He'll be close by, plotting his next move."

"Excuse me, Captain Gepard? I think there's been a misunderstanding. We were simply asking for directions from Sampo before he ran away and your guards assumed we were his accomplices." Shirou says.

"Can't you see we're not friends with that scoundrel. I mean, did you see how fast he ditched us? We rescued him from the snow out of the kindness of our hearts. We had no idea he might be using us to get past you! Are you really dumb enough to fall for his..." March says with her hands on her hips, trying to also convince the captain of the Silvermane guards.

"I'm a captain, not an adjudication panel. As a Belobog citizen, you have the right to defend yourself, but that can only take place under the scrutiny of the Architects, not now." Gepard says.

"But we're not accomplices, we can promise you that. Look at your guards, we only knocked them out and did nothing more to them." Shirou points the guards on the left, either knocked out on the ground or unconscious. "We mean no harm."

"That's not my place to decide. Take them away." Gepard orders the two guards next to him.

"What if we told your we're not from Belobog. Or even this planet." March says causing the two guards that were approaching the three to halt.

"Excuse me?"

"March, you took pictures from the Express before didn't you?" Shirou asks March as he points to her camera.

"Of course! You're a genius Shirou." March says as she grabs her camera and shows it the blonde haired male.

"You've probably never seen what your planet looks like, right? I took this one. Behold, Jarilo-VI..." March shows a photo of the planet. The two guards also took a peak and couldn't help but laugh to themselves;

"..You mean to say that this... white ball... That's here? That's our home...?"

"Quiet... I remember once reading somewhere that strange visitors from beyond the sky would visit us here... but that after the Eternal Freeze, the blizzards made passage impossible... and Belobog would cease to witness such arrivals." Gepard says with as he stares hard at the photo.

"But these people are—"

"This decision is beyond us. If what they say is true, then only the Supreme Guardian may decide their fate. Our job is to present them before her. Nothing more." Gepard says as he turns to the trailblazers. "Outsiders, follow me. Belobog lies beyond this blizzard."

"Thank you for understanding." Shirou says.


4488 Words.

I know this chapter is shorter than usual, sorry about this.

Now the reason why it look a week to post:

I was able to have 2 chapters done within a week, chapter 5 and 6.

Once this chapter has been posted, i will work on chapter 7 and once I'm done with chapter 7, I'll post chapter 6.

The reason for this is to stay 1 chapter ahead, just in case. Like currently I'm ill but I'll probably get better in a days time. If I don't, I'll have a chapter ready.