Emiya Shirou is an unorthodox Magus who seeks to become a Hero of Justice. A notion, dream, goal, objective, one he promised he would become to his late father, Kiritsugu Emiya. This specific individual has always found great joy and happiness in simply seeing others happy or saving them. He smiles, but the thought and image of Kiritsugu's smile always lingers in his head, wondering; "Will I ever be able to smile like that?" After his fight with the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh and sucked into the hole of the grail, Shirou has found himself in outer space. Unaware of his situation, how he ended up here, his ambition still remains the same, he will be a hero, saving as many as he can, even if it destroys himself in the process.
"𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚... 𝘼𝙢 𝙄?"
That was the boy's first thought. Slowly lifting his head up and laying his back against the cold steel of a wall, he looks around to see what he assumes a laboratory. The teenager wasn't sure as everything looks futuristic to him, given he wasn't one for modern technology.
The male has a look of pain etched on his face, not one of physical but mental pain. The boy has short auburn hair that falls slightly over his forehead and golden coloured eyes. Slowly standing up and clutching his head, he notices his current clothing was different from what he would usually ever wear. He has a simple white t-shirt on with a black trench coat over it with a red scarf and black trousers that are unusually comfortable for him.
"Just what happened... Oh, that's right. The Hole of the Grail was trying to use Gilgamesh as his vessel and I ended up getting pulled in." He sighed in relief as the memory of the King of Heroes being shot in the head by his future self appeared in his head.
Looking to the left, he hears footsteps approaching him and is unsure of what he should do. Should he hide or welcome them?
"Welcome them? I don't even know where I am?" Shaking his head, he sees the doors open... more like it slides itself into the wall.
Two individuals come running in, a female with light pink hair and her eyes having a gradient of pink and blue, wearing a white top with golden buttons that clip onto a black choker. The cute and attractive girl also has a blue camera hanging around the side of her waist. Next to her is a tall male with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a black turtleneck along with a white and turquoise-colored coat, with gold and smoke-styled accents along with a piece of armor on his left shoulder.
The both of them started surveying the room, one with a curious expression and the other with a calm and relaxed face. Once they noticed the auburn haired boy staring at them and is supporting himself with his arm, leaning on the wall, they immediately started to approach him, causing said teen to tense up slightly. The reason for this was because he notices them each holding a weapon in their hands. The girl with a bow, but no quiver or arrows, and the guy with a spear.
However, they immediately put their weapons away and the girl runs up to him with a look of slight concern.
"Hey, are you all right?" The girl asks as she stops in front of him.
"Um, uh yeah, yeah, I'm fine." The auburn haired boy responds as he relaxes a little, seeing as they don't seem to have any hostile intentions.
"*sighs in relief* That's good." The pink haired archer says before looking at him with smile. "So, what's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Shirou Emiya, nice to meet you." The boy now known as Shirou, reciprocates her smile and bows slightly as he greets the two.
"Well I'm March 7th. You can call me March." The girl giggles as she playfully curtesies at Shirou.
Shirou thought of how unusual her name is, being called after a specific date, but perhaps it's related to something special. He decided to pry and didn't give it much thought as his attention shifted to March's friend, who introduces himself;
"Shirou Emiya? Nice to meet you. My name's Dan Heng, this space station was just attacked by the Antimatter Legion. We came to help with the rescue at the request of Lead Researcher Asta."
Nodding his head, Shirou took in Dan Heng's words, he could easily tell Antimatter Legion are a group of evil judging by the serious tone of his voice when mentioned. And the Lead Researcher Asta is obviously an important figure in the space station...
"Space station!" Shirou shouts incredulously as he stares at the two in front him.
They were both surprised by his sudden outburst but Dan Heng immediately began to think of reasons as to why he reacted as such, while March asked;
"Are you a researcher here? Your clothes..." Her words caused Shirou to frown slightly as he was unsure of what to say.
"I... don't remember..." Shirou answers with slight hesitance.
"Memory loss huh? Don't worry, I can relate." March says with a bright smile.
Shirou couldn't help but feel guilty as they just misinterpreted him. He meant that he doesn't remember how he got these clothes and now that he hasn't corrected her, he basically tricked the both of them. Especially March, as her words tell him she had been in a similar situation before. He isn't sure how he should approach the current situation he's in, so he just decided to play along. Luckily, they didn't question him any further.
"So, who or what are the Antimatter Legion?" Shirou asks the two in front of him.
"Goons owned by the Destruction. You're lucky that the most dangerous Lord Ravager among them isn't around, just some nasty minions." March says, to which Shirou nods in understanding.
"That's good I guess. Meaning the situation on the space station isn't as terrible as it could be." Shirou concludes.
"That's right, while some have been injured, it's fortunate enough that Asta and the other researchers and have gathered back at the master control zone." Dan Heng says, informing Shirou on everyone else's whereabouts.
"Plus that's where we parked the Astral Express! Don't you worry, we'll protect you from the monsters and clear up this mess." March says with words of confidence as it's practically radiating off of her, causing Shirou to smile.
"So are you guys not with the researchers?" Shirou asks.
"Dan Heng and I are members of the Astral Express crew." March answers.
"Astral Express?"
"Well the Express has some dealings with Madam Herta, so we come to visit the space station from time to time." Dan Heng says.
"And we just so happened to arrive during this... invasion. Of course, as a - ahem - crew of heroes, we're happy to lend a hand." March says causing Shirou to blink.
"Wait, heroes? Like saving as many people as you can?" Shirou asks with a hopeful tone.
"Yeah silly, that's what heroes are. Our job is a little complicated, but Mr. Yang could probably explain it better, you can meet him on the express." March answers, giggling at how Shirou's eyes lit up at the mention of being heroes.
"Wait, what is the express? Like another spaceship?" Shirou asks with a raised brow, to which Dan Heng answers;
"The Astral Express is a unique train that can travel between the stars with the power of the Trailblaze Aeon."
"So, a flying train through space that defies the laws of gravity." Shirou mutters with disbelief written on his face.
How could he believe such a thing? A train that flies through space sounds absurd no matter how many times someone says it. But then again, from summoning legendary heroes of the past to meeting and fighting his future self, it wasn't that hard to believe.
"I'll show you once we're back to the master control zone~" March says to which Shirou nods.
"Okay, then should we starting making our way there now?"
"You and March are going to have to go back together." Dan Heng says, causing March to look at him in confusion. Noticing her gaze, he continues: "Arlan from the Security Department lost contact in the vicinity. I need to find him first."
"Do you need our help?" Shirou asks, causing Dan Heng's eyes to widen a little in surprise.
Shirou doesn't even know who this Arlan is, but that didn't matter to Shirou. He concluded that since Arlan works in the space station and it has been attacked, then Arlan is a clear innocent. And Shirou Emiya would do whatever it takes to help those in need. Plus theres nothing wrong with helping those in need.
"As kind as your offer is, don't worry, I can handle it." Dan Heng says with confidence.
"Oh, all right. You stay safe." March says.
"Good luck." Shirou says before Dan Heng nods and walks away. "Should we get going then March?" Shirou turns to the girl beside him.
"Shirou, maybe you should take that with you." March points to a bat laying on the ground a few feet away from them. "The Legion are rampaging through the space station like a pack of wolves - this trip won't be a walk in the park. It's better if you have something to protect yourself."
"No offence March, but I don't think I'd be able to do much with that." Shirou chuckles. "But don't worry, while I may not be that strong, I can take care of myself." Shirou assures her.
"If you say so." March shrugs. "But don't worry, you're safe as long as you stick with me~!"
"Then I'll be relying on you March." Shirou smiles.
Nodding her head, the two began walking through the same door Dan Heng left through and Shirou notices... well he isn't sure what they are, but given how they're on display and protected, they're probably expensive and not for touching.
Noticing Shirou's gaze, March starts talking. "This place is full of fancy little gadgets - Herta's collection. I really don't get why she'd go out of her way to collect them and then leave them here to gather dust..."
"There are a lot of reasons March, you and Dan Heng said you both pass through here, but have you asked her yourself. Perhaps they're for display, and have no actual meaning, or it's better in her hands and not the enemies." Shirou explains.
"I guess you're right. Never really gave it much thought." March says with a her hand on her chin.
As the approach a closed door, he watches as March approaches a pole with an orange screen on it and taps a few buttons on her wrist. Seeing it turn green, he looks up to see the door open. Walking behind the pink haired girl, his eyes went wide as his senses went into a frenzy.
Following his instincts, he immediately turns his body with his left arm raised and his hand out, as if it's grabbing something.
Once those two words came out of his mouth, his circuits turned on as an image of a black curved sword, covered in a hexagonal pattern with the yang sign on it appears into his head. It's name is Kanshou. However, the moment he turned on his circuits, the flow of his mana was completely off.
Shirou tried to use his Magecraft, projection or tracing as he likes to call it, and tried to create Kanshou but all that came out was the sword half done, in the colour blue and glowing. The magus didn't have time to think as some sort of monster appeared and slashed down at Shirou with their arm blades.
Shirou's failed projection immediately breaks on impact with the monsters attack, but luckily that was enough for him to jump away.
Hearing the commotion and shout, March immediately turns to see her new friend jump away from an antimatter legion goon.
"Ah, it's the Antimatter Legion! So these crazy jerks made it all the way here... Watch this!" March shouts as she moves in front of Shirou and bring out her bow.
The female materialised and arrow and shot it and created another and shot it straight after. The monster was distracted in blocking the first arrow coming to his face that he failed to see the second approaching his chest. The moments the second arrow landed, the monster froze and turned into ice. March then shoots one more arrow, causing the ice to break and the monster to groan in pain before it's sucked into a black hole appeared from its own body.
"That was easy." March says as she turns to Shirou. "Liked what you saw. That was my ability, Six-Phased Ice."
"That's cool. You have the ability to turn things into ice." Shirou compliments.
"Nope." March shakes her head. " It's not ice but crystal. I mean come on, ice can't be this beautiful."
"I... guess you're right..."
But why does she name it Six-Phased Ice, why not Six-Phased Crystal? Shirou decides to leave it be and pushes the thought to the back of his head. Right now he needs to find out what happened with his tracing.
When he tried to project Kanshou, he felt that his circuits were overloaded with mana. It was as if he drew on some kind of other source of mana inside him. It felt similar to the crest Tohsaka gave him before his fight with Gilgamesh, but different at the same time. He needs to be careful and properly manage the output of his mana when tracing.
Closing his eyes and holding out both his hands, two curved swords appeared into his head, Kanshou & Bakuya. Bakuya is a curved sword similar to Kanshou but instead the colour is white with a yin sign on it. Shirou then began to trace the swords as a bright blue appeared on both his hands and slowly shaped itself into the twin swords and then they both appeared.
March, who was initially confused as to why he had his eyes closed and was about to call out to him, was now in silent awe as she watched him. Shirou opened his eyes and stared at the swords. He nodded in approval as they would do for now, while they may not be as perfect as Archers, they were still fakes and always had room for improvement.
He was impressed with himself as he did not focus on the power source inside him and only used his 27 Magic circuits. But his eyes were furrowed in thought as he wondered, how his degraded circuits were now fresh and new, what as that source of mana he drew on that's inside him and what happened to Gaia's influence.
There always supposed to be some sort of resistance when projecting or creating a Reality Marble from The World. But there was none. This definitely confirmed his suspicions of being in another world entirely.
"Hey, that's so cool! How did you manage to make those swords pop out of thin air~?" March says causing Shirou to break out thought.
"Oh." Shirou chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "I didn't necessarily make it 'pop out', but made it. Or projected it. I call it tracing, I'm able to recreate every sword I've ever seen, but it's still a fake, never as good as the original."
"That's still cool~ Soo, is that your catch phrase? Trace On!" March says as she gets into a sword stance before giggling and standing up straight.
Shirou gives a light laugh as he tries to come up with he words. "Uh well, it's sort of a way to—"
Before Shirou could continue, his words were cut short by the sound of growling, turning their heads, they see two more of those same monsters with the arm blades. Hearing the sigh of March, Shirou turns to see her aiming her bow at them.
"These guys never give up." March says, but with slight excitement in her voice.
"They do seem persistent." Shirou adds on, but couldn't help but smile at the girls expression. "Do they have names or...?"
"Well these ones are called Voidranger: Reaver. We'll probably see more along the way." March answers. "I'll take the one on the right."
Nodding his head, Shirou gets immediately began to recklessly charge at the Reaver and blocked a downwards slash from the monster with Kanshou. He used the strength in his left arm to push and deflect the blade, causing the Reaver to move back a bit, leaving the body wide open. Shirou went in with a front strike with Bakuya, but the Reaver was lucky to be able to block the attack just in time with it's other arm blade.
The Reaver skid back a couple of feet because of the force of the attack, which surprised Shirou as he didn't remember himself being this strong. Using Reinforcement on his legs, he charged in once again, but this time at a faster speed, surprising the Reaver as it tried to block Shirou's attack, but the auburn haired boy was faster as he slashed both arms of the Reaver before jumping over it and beheading it from behind.
The same thing happened as the last Reaver that Match killed, a black hole appeared from the middle of its body and absorbed it in.
"That's a unique way to die." Shirou mutters.
If this was a human he was fighting, Shirou would've shown mercy and tried to talk it out from the beginning, and would never have fought with the intent to kill. But from what Shirou could gather, these were mindless creatures with the sole purpose of killing him and March, as wells anyone else on this ship.
"Nice work!" Shirou turns his head to see March walking to him. "I thought you said you weren't that strong." March asks with a playful tone of anger.
"But I'm not. All I can do is create swords." Shirou says, believing she was angry.
"Relax I'm kidding. And from what I saw - you weren't half bad." March smiles genuinely at him.
"Thanks." Shirou was wide eyed before he thanks her and smiles back.
They both then continued their walk and Shirou couldn't help but wonder what he's gotten himself into this time. Perhaps a proper chance for him to become a Hero of Justice? He isn't sure as he has still had many unanswered questions that no one will be able to give him.
2984 Words.
I guess I'm writing again.
I've been playing HSR for a week at least and have been loving it. Just yesterday I finished and am up to date, so now waiting for the next version to come out.
So I thought, while I'm waiting, why don't I write a fanfic on it. Emiya Shirou was the first to pop into my head.
I mostly got inspiration from TokyoMasaki 's book, it's the mc with the Solo Levelling System. Go check it out.
I did do an Emiya Shirou fanfic before but now that I look back on it, the he was really ooc and it made me cringe. That's why this Emiya Shirou won't be ooc and will be our usual naive, dense hero.
This isn't a harem by the way, (not sure how I would even do it) I haven't even give the romance a thought.
If you all want, I can do March 7th.
If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know.
I hope you liked the first chapter!